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Everything posted by -Neil-

  1. yeah thats what i think i might do, another thing thats making me think to do that is that the tyres are got are as good as new.
  2. fireworks were on credit card so i couldnt of spent it on alloys neways.. plus i went to casino last nyt and won £85 for firework were free now!
  3. yeah but i dont wanna stress the standard shocks too much? and to be honest i cant really afford another £400 for alloys.
  4. My tyres go down, every two weeks i have to pump them up. I have had them checked for punches and havent got any nails or anything, even had one of the tyres off and i wire-brushed and cleaned the inside of the alloy myself it still goes down. So for xmas my parents have said they'd give me £100 toward getting them re-frubed, sand blasted, and looking like new. Should i do this or save and buy some 17's? I cant afford to lower my car so maybe it'd look silly with 17s and never lowered? Anyone got any ideas?
  5. Before... After... Before.... after...
  6. Got a few pics, mainly of corrados and few of overall meet. Was my first meet with SYD and must say i was VERY impressed! Loads of nice people there and some VERY nice cars! Nice to meet some new people and Andy (g60greeny off here), altho tried to find you to have a chat and couldn't find you! Neil
  7. Ok so i started, overall it turned out ok, shiney and smooth, went for the megs 3 step stage, on a very tight budget. Only done the bonnet and tried to get some pics with the wings in as you can see how they have MO shine what so ever! here's some pics, really really bad light so i appologise for that!
  8. I'm having a few problems with my car and i was wondering if its normal for my car to whistle (whine) when i accelerate? Usual happens around 2000 revs ish.
  9. nice one, think i'll go and buy them 2morow!
  10. which step do you mean, the 3 thing i get with the megs thing is.. when i said wash i meant normal shampoo water wash. then do this... STEP 1 - Deep Crystal Paint Cleaner - This amazing, nonabrasive cleaner safely removes contaminants, light oxidation, light scratches and swirls to restore damaged and dull finishes. This easy to use formula uses advanced technology to prepare all paint finishes for polishing and waxing. STEP 2 – Deep Crystal Polish - This product is not a wax and doesn’t cut – it is a pure polish that conditions and nourishes the paint and is the secret to creating an awesome, deep, wet-look shine. STEP 3 - Deep Crystal Carnauba Wax - This is the ideal product to protect the dazzling finish you created in the previous step. This formula delivers tough, long-lasting Carnauba wax protection on all paints surely that'll help it?
  11. ok think i've got another idea, what about 1) wash car 2) G3 3) wash car 4) use megs 3 step cleaning kit as thats got the wax i need for the end job anyway?
  12. ok, think ive got my final choice... 1) machined G3: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... %3AIT&rd=1 2) Meguires goldclass 3) CARNAUBA wax: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AUTOSMART-CARNAUB ... dZViewItem should i aplies all of these with the machine?
  13. lol tell me about it, im still unsure what to buy!
  14. what do poeple think of 1) G3 compound 2) Autoglym super resin 3) carnauba paste wax ????
  15. any links to website would be great if u have any?
  16. does anyone have any good info websites for advice on buying an old beetle that i can print off for my mate. Got about £750 to spend on an old herbie stlye one. Just wanting something to print off.
  17. -Neil-

    VR KNOCK Sensor

    I have problems that sometimes when setting off from junctions or driving along and the car is underload, when i put my foot down, the engine dies, completely, no power and the engine stops, car still rolls tho, and the suddenly, the engine will cut back in, once i did pull over and the engine just reved up and down to near stalling point, then caught itself and came back then nearly cut out again, i pressed the throttle but that didnt help or change it doing what it was doing. Would this be the same thing?
  18. found this G3 stuff for a tenner, would it do.. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Farecla-G3-Regula ... dZViewItem
  19. what do you think of this.... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MEGUIARS-3-Step-D ... dZViewItem
  20. well it has no shine to it what so ever, you cant see your own reflection in it or anything. and its VERY rough to the touch. Its been stood for a year in the elements.
  21. I think i may do the same, as im using a machine to do the work i dont want anything thats goning to be too hard.
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