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Everything posted by lukeage

  1. If there is no or little OIL in there the tappets will be making a right old noise. A top up to the correct level will quieten them down.
  2. This would be a good one for the knowledge base. First thing a lot of people want to do when they join the forum is lower there newly acquired 4x4 and / or swap out all of the other related components still on from when it was new. A couple of others to add to the list: Bumpstops, Top mounts.
  3. Its just a sh1t time for anyone trying to sell a second hand car now. I have heard of a few poor owners havin to break there cars to try to get some cash out of the all the work put in Its the same for new cars as well - they are depreciating quicker then ever at the moment. I am sure there must be a trickle down from the new sales end to the secondhand market. All in all my car does not make much financial sense (i bought it at the peak just before the slide), i am still paying off the loan for it and watch prices slide everyday. But then i bought it with my heart and not my noggle. So when i look at it sitting so posied and take it out for a growl - its my heart that glows and not the maths in my head. Still back to the topic £400 notes - that is nuts!
  4. and at 860 grand money would be no object.
  5. Retro style : Ford Capri 28i Current: Fiat Coupe 2.0: EDIT: Doh! deleted the vag car
  6. Здравствуйте! I think i need your mask!
  7. lukeage


    GIXXERUK - nice one, often wondered if i could undertake the above. Did you have someone else with you?
  8. I really like that - lovely colour!
  9. Went past NickVR6 (i am sure it was you) at about 8:30pm this morning on the M40. I was heading towards oxford (stealth) where I saw another 4 rado's, but i am not sure that counts.
  10. I never heard of them being heated - but they must be. I need to get the motors fixed so i can change the angels first :)
  11. Quality mate!!! Please get a pic. My first car was a robin reliant - it was the only car you could drive on a provisional license at 16 years old (as long as you disabled the reverse gear IIRC). This was 86 so may have changed since then. An old guy down the road gave me it. Was easy to work on, no need for a jack or axel stands, just lift up the front and kick a plastic milk bottle crate under the axel and drop it down again :)
  12. There are some to chuckle at - i just seen an mondeo with a chicken wire grille at the petrol station. We also have a local lad who has gone for the alien vs predator look on his pug.
  13. Excellant - stan is no doubt driving around with a big grin and to busy to post here for awhile. Great stuff!
  14. lukeage

    VR6 Badges

    Oh and if and when you get your grill badge JB weld the sucker on, as toe rags love nicking em.
  15. lukeage

    VR6 Badges

    If you decide to go with silver I have a spare back badge you can use (only if its going on your car though). kevhaywire gave it to me so its only right i pass it on in the spirit of the forum. Just PM me and i will post it to you. For the front badge don't go with a lot of the ones on ebay. There are a lot of monkeys on there who advertise a front golf VR6 badge, which is way bigger then the corrado badge and does not fit the grille. EDIT: VR6 back badge, not the corrado one (although i think you can still get the'corrado' badge from VW or GSF).
  16. Go for it, that is going to be one wide muther! Looking at your second pic made me think how good the rado looks without the inside back light sections.
  17. Great stuff - back to all its former glory, what a stunner.
  18. lukeage


    Cheers Guys! stone chipped already :( I think it was worth colour coding all of it, makes all the difference.
  19. lukeage


    Got the JOM grille on at last and I can't believe the hassle I had over something i thought would be quite easy. Word of warning: If anyone buys one sling the glue htey include right in the bin. It is like road tar and would not stick anything together, get it on your hands and they are staying that way until you shed a layer of skin. To top it all managed to drop it on one corner, so i had to cut the other corner so it look even. The bloody thing would not fit as well - so i had to sit there with a fan heater getting all into place. It still has a really slight kink so no doubt next week i will have the thing off and try and straighten it out a bit.
  20. :) Looking great paul!! One of my fave storms, mint and OEM. A day like today and it seems i were'nt the only one out washing and waxing - I agree roll on summer!!
  21. Second sounds like a better buy, but your the man who has seen them, so you will have the best idea. I would check out the warranty with fine tooth comb though, some of them don't hold out that well and have a few loopholes.
  22. A bugatti veyron as daily drive to work and keep the C for the weekend.
  23. lukeage


    conleycrew3 easy boy:
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