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Lippy's Corrado - BBQD :( :(

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Noooooooooooooo :( :(


I'll post a notice up on another large UK based forum mate.


Can't believe that, absolutely horrible.

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Mate, gutted. Not sure there's anything I could really do, but if you can think of something, let me know.

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Sorry to hear that mate, hope you find it untouched, I cant imagine what it would feel like.

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Feel for you man. If you need a scottish contingent to come and break some skulls I'm sure it could be arranged, just give the word.


Fingers crossed.


- Ross

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cheers for all the support guys, no news as yet


although RE: insurance, couple of interested points here


http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/p ... car-38.htm




http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/p ... r-cont.htm


all boils down whether I have been "reckless" by dropping my keys, or whether they will uphold on the basis that my car was locked and immobilised therefore "steps were taken to secure the vehicle".


It will be a hard work to win from the insurer, just need to hear from them and start a complaint procedure if necessary.


Worst thing is as I was chasing down the road all I can picture is thinking bloody hell that looks and sounds well nice :D

when people talk about cars with soul, the sense of loss I'm feeling basically sums up the soul of our cars, give me that over some rice anyday

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Just read yr post... really bad news.. I no how you must feel.. my aunt had her Cav GSI nicked when she had it brand new.. she saw it reverse of the driveway.. car did get recovered but never was the same.. simliar thing happended to my cousins & his S3..


hope it works out for you.. looked spot on with the new rims..

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What rotten luck. And they tell us car crime is going down in some parts!


Any political party that will be the toughest, or have the most constructive policy to stem the flow of crime by the parasites in our nation must get a mountain of votes from the public this time.

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Worst thing is as I was chasing down the road all I can picture is thinking bloody hell that looks and sounds well nice :D


so sad that you had to see what it looks like on the move in those circs. I'm amazed that you're joking about this - I know I would be at the other end of the 'laugh or cry' line. That or still :bad-words:


when people talk about cars with soul, the sense of loss I'm feeling basically sums up the soul of our cars, give me that over some rice anyday


I'm with you on that. Just thinking about what has happened to you makes me know exactly what you mean. fingers still crossed for you

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Gutted for you matey :(


I was one the verge of skinning someone alive when some valve caps were nicked. Can't even begin to imagine how you're feeling after this.


Hope you get some good news ....

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well, not good news... car was torched tuesday night.


totally gutted, but relieved to not be waiting weeks in the dark, wondering.


its a weird feeling - why i've not slept a wink since getting off the phone, its gone 2am!!!


dont think ill replace her with another, confidence of area is v.low - dont want to see another one driving off. imagine i'll have to look for a daily hack and put the extra toward a newer motor.


thanks for everyone who's posted / read. messages have been a big help. i'll keep u all posted Re: insurance, but i'll still be on the forum as always. thats what work is for ;)

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sorry to hear it. I've had a C stolen and written off and completely lost interest but slowly the bug came back and you know the rest...

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Tough on car crime...yeah right!!!! you get into more trouble for forgetting to tax or SORN your car than the scumbags who do sh*t like this!!

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Oh mate :( I'm absolutely devastated for you! I suppose in a way its better than getting it back having been thrashed to hell and back by some pikey piece of crap but this is not exactly the dream outcome.


Really don't know what to say other than i'm very sorry to hear about what happened. I hope the police manage to catch them.. low life pieces of $h1t.

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Aw mate. So sorry the f***ers burnt it out.

Suppose as you said though, the tiny silver lining is you're not waiting and waiting to find out what's goin on.

Had a car robbed and torched too. Know that sick feeling.


Hope the insurance comes through for you too mate. Good luck.

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Ah mate that is sooooo w@nk :(


Totally gutted for you, but as others have said its better to know what happened than to be sat there wondering.


So, so gutted for you....

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Tom, Gutted for you, esp after my "near miss".


Was anything knicked off of it? To me it seems strange that you get a new set of wheels and that night the car goes....

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Thats terrible news mate, totally gutted for you! It makes me so angry knowing that the w@nkers are still out there and will most probably do it again!!!! :mad:

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Just read this and can only repeat what others have said, totaly gutted for you.


I woke up to find a scumbag in my bedroom going through my jeans to find the keys to my rado a few years back , luckily they didn't manage to get away with it and threw the keys as they were chased off. There's nothing worse than having something stolen from you. :(


Hopefully you'll be back with another rado soon!

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