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Everything posted by -Neil-

  1. what does this water injection do?
  2. let me know how u get on as i have the same problem.
  3. Ive already got neons, including the exhaust neon, nowt wrong with them!
  4. daves16v, le tme know how you get on with yours!
  5. No one got any help on this? and eys i have done a search and found the thing to replace the cables but im unsure if it is the cables or even if i have put it in right!
  6. So today i thought i know, ill fit my new glass sunroof to my car, Went to change one whole mechanisim for another i got with the glass already in it, and the motors were different, so i thought, ill replace the glass, only 4 screws, changed it, put it back in car, it made a funny noise, and now it doesnt slide or move, took it out, had a look, manually moved it and now one side moves out of sync from the other, TYPICAL! all i wanted to bloody do was change it! I'M CURSED!
  7. -Neil-

    Lost Wiper

    Its happend to my mate.
  8. I brought what i beleieved was a Corrado mechanism with passat clear sunroof glass in, the one i brought had a BLACK pull shade thingy and there motors were different, mine looked like this... and the other one didn't, it was smaller with a 3 pin plug on it?? So what i did was removed the glass from the mechanisim i brought and put it on my orignal mechanism, and put the pull shade thing on it too, but the rain gutter that should slide forwards and backwards wouldn't sit on my mechanisim proppery and kept moving about when the glass moved it backwards and forwards. And then finally whilest i was using the switch to slide it forward and backward it clicked loudly and now the sunroof does move propperly, its like one side moves a tad before the other side making it scew-if. What can i do about the sides of the glass moving at different times and also the rain gutter that just wont sit propperly? Please help!
  9. I have them and they DO look plasticy and they DO look fake, i dont like them! I got them off ebay and they dont even fit right!
  10. Im sure it should only come on when i open the boot? Any possible causes for this?
  11. the way i look at it is that, If i have a crash and its my own fault, then i will have to pay the excess and whatever it takes to fix it as it was my own fault, but i have been thinking of fully comp but just so expencive!
  12. Got a letter today from adrian flux with my insurance renewal quote, mine ends this month. They gave me a quote of £592 TPFT So i phoned up and said i had a quote for £530 from somewhere else (which wasn't totaly true) The guy went away and came back with £525 (what a suprise just under my 'other' quote) So i was happy, so i thought id try something else, i went online as a new customer and put all my details in, and got a quote of £475, so i emailed them saying i got a quote for '£457' from somewhere else, they replied with £450, so in total i have saved £142 in my insurance just by hunting around (with the same company!) shows how good renewal quotes are! My dad did the EXACT same thing with norwich union! Neil
  13. At somepoint my car got broken into before i brough it and they have replaced the barrel, but cut all the wires under the dash and joined them together, what can i do about this, does the loom go to one point or all over the car or to fusebox? Or will i have to live with it?
  14. Ignore how dirty the car is, and admire the sexy speedlines!
  15. its quite funny this thread, because when looking for a new car was torn between a calibra or corrado, i made the right choice.
  16. how would you like a new wiring harness for your digi dash? i brought this ages ago but never fitted it. Its for the Astra GTE digi dash. Got the transducer pulse sender on it too... Neil
  17. where are the pics of the pot hole!
  18. -Neil-

    Door drop

    ask jason, im sure he has in his old age.
  19. -Neil-


    i have the same problem. Its caused obviously buy someone trying to steal the car. What im doing it getting passat rear door handles for the doors and removing the boot lock and just having one key for the ignition.
  20. Basically does anyone know anything about them both?
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