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Nugget almost done! Well top bit anyway :)

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Gutted for you mate, hope you're ok though, thats the most important part.


Hope it all works out for you insurance wise too, i'm not envious of your position now.


At least you have other minty examples in the fleet to soften the blow, granted that's a small consolation, but better than none...

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Oh crap, really sorry to see this Paul but glad to hear you're ok.


Keep your chin up matey and let us know how the insurance respond.

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Sorry to here this news Paul. Hope the injury is not too bad.


Insurance..... look at this way when you get hold of their assessor.


4 ways:


1. They pay in full.

2. Go 50:50 with them.

3. You pay and make no claim (depends on what the old **** is doing with her damage).

4. It gets written off.


I was faced with the same 10 years ago with the Mk2 White Scirocco with a bent up right front corner.

Value of the car about £3k at the time Had a garage repair estimate in my hands for £2.7k by the time I saw the assessor.(Final repair was £2.75k).


What I did was discuss the above 4 options with the assessor in the car park. Told him it wasn't being written off and th eoption wasn't available, no way 4.. Showed determination that the Scirocco was going to be put back on the road. The following day I got a call on the answer machine..... "Due to your enthusiast's interest, I have informed the insurance company to repair the car wholly on the insurance policy".


The Scirocco is still alive and kicking 10 years later.



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I've found an internet connection as I've been pacing round my hotel room the last hour feeling sick.

felt like packing my bag and driving home but knew it wouldn't be a very sensible thing feeling like I do and 200 miles / 3+ hours is too much having driven down this morning.


At least I've seen the pics and know you guys are supporting Kip as best you can.

Sh*t, bu&&er and sh*t

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My condolences, let's hope it can be saved! As said already, the most important thing is that you weren't seriously hurt. Can't imagine what I'd do if the same happened to me....swearing my tits off at the lady driver would probably be first on the list!



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I'm gutted to hear about this Paul. It's a lovely car but I'm pleased to hear that you've got an agreed valuation on the car - that'll help a lot.


Firstly, I presume you've got all the woman's details but were there any witnesses? It should be cut and dried that it's her fault and hopefully she admitted liability at the scene. In terms of insurance, as you've got an agreed valuation then you can contact them and an assessor will come out, view the car and essentially give their opinion as to whether its repairable. If it is (which I think is a definite possibility based on what others have said) then it's likely to become a Category 'C' damaged car, but that doesn't matter, it will however require a VIC before going back on the road.


The next thing to do is to contact your insurance and let them know what's happened. Give them her details and her insurance company and let them do the rest. However be strong with them, do not let them take the car, don't send any of the vehicles paperwork to them and most importantly keep smiling. The enthusiast card is a good one to play and will hopefully ensure it'll be repaired rather than scrapped.


Good luck, and if that neck keeps giving you jip then get to the doctors. It looks like a fairly severe impact so some whiplash is likely. I don't like the whole 'claim culture' but if you're injured then some medical evidence will help if you decide to pursue a compensation claim at a later date (sad but true).


Chin up mate :)



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If there has been impact enough to seriously damage a car I have no issue with anyone claiming for the pain and discomfort they themselves will experiance.

And anyone who's been hit from behind will know that it bloody well hurts. And does so for days.

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If it is (which I think is a definite possibility based on what others have said) then it's likely to become a Category 'C' damaged car, but that doesn't matter, it will however require a VIC before going back on the road.



I thought it would only get a cat if it was written off

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Sorry to see this Paul, but glad you're mostly ok.


It's the third party's fault. Therefore if you want it repaired or written off it's up to you. What value you agreed with your insurance company has no influence at all. It's only if are claiming from your insurance company that the agreed value comes into it.

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holy poop, as has been said.....how do you not see an effin yellow car.....some people shouldnt be allowed on the roads.


I really feel for you man. nugget yellow is my favourite corrado colour......i bet you feel like your right arm has been cut off....


again, just be thankful that you are ok, at the end of the day friends and family are what count in this world.....the corrado comes a very close second though.


my advice, crack open a beer or two and drown your sorrows for tonight, things will always seem better in the morning (unless your on death row)


Plus if it can be repaired just think how mint your paint will then be.

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It's the third party's fault. Therefore if you want it repaired or written off it's up to you. What value you agreed with your insurance company has no influence at all. It's only if are claiming from your insurance company that the agreed value comes into it.


hmmmm interesting....."eerrrr yes, i would like it repaired please.............at Paynes Body Technik thats right" :norty:

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Kip - really sorry to hear the news, I know how much you'd craved a Nugget.


There may be something that can be done with it, if not there are other Nuggets out there - I'm a believer in everything happening for a reason and that everything works out for the best in the end

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as said in all the posts ,feel for you ,dont know what i would do without me c . as for the stupid mare who did it :censored: realy hope you can sort her .

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Absolutely gutted for you, Paul :( As others have said, really glad you're OK- looks like it took quite a hit...


Keep us all posted on the insurance developments.

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Ah mate, absolutely gutted for you. I know you take pride in all your cars and being in any accident is a horrible experience. As most have already said I hope you got all the daft bints details and now its time to fight to get it repaired, which I'm sure you want.


Its amazing she managed to miss a bright yellow car in her way but nothing surprises me when some people get behind the wheel these days.


I'm sure you'll keep us up to date, and hope it all gets sorted. Chin up.

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Hi all, thanks for all your comments and advise, just had a long chat with crazy dave and he seems to feel if the boot floor is ok as others have said too it could be repairable.


just had a good look at the boot does look in good shape so feeling a little better after seeing that.


Off to the doctors first thing as i'm now proper aching and i'm quite used to a bit of pain being a bikie so better get checked out :?

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Absolutley gutted for you Kip.. made me cringe!! makes me wanna take my C off the road and bubble wrap it!! as most have said, Its better that your still in one piece and your semi ok.. The car can be replaced. Its going to be a costly repair if the insurers give the go ahead but tha could all depend on how bad the boot floor is. it looks repairable. is there any damage to the drivers side rear quarter as well?


Try keep in high spirits, we all feel your pain!!

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No doubt she didn't see your bright yellow car because she was busy looking at her mobile !!! :mad2:


At least you are ok and that's what matters in the long run. Mind you looking at that dent she must have given you a hefty whack so I would be considering a visit to the docs in the morning if you have not been to A & E already. Whiplash hurts more the next day, speaking from experience.

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That is sh*t mate, i feel for you. Hopefully it'll be repairable. IF not, jus remember there are always others out there and at least you weren't injured too badly.

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Oh maaan. Im so sorry to hear this Kip and no its not sad to cry. Its not like the Corrado is some run of the mill car, ive been the same with my first corrado... absolutely gutted. Hope it can be saved fella!


Chin up!

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nightmare! hopefully something can be done with it, Im not sure id hold much hope though - as you said, time to find out how good your ins'co is..


would have a long soak and hot & cold compresses for the neck and get to docs asap.


at the end of the day though, no matter how attached you've become to the car, at least you're not majorly hurt and it wasn't the VR!!


Good luck with sorting it all.

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