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Everything posted by -Neil-

  1. ok, ill drop car off wedneasday for you, haha.
  2. yeah i know i could do it myself, but being updise down for 3 hours in my footwell has really put me off it, ill have a look for some instructions and see if i can do it. If anyone else has any info ill be greatful!
  3. But i just cant be arsed, things never go right for me! I just want to get it sorted so it works. I have no idea what to do or where to start! just PM'd you mate
  4. I tried to fit new heater controls, and when i went to hook the cable around the top lever it broke, meaning i have to replace the big box behind the dash, ive no idea how to do it and been trying for 3 hours. I just want it fixed! So i'm willing to pay someone £100 to fix it for me! I dont know if the whole box has to be replaced as i think the bit where the lever is broken can be seperated from the top part. Is anyone willing to do this for me, I NEED YOUR HELP! Neil
  5. ive pm'ed him 2 days ago about an item i received and not had a reply so maybe he's away for a few days?
  6. i may try and get it removed at a garage, going to be so hard to do it on my drive! But why are all garages about a foot higher then the road, so u have to go up a steep concreet ramp to get in!
  7. from what i can see the sheild add another 2" under the car and thats why it catches all time!
  8. the wheels sometimes catch on the inner arch that goes above the wheel. and the CAT sheild catches, im looking to De-cat it. this is what you get in the kit... I got that and new front top mounts with bearings fot £505 delivered from G-werks.
  9. Mine is scraping like buggery now its lowered!
  10. got some more pics from today, washed, altered camber, fitted new fog light...
  11. what are these for and should they be cut or connected to something?
  12. some people form another forum have said in this pic, the rear wheel is in totally the wrong place, i put the coilovers on the last thred so i put it down to that... here is another, with the suspension raised.....
  13. LMAO Lippy, dont you mean http://www.raceandroad.com/ ???
  14. well managed to drill out the struts, all done now... http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... 843#633843
  15. Not sure why, but the right hand side of the pics have been cut off a little.. And gave my new Miltek a nice polish aswell :)
  16. not sure when it will be but ill try and go up this week, cani have a list of what ppl brought and how they paid and how much etc?
  17. I brought a sunroof off him, seemed an alright bloke. i live few roads away from him, i dont mind going to see if i can contact him. I know the car that he is breaking is in hillsborough in sheffield, not at his home address and he travels all over UK on business, he delivered the sunroof in his works van. My car aint of the road at mo but once it is, ill pop up and knock on his door and see whats going on.
  18. Went to change my suspention today, front top bolts were giving me greif, went and brought a swan neck spanner, still didnt work, they didn't want to budge. so did bottom bolts, easy, then did back that was done in half hour, then back to front bolts, spent 4 hours messaing about with them, then one of the strut tops (with alan key hole in) breaks, so spent 1 hour trying to drill it out, still not done, gone through 5 dremmel cuttnig discs and wont budge. and thats on ONE STRUT top!!!! I really hate changing things, i knew i'd run into some problem but it happens EVERY TIME!
  19. Wheel Arch Roller Price inc vat: £265.00 wow!!!!!!!!!!!! lets buy 10!
  20. so you've used new top mounts but same metal bits?
  21. recieved my toop mounts today, the bit im holding, does this go ontop of the strut and under the gold plate thing or should i get a new plate instead of using that one with the new mount? not sure how it goes.... and long should each strut take to do?
  22. I'm with adrian flux and im paying £450 TPFT and it would of been another £530 to add her on it, she's just turned 20, been driving for 1 year. So suprised to say im not going to be puttin her on it!
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