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Everything posted by Andi

  1. Andi


    Surely it'll be more of a BL60 now then... ;)
  2. Andi


    Might pop into MG Rover on my way to work tomorrow and see if there's any cars for a fiver yet... ;)
  3. ...continued from the other thread. Reply in here please!
  4. Due to some strange reason, page 24 doesn't work...... So continue the thread in here please: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... 379#242379
  5. Patience, and very slowly! Peel the backing off at a sharp angle to the masking tape - leaving the letters stuck on the masking tape of course. You have to attack each letter at a time, and slowly!! It is possible! I've fitted about 30 of these now and only screwed up 2 - and that was through rushing ;) It might help if you have a scalpel to gently separate the backing from the sticker - 'cos some of them do come off all in one sometimes....
  6. Yes, very BAD lighting (one weedy bulb serves all three dials via a very inefficient light-guiding-plastic-thingy, but yeah, they do illuminate :)
  7. Or, as DM's car looks a new shape... Pull off centre heater dial, remove bulb enclosure, there's the bulb ;) Take to Maplins and they'll find a suitable replacement. And your mileage display could be a blown bulb, or a dodgy connection. You'll have to pull out the speedo binnacle (instructions in the DDI dials thread I think) and its a simple screw-cap to remove to get to the bulb. Might just be loose though.
  8. May I be so bold but to suggest...... "tinting spray"? Available from all good Hellfrauds in a pelothora of colours.
  9. Thermal fuse has gone. Use the search ;) 40p to fix.
  10. I met the Caterham 7 'test pilot' today. She is 18 and is competing in a couple of UK championships this year... :shock: If Caterham 7 pay her to drive their cars every day, I'm sure she can beat any of us! She also gets through her driving trainers every 2 months. She wears out the ball of the left sole mostly apparently! She's also rather fit, too. Jen, you didn't just read that. You're halincinating. I love you. lol
  11. Plus if said laydee is now of the forum 'cos I gave her the address... Hiya :oops:
  12. I was talking with a customer yesterday about life, jobs, etc.. Got round to cars, she was just looking for a new one. "So what do you drive at the moment?" "Oh, you probably don't know it, a Corrado Storm?" "No shit, I run THE Corrado Forum..." Don't worry - she's not selling it. Will be her 2nd car to her brand new Merc :roll: Minted divorcee who was a bit of a milf, plus a C owner. 8)
  13. If its any consolation - they do pay out. Friend of mine scuffed (not damaged like yours) his chrome 17s on a pot hole. Bought a whole new set with the money the council gave him ;) It's wise to be generous with the truth :)
  14. Except on the video - drives past lights on - jumps, lights off Still cool though ;)
  15. Daz, you missed a bit................. ;)
  16. I have the Davia system in my VR, and I'm sure it is a standard blower motor - nothing special. I'm still using it now, even though I have Passat Climate Control too...
  17. RW1, http://www.bbc.co.uk/cgi-perl/h2/h2.cgi ... houserules It's that simple.I don't see why a huge corporation which has a massive message board which receives 2000+ posts an hour and has a moderation team of 8 - yes only 8, would have a problem? That is an OPEN board. Anyone can post on it. I'm proposing a controlled forum, where only members of the CCGB are allowed to post. If your account isn't enabled as a CCGB member, you cannot even see the forum - it can be that simple. And membership of this group can be controlled by an individual who has access to current membership status - Vicky could even control it via email if you so wished. Then surely all you've got to worry about is your paid-up members in your own controlled environment. If someone does misbehave - you have their name and address and car details - hardly scary stuff is it. Then of course you can have your own, hand-picked Moderation team to clean up the mess for you. Simple. All with one-click access to a huge host of information, galleries and unpaid volunteers given to you on a shiney platter. You know the massive pit-falls in Royal Mail. Send emails to those who can receive them then. Cutting costs down and taking far less time. And for your information, I will be putting these details forward to be included in the AGM.
  18. Halfrauds sell ducting - or I got it for about half the price from my local motorfactors.
  19. "I'd buy that for a dollar!" Sorry, Google's version of 'Hands Up'. ;) My next car will be when I'm loaded a mentalist over-powered Audi with 5 seats so the missus can get all our kids in :)
  20. Hallejeuja! Google Image Search has a lot to answer for ;)
