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Everything posted by Andy665

  1. My Aqua Blue G60 was fully polybushed when I bought it, it was very taut but was not particularly comfortable and the back end was prone to lift off oversteer - the Nugget handles just as well and is a damned sight more comfortable with OE bushes
  2. Cheesewire - I'm a Northerner and therefore can't resist a bargain, only need two, the others will go in a box and be used as when the others get lost / broken etc
  3. Must admit to buying another half dozen this afternoon.
  4. Got to disagree on this one - I know many brand new stretches of road that had speed cameras placed on them from day one, that can be for one of only two reasons: 1. To raise revenue 2. The road was poorly designed in the first place
  5. Aqua G60 - I agree totally with what you're saying. I observe 20, 30, 40 limits etc absolutely, only time I exceed the speed limit is on the motorway when conditions make it safe to do so - if I was caught I would not bleat about it, I would accept that I was breaking the law and I would suffer the consequences. Why can't the police / government use the money it raises through these methods being directly fed back into education / training of drivers to really ram the message home, taking money out of peoples pockets is not the same as showing people the error of their ways and the possible consequences to themselves and innocent people around them. I do not believe it is as simple as "excess speed" kills people, I have been on the motorway in appalling weather conditions where travelling at the legal limit is madness but countless people still do - IMHO its inappropriate speed that kills Tactics like the horsebox, or indeed any speed camera do not catch the huge number of poor drivers that may stick within the speed limits. Driving in excess of 1,000 miles per week as I do, I would say that the majority of poor / dangerous driving that I have witnessed in recent months has, in the main, not had speed involved - mainly poor awareness of what is going on around them, poor lane discipline etc etc
  6. Surely having marked police cars to prevent speeding is far more effective in reducing speeding and helping to prevent speed related accidents than merely catching speeders. So blindingly obvious that its all about generating revenue - they don't give a damn about accident prevention - this policy makes me sick - I'm a law abiding person but the police are losing all of my respect
  7. After driving it over the last couple of days I'm struggling to believe how uneconomical it is. Wife picked it up with a full tank and drove it from Oxford to home just outside Telford then its been to Solihull and back - probably 250 miles max - cost me £82.00 to fill up - just worked out that its averaged just over 14mpg and its not been driven stupidly
  8. Just checked and on the label they have a little green label with 21 in the middle and PAP just below. One of mine is full of Megs APC diluted 1:4 and its not burned through yet :D
  9. 2 litre pump action sprayer - ideal for wheel cleaning products and Megs APC etc. £2.50 each in the gardenning section - ended up buying half a dozen
  10. Not nice seeing the trip computer not being able to read more than 14mpg :D
  11. It has confirmed to me that I would not have one - very small inside but the engine / gearbox combination is fabulous, the six speed ZF autobox is unbelievably smooth and it hangs on pretty well round corners. Nice noise from the charger as well :D
  12. My better half never ceases to amaze me, last year it was an Aston Vantage for the weekend and a MK2 Escort rally day, arrived home this afternnon to find a RR Sport for me parked outside - mine until Monday. No real reason, just wanted to treat me and as we have a wedding to attend tomorrow she decided to go for something practical. I'm not a fan / lover of big 4x4's at all but this thing is stunning, something so big has no right to be as fast as it is - also handles amazingly well.
  13. If its a Milltek you want give John Mitchell a call on 07974 020031. He is a Milltek agent and will get a system out to you quickly and at a good price - great aftersales service too
  14. Sonicriot13 - spot on with the designer, Luc Donckerwolke, Seats Design Director, also did the Audi R8 Le Mans car. He replaced my favourite modern designer, Walter Da Silva who is now head of Group Design. Da Silva made his name at Alfa Romeo, being responsible for the last GTV / Spider and 156 (anyone seen the resemblance to the current Ibiza / Leon rear lights to the 156) Most experts reckon the Bocanegra will make production with little in the way of changes, the front end will stay (apart from the black highlighting), the exhaust will be toned down and the wheels will be smaller - nice to see Seat getting back on track styling wise
  15. skinnyman9000 - I couldn't agree more. Surely manufacturers must realise that the seriously watered down production versions of concept cars, no matter how good looking they are, will always seem like a let down after teh concept version, lost count of the number of cars that have disappointed me because of this; RR Sport, Scirocco, StreetKa, Jaguar XF etc etc At least Aston Martins, Rolls-Royces and the Alfa 8C have appeared in virtually identical form to the concepts so it can be done :D
  16. The front end of the Hyundai is very Lexus IS250'ish - I don't "get" the kink in the window line at all either. Definitely a coupe though :D
  17. Agreed that it will probably be a really good car to drive and a good ownership proposition but the frustration for me is that it could be so much more - I wish that Volkswagen had half the design guts of the Bangle era BMW or Quement era Renault. Whilst I don't rate the Megane, it proves that taking a design risk can pay off commercially, Volkswagen seems paralysed by fear in terms of design, much more so than any other big manufacturer
  18. Sonicriot13 - rear headrests are indeed important nowadays - they do many things but can't quite manage the feat of turning a hatchback into a coupe :D
  19. Andy665

