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Posts posted by Andi

  1. The UK is pretty pathetic...


    Bit of snow and report of snow drifts, and motorways closed..

    Bit of rain, and we flood. Motorways close.

    Bit of sun, and the tarmac peels off. Motorways close for resurfacing.


    And we're ripped off majorly on car tax, fuel tax, congestion tax.... *sigh*

  2. They all have a lot explained to them when taking their tests - doesn't mean they listen though.


    Tail-gaters, excessive speeders, parking, you name it...

    These people do it every day and can't remember. What's the chance of them remembering for the 3 days a year we get snow?

  3. I still remember a couple of winters ago, taking about 30 mins to get up my road (normally a 30 second drive!) and at one point, getting out of the car, whilst it was still in 1st, and chatting to someone, holding onto the door, whilst the front wheels span on idle in 1st ;)


    S'all fun! :D

  4. Was loving the roof of the car park this morning.


    Also offered to move my boss's MkV TDI.


    Excellent sideways hand-brake action!


    The MkV's ABS is very impressive in the snow. Puts the C to shame - which just does nothing!! (Disabled mine for winter!)


    RWD's are a lot worse in the snow. Especially with viscous diffs. 3-point turns end up being 21-point turns, as the car goes sideways at slow speed!

  5. I agree with Christ, erm, I mean Chris (same birthday, I get confused) here.


    I have the carbon plates, without the background, and its a nice subtle mod that takes people a few looks to notice, then when they do its always an 'Ooh'.


    I have a closeup imae in my album. The electrical tape is hiding what was written on the plate (another optional extra) as it got half cut-off by the corrado-forum.net plate holder.

  6. Don't think you actually need reverse lights for the MoT.

    My g/f's Fiesta got through one a couple of months ago without 'em.


    I thought you needed 'em too, but the guy was insistant it wasn't required.....


    P.S. Most likely the switch on the gearbox. Discussed many times, try the search.

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