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Robrado's rado she is staying

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Well today i sorted the oil leak by replacing two rubber seals on the housing . Sorted the water leak [radiator sender ]. Thanks to chris for putting me new roof rubbers .Also sorted the leak that was coming from the gearbox seal. Another few things to tick off the list .

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Its been a while ,there are some nice polishin pics a few posts back .I have a problem of no spark atm , cleaned leads , new plugs , new dizzy cap and rotor arm . Thanks to rw1 im armed with the info to sort the coil if it is the coil. Main problem is i dont have a meter to test the coil . I have called many auto electricians but they are to busy or not interested . Today i got hold of someone with a vagcom who is an auto man but lives miles away . Hope to have the problem sorted on thursday if he turns up!. I hope it is not the coil and the amplifier as between them they add up to over £250.00 !. Could be the crank senser which is £48.00,or the dizzy itself which is obsolete now , but again thanks to rw1 who gave me a heads up on a place which refurbs yours with bosh parts for around £90.00 .Hope to get this sorted this week as the c is in me mates drive and need to get her home and in the garage ! regards Rob

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Thanks mate , really want her home now . How you doin ? have not seen you on here for ages .


Had a busy summer- bought the missus a Eunos Roadster (great fun to drive) then someone drove into it and wrote it off. So I then sourced a replacement. But also the parts to repair the first one. Now I need to get her re MOT'd and VIC checked --- I will then probably sell her OH and we had 3 weeks in Florida too

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Bummer bout the roadster mate , bet the holiday cheered you up a bit though. Well the c was vagcomed today and the part that has given me the problem is................the crank senser .Nothing else came up apart from the ecu but he said it was only coming up because it was not firing and they do that ?. So i rang tps for the senser, holy s!!t £98.00 !!. Hope this is the end of it now . regards rob

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cant you try another crank sensor from someone local (i think i've got a spare, but need to check) before forking out that much? I dont think the Crank sensor error shows up unless you have VAGCOM on when the car actually cuts out.

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Hi fla , have already got the part being delivered tommorow morning . I dont know much about the electrics on the c . As i said vagcom showed the fault code for the crank sensor ? . When i spoke to him he said they will not die straight away they work intermediately then finaly go . These were the symptoms i had , sometimes she would fire first turn of the key ,other times it would take 4-5 cranks to start.You could be right i really dont know ,thanks for the offer of your one mate . I will be fitting new one on sunday , hope she starts !. Regards rob

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I hope they knew the Engine Speed sensor code 00513 is present when the ignition is switched on and engine stopped.


Unlike more modern VW's its not surpressed in the fault memory until the engine has started or is turning rapidly on the starter. So until the engine is turning, the fault code is present but it does not necessarily mean the sensor is faulty unless they do the testing as below when using VCDS software.


It means they have to dynamically look for the code as VCDS does not refresh its fault code display page. That means not entering the VCDS fault code screen until the engine is cranking continuously. On entry to the VCDS fault code screen, VCDS will interrogate the ECU fault memory there and then.


They should have looked at the VCDS fault code screen once the engine has started cranking and not before the start of the cranking. If the code is not present, its OK.


If the code is present on entry to the VCDS fault code screen once the engine has started cranking, then the sensor has gone u/s.


This is the only way to analyse this fault code when there is a faulty engine speed sensor as ECU fault memory interrogation is not continuous, VCDS takes a frozen snapshot.



Edited by RW1

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Thanks for reply rw1 , have put up a new thread as she still wont start . He said it was tested properly . kind regards rob

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/Users/robinwhelan/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2011/11 Dec 2011/DSC00635.JPG

Edited by robrado974

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Well its been a while . Not long ago i had the chance of getting a beige interior from matt , thought it would go nice with the dbp. I like having the black door pods instead of the beige ones as well Big thanks to matt for offering it to me .










not the best pics as they were taken in the garage , thanks Rob

Edited by robrado974

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Yes it does , i had black before ,but was not sure bout beige . I saw the pics that people put up n thought yea this will look nice .

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very nice mate, the beige really goes well with the BROWN colour of the car lol only joking fella, yep matt has his uses lol


Yep, I make both your cars better.


Agreed with the others, the combo does look the business. All the swearing when fitting it was worth it.

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Thanks guys , chris you need to go to specsavers lol, Matt with all the time we have off we need to sort yours . Had a good night last night ,had to go when i did i would have fallen over otherwise lol. I recon a for more days work on robster n we will have him back in the seat of a rado .

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