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No Top Gear this Sunday

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I still get confused by the relationship between Top Gear and the BBC. I assumed Top Gear was independently produced and sold to the BBC but evidently not. Do the BBC still own some part of it?

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Jezza suspended for "a fracas" with a producer.


Was this the final, final, final straw?????


I bet 1/2 the English speaking world never heard of the word FRACAS before today!

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Not watched it for years, due to TG, can't stand the man. Shame as it was a good show.


Liking the idea of Chris Evans take over though

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Not watched it for years, due to TG, can't stand the man. Shame as it was a good show.


Liking the idea of Chris Evans take over though



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As much as it's kind of stale and I'm not a massive fan of Clarkson, it wouldn't be the same without him whoever they replace him with.


Got to laugh as well at the campaign to get him reinstated before anyone actually knows what he's done - he could have been caught setting fire to live kittens and throwing them at sick orphans for all anyone knows :lol:

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Top gear ?


But Wendy says she hasn't watched it for years because of TG.. I'm thinking she may have meant to put JC... :)

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Not a massive fan of Evans either tbh . As a radio host yes but not on tv . That was a classic when shaun rider was in TGIF , pure classic tv , wouldn't have a clue who I'd like on there if clarkson.goes , how about Mavis from the corner shop in coronation street ? Lol

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The BBC use topgear to direct attention away from their other misdemeanours. But the show itself is dying, their scripts are getting old and tired and extremely dumbed down and repetitive. Only good thing is the editing on the supercar features but it's main popularity comes from Clarkson.

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I still get confused by the relationship between Top Gear and the BBC. I assumed Top Gear was independently produced and sold to the BBC but evidently not. Do the BBC still own some part of it?


From what I've read, Clarkson has a 50% share in TG, but the BBC can choose whether or not to air it.


Frankly, it's absolutely pathetic of the BBC to punish every single license payer just because Clarkson and some other bloke had a punch up (allegedly). Big f'cking deal. Do they stop airing football matches because of a dirty tackle? Of course they don't. Someone high up in the Beeb obviously just doesn't like JC for whatever reason and looked for an excuse to pull the show.


More people like JC than don't like him and consequently there's a massive petition going on somewhere to reinstate the show.

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It's cutting your nose off to spite your face though... Top Gear makes them a load of money (apparently JC sold his share in Top Gear to the BBC in 2012, which is why they have so much control over the show now) and has hundreds of millions of fans. If he's a prima donna or a pain in the arse, surely he's worth the frustration to keep raking in the money and keep the fans happy?

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Yeah I just read on PistonHeads that he sold his share......and that he allegedly punched someone because there was no catering arrangements on the last show :lol:


Jesus wept, first world f'cking problems :roll:

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You have to remember that both JC and the producer are employees of the bbc, so any allegation of violence in the workplace would have to be acted on in order to protect not only the employees involved but also the employer.

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But Wendy says she hasn't watched it for years because of TG.. I'm thinking she may have meant to put JC... :)


Of course she meant JC !!!!

Just checking you all read posts !!!! :-)

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The petition is to reinstate JC with no - one knowing the full story.


I would be happier if it were to show the last 3 episodes of Top Gear and the petition was for this.

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