  21. Since I've been mentionned enough times in the past few posts I may as well make an appearance. I have no problem with the CCGB. I get on very well with John aka corozin but as a club member - I am disgruntled, and here's why: My ideas are ignored or snubbed. This forum was created as "The CCGB Online Forum". I received praise from CCGB members, but a threat of legal action from the committee as they were unhappy with ideas being on an open forum. I also received abusive emails telling me I had no idea what I was doing. At the time I was (and still am) a Moderator on the BBCi forums. That's a group of forums which receive 2000+ posts an hour. Yet I didn't have a clue about a Corrado Forum. Thanks. So it became THE Corrado Forum, and on my merry way I went. My help is taken, then slapped in my face. I offered to become the Webmaster for the CCGB and started about revamping the then 3+ year old website maintained by Guy Hartley - WITH HIS HELP. I then start to receive more rude and abusive emails about how I'm not doing it right - why don't I do this - how come you got the job - from... a disgrunted web designer who didn't put his name forward. I was half-pushed, so he was hardly bothered. I thenrequested the domain is moved cheaply and securely to a new provider over and over again. Ignored. Domain lost. Cue more abusive emails to me. Thanks. Resigned from the position - it was causing stress in my relationship at the time and affecting my sleep - all for a favour I was doing. Then sent off my £15 to join the club as a normal member. Sent off the next £15 too. Received 3 Sprinters in 2.5 years of membership. 2 lost in post. Requested more. Never turned up. Ok, the club's had problems - I'm aware of this. Money is short - I'm aware of that too. But the club was very quiet over the last financial year and I receive a letter offering a discount of £7.50 on my next year's sub. Hardly inspiring stuff that wants me to send more is it? P.S. No stamp on the letter - had to pay the postman. So that brings us to now. The CCGB is suffering terribly from a communications break-down. You're not able to ask any questions or get any answers anymore. The club is not allowed to use the eGroup for discussions as it is against the T&Cs on Yahoo so that ends up being letters - cost money when sent to 600+ people, or the internet. I can't believe they can be so disjointed from the 'net. You can go online on high streets, at work, school, library, and around 70+% of people have it in their homes. Yet we're stuck in a communications melt-down where no one can talk directly to someone in the know. Which causes situations like this. Agreed, the Internet is not a good place to voice personal opinions if you type in a colloquial manner - sarcasm is my downfall in that no-one else seems to get it online ;) I'm a right sarcastic bastard - but it can, and is, overly misconstrued. Now I don't believe the CCGB creating their own forum is a viable option. Two Corrado-only forums will be a waste, and won't get us anywhere. However, I am more than happy to have a CCGB section on this site. They are welcome to a club-speak mini-forum - it can even be protected so only CCGB members can access it if required. Then Corrado owners can benefit from two resources in one place. Would certainly bring an end to CCGB v CF if they were both accessable from one site. At the end of the day its not the committee or Server Admins that need to come out of this on top - its the Corrado owners who need to benefit from the experience and knowledge of others for our wonderful cars. So glad you enjoyed the recent group-buy on the Audioscape Sub Enclosure, Alex.
  22. "Give us £15 (or £7.50) and we'll tell you what happened." Now why didn't I think of that...
  23. PSI is just that - lbs (pounds) per SQUARE inch. It is an average across the whole tyre - whether it contains 1 litre of cubic capacity or 100 litres. It doesn't matter on the size, shape, depth, width - you should still run the same PSI as spec. Put it this way - what's heavier? - a tonne of bricks - a tonne of feathers
  24. With the engine running - you should get >13.5V accross the battery terminals. Ignore any internal guages, they may be too far down the electrical line to give a proper reading. Any less than this and I would check your alternator and its wiring. Turn everything else off when doing the volt check ;) As for PowerCaps - these are meant to delivery smooth power to a subwoofer amp instead of it draining the alternator and dimming your lights everytime the bass booms out.
  25. Blue 16v could do with some of that too... Oh hang on... ;) http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... highlight=
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