    Engine Bay Clean

    Did it with mine yesterday, kept the engine running whilst I did it and allowed it to tickover afterwards until everything had dried out - no problems at all. My engine wasn't that dirty but I'd probably advise that you use either neat APC or a degreaser if its really dirty
  20. I bought them because my fogs and indicators were all looking pretty tired and it worked out cheaper to buy the In Pros - just made sure I put Lamin-X on them when I fitted them to minimise risk of broken lenses
  21. If I was running a Corrado on a regular basis I'd stick with standard purely because you can replace just one item if a lense cracks. I've got the In Pros and would not be best pleased at having to replace all the lights due to unavailability of lenses
  22. If its Vintage about £1800 a pot, or I believe Royale is now about £7000 per pot. I had the other halfs Bora done with Vintage last year and the finish was simply stunning
  23. A1 VR6 - the Blue Velvet hard wax adds durability to the initial finish and just puts a different slant to the finish. I've tried different combinations and its quite interesting to see the different effects, current got the Double Wax (hard followed by soft wax) followed by a layer of Banana Armour and then a layer of Orange Crush
  24. Results after todays race 1 RIGHTLINE Mr Line 136 2 DAIMATT Mr Wilde 135 3 SHEEETSPEEEED Mr Kennedy 132 4 MINCYS HEROES Mr Cole 125 5 THE MONOTONES Mr Owen 125 6 THE HUB Mr McCurry 122 7 BEN16V Mr Pegler 121 8 BEEP BEEP VROOOOOM! Mr Wood 115 9 FORCE VR6 Mr Smart 112 10 SONIC08 Miss Elliman 112 11 TEAM SCIROCCORRADO Mr Bromley 110 12 FINAL STORM Mr Beddows 83 13 CRANWORTH Mr Finlay 77 14 ANDY665 Mr Williams * 64 15 RAT RACING Mr Kennedy 60 16 SANDMAN68 Mr Lowdell 58 17 JAY2-710VW Mr Furniss 49 18 JUNKIES Mr Watkins 41 19 CHOCOLATE SPEEDWAY RACERS Mr Tulloch 36 20 JAZZDEVIL F1 TEAM Mr Fielder 0 The really good news is that the Corrado Forum League is now in 13th place in the Mates League leaderboard - apparently there are over 1,000 mates leagues so we're doing reasonably well :D
  25. Trid lots of different shampoo's and can't seem to find anything better than Duragloss 901, polish wise I use the Sonus range and waxes - got 17 of them and seem to prefer the Zymol Glasur and the Dodo Waxes, hard waxes for durability, soft ones for shine, depth but less durability. As has already be said you can't beat Collinite if you want great durability, good finish and excellent value for money. What I have discovered is that most of the stuff available at Halfords etc can be bettered by a country mile and at no greater cost by buying from reputable detailing suppliers, I get all of my stuff form the traders who advertise on http://www.detailingworld.co.uk - had superb service from them all
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