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anyone used to own my old car ?? maybe a good sticky?

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I need some info on my current vr6 and was wondering if anyone had owend it or knew of anyone that had maybe had it in the past


My reg is l562 dkl i wanted to know if in the past it had had a remap ad there isnt alot of info with it


It would maybe be a good thread for those who have questions about there own cars

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What a good idea! Would be cool to hear from past owners! Good luck!


Mine is K548 XUD it has number plates made by 'THE PHIRM'

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I saw my old G60 on the M23 a few weeks back. I've always regretted letting that one get away. Was a solid car and hopefully still is.


The reg was K662 RFH. Blue G60 with Borbet A's.


My current white G60 is K766 BWL.

Edited by devilmatt

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Know mine was previously owned by a forum member, but he mentioned it may have had a few other forum member owners. It's a blue 95 VR. English reg was M290 WHJ

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Red G60. JIW 8188? Don't think anyone will own up to this one. I have had to fix a fair bit on her!

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Currently own - Green Pearl 2.0 16v, reg: L566 ULU. Obvoiusly very well loved at one point!

Previously owned - Candy White 2.0 16v, reg: M990 00H. I wish I never sold it.


Anybody know of any history of these two cars?

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Good idea this, I know mine has had homes around different parts of the country

L656 HFV - Storm Grey VR6

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  northG60 said:
is it stange to have a 6 diget plate?


Mine is J34 MNA


Not that strange, mine is M52 NGM, a Blackberry VR6.

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Mine is N757 YMO - Moonlight Blue unmolested VR6. Spent most of its life in England between the south coast and Birmingham - now in Scotland for the last 16 months. Been looked after, so previouis owners needn't be embarrassed.

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current red 16v G149 KOG


also previous nugget 16v H875 GJN, would love to hear who has this now (doubt previous owner would be on here as had been one family most its life if i remember correctly)

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Great! Mines K999 TRM


It's got a forum sticker on the back window from the previous owner! I think it was owned by a doctor from new!

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  Rich_T said:
I'll try mine-

Grey K499 FWA

Yellow H708 YNH

Blue L513 PAL


yes i have just sold your old yellow corrado h708 ynh it as gone from the midlands to scotland



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  g900 16v said:
yes i have just sold your old yellow corrado h708 ynh it as gone from the midlands to scotland




Mick, it's me thats bought it off you.

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My old one was M108 PWN. Foggystorm had it but sold it back in 2007 when he moved to Germany (Army). Anyone on here got it now? Green Storm

Edited by STORM 2

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Go on then - anyone owned mine? N824 AOB.


Been up and down the country from Watford to Birmingham to Bournemouth to Cannock...not going anywhere now though ;)

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Not holding out much hope....

H369 RHL red valver (been sorned for last 4 ish years when I've checked on dvla?)

L832 MMV Bordeaux pearl valver (vanished from dvla maybe 12 months back?)

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