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Posts posted by Andi

  1. No phone can barr specific numbers from calling you - equally, no network can either.


    07089 is not a premium rate number, therefore you have been charged wrong. Take it up with your Service Provider as it is a breach of the pricing of 070 numbers and incoming calls set out by OFCOM/OFTEL.


    Only 70p, but as you say, 70p you shouldn't have to pay.


    Equally, alerting them to it will trigger an investigation if others are being cheated like this.

  2. It's legal in the US...


    And in the US you can't cross the road when a few hundred metres from a pedestrian crossing.


    And on my way to work, I come across Mum's walking their 3 children down the middle of the road waiting for a gap to continue crossing the road.


    For once, I'm with the US on both counts!

  3. Drive right up there arse with lights off then put every front facing light on them when ur almost touching there bumper!



    Err no. 'Cos you'll get the blame if involved in an accident for not leaving enough braking distance.


    And "dazzling" other road users is just as bad too.


    In the end - if they didn't hog the middle lane, they wouldn't cause all these other problems... so as you say - chicken 'n' egg!

  4. I was thinking this very thought on the way home, due to the fact I had to undertake someone who refused to move out of the right lane of a dual-carriageway, doing 20mph below the speed limit on a perfectly clear evening.


    If my knowledge of the highway code is right, does it not advise you to move over as soon as possible, and yet never undertake?


    Which would put the bias on the undertaker being more in the wrong. Annoyingly.

  5. Loom is a definate yes anyway, an extra 2 volts is good :)


    Combined, to be honest I can't really remember what the old ones where like.. hehe... I'd say they're actually the same as normal lights + loom.


    Though I have protectors over the front, which I think refracts some of the light and makes them a bit less efficient. So without they'd be better...


    If that makes any sense! :lol:

    Basically, they aren't as fantastic as I'd hope they'd be but:

    a) I have cheap 100watt bulbs in there (I got 3 pairs for £8 for christ's sake!)

    b) the headlamp protectors give the lights an extra surface to shine on/through which doesn't help.


    But after all that waffling.... better than the originals in my book!

  6. Forum discount would be good ;) anyone got "Johns" email?


    If you are a "THE Corrado Forum" member (which funnily enough, you all are!) with either Brentacre or HIC, you will be given a discount. Just mention the forum during your quote.


    John @ Brentacre doesn't have email - the company doesn't even have a website!

  7. You realise if its not in the windscreen, you loose the Laser detection part of it for speed traps?


    Other than that, under the ashtray might work, but the LCD isn't good at angles, so you probably couldn't read it if mounted straight, it would have to be angled to the driver. And of course get a external GPS aerial add-on.


    Personally, I have my slap-bang in the middle of the screen as low down as possible (so it rests on the dash) and just leave it there... Enough people have them now to warrant them to be less nickable. Plus I have tinted windows which help hide stuff ;)

  8. You don't need to leave - just find a suitable thread that is already discussing the very common problem and continue it!


    If we all started new threads for every single common fault on the C, there would be millions on threads on here!


    Locked, again.

  9. I was with Adrian Flux for 2 years, as they drastically under-quoted everyone else, but the people you talk to at AF seem rather dense, they love sending letters that seem to take 3 weeks to get to you, they also like 10-page forms to declare your mods, and as the site says - mind the small print.


    Was fine to keep me legal, but I've heard nothing but bad things when claims are put through.


    I also agree with the cancelling problem on the SXOC site - its like they don't believe you when you want to leave! I don't do DD or loans for my insurance though - I always pay the year up in full - so they couldn't get any money out of me.


    After ringing to get my no claims discount, and confirming I was leaving, after about 3 threatening letters (along with my no claims and 'thank you for your custom' letter!) they finally got the idea.


    Think they need some better letter-monkeys!


    With Brentacre now. Will gladly undercut AF, allow mods, clued-up, protected no claims, business class 1 insurance for free... s'all good!

  10. Personally I mount my PDA sideways in the cubby underneath the ashtray and the Road Angel (which also provide GPS signal to the PDA for TomTom) is so low on the screen, the only thing it obscures is me looking at my bonnet.


    Unless you're a short-arse, mind...


    I hardly ever look at the PDA. Joanna Lumney guides me perfectly (darling).

    If I do, it's only a glance. Just like when I adjust my Climatronic. Best get rid of that in case I crash too.... :roll:


    If I use Jen's Fiesta, I don't even bother mounting the PDA - just bung it in the glove box on full volume. Kinda funny have the glove box give you directions, but it's better than the Mrs!



    Saying that, I have seem some stupid-arse placements for TomToms used, whilst on the road. Mostly Ford drivers. Top-right hand corner of the screen in one Focus. Surely they head-butt it getting out?

  11. Jumping on this a bit late, but hey, who cares, my forum :)


    S2000: slower than a VR

    VX220: get the Turbo, or don't bother.

    S3: Not really a weekend toy is it?

    Chimaera: probably the best out of your list


    And to those luuurving the Tuscan - don't bother. Most Tuscan owners get on very well with their dealer for a good reason - they're there all the time. Friend of mine had an S for 1.5 years - was on its third engine by 20k miles. Went back to Blackpool no less than 5 times IIRC!


    You could get a Mk1 VXR Monaro for 14k at a push...Not as good as the Mk2, but would be my choice for some fun!

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