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Everything posted by Andy665

  1. I think the police force come in for too much of a hard time, however I totally disagree with unmarked patrol cars. Surely the aim of patrol cars is to visible and moderate driving standards of other road users helping to improve safety for everyone. Unmarked cars IMHO are only out there to catch people - surely prevention is better than catching. I often feel sorry for people caught by unmarked cars but have absolutely no sympathy for those caught by highly visible marked cars Perhaps the purpose of unmarked cars is to help disguise the fact that most motorway patrol officers are amongst the worst middle lane hoggers that I come across - their driving standards seem to have deteriorated pretty badly in recent times. Driving in excess of 1,000 miles per weeks I've developed a sixth sense for spotting umarked cars, its actually not that difficult, also helps that I tend not to spend too much time over the limit anyway nowadays
  2. Log on to http://f1fantasy.itv.com Create a team of your choice Once team is created click on "Join Mates League" on left hand side of page and enter: Corrado Forum as username 8001542 as PIN Anyone up for the challenge
  3. Jim - the claybar, Lime Prime and Dodo Juice wax will be great investments - your car has a decent shine on it anyway, the Dodo products will take it to another level
  4. All Corrados bar the Storm (which had a Storm badge in its place) had the Karmann badge - it was built by them, only a special edition if you consider every Corrado to be part of the special edition
  5. Taken from the Geneva show Press information "The designers of the third generation of the Scirocco unmistakably designed it to be a pure sports car. Different than the original Scirocco of the 1970's and the second generation in the 1980's, the new car offers substantially greater interior space. That is because - in contrast to its two predecessors - the Scirocco of 2008 does not have a sloping hatchback but a wagon back with matching long roof and steep tailgate" What a contradiction - designed to be a pure sports car then in the next breath they start banging on about greater interior space and a wagon back - who the hell wants a sports coupe with loads of interior space that looks like an estate car :?
  6. Joby - no problem, had a company recommended to me by several people who sell good quality hubcentric spacers made by a company called Delta Mic that are a fair bit cheaper than H&R, I have bought two sets for £84.00 delivered by courier. Great service by phone, company is called AC Motorsport Services, tel. 01278 663699
  7. Realised that my wheels are not filling the arches as well as they could - spacers now on order to rectify the issue Few other bits of work identified from looking at other cars on display Anyone else find their "to do" list got longer after the show?
  8. I personally wouldn't change a thing on it - one of a tiny number of Corrados that looks perfect on 15" rims - the stance is perfect
  9. A nice set of three spokes would certainly make it stand out :lol:
  10. Dave - you did look worried when you arrived at UD and looked at the paintwork on yours - the lighting there is very strange - really shows up dirt, marks etc but as soon as a car is clean it becomes really flattering to paintwork - the Dodo wax really did the business on yours, really brought the metallic flake out - let me know if you ever want to try the Double Wax, I've got more than enough going spare
  11. Nice one, my first car was a Caterham Seven built at home with my dad, went on the road the day after my 18th birthday - it was hard work but great fun - a good five nights a week spent in the garage, even if it was only for 30 minutes. The feeling of satisfaction driving something that you have built is unbelievable - sure this will be stunning when its finished
  12. Here's mine painted gloss metallic black
  13. Although obviously in totally different market segments the likes of the V8 Vantage and Jaguar XK clearly demonstrate that good looks sell cars - if people with a lot of money can buy a good looking coupe why can't people with less money be offered the same opportunity. Whilst I accept that the need to turn a profit means that it is sensible to create vehicles that cover as many bases as possible - thats why Volkswagen seem to be really banging on about how the Scirooco is a practical car - that way they can attract 3 door hatchback customers as well as those looking for a coupe. However, figures from the motor industry clearly show that the biggest profits lie in the "niche" vehicle segments not mainstream - I think Volkswagen have let the accountants have the last word in the design. The most profitable vehicle Peugeot has made in recent times is the 206CC, not practical, not well built but sold to people who wanted a bit of style (!!) at a reasonable price. Like many others have said, the Scirocco is far from a bad looking car, its just not a sporting coupe - no matter what the marketing people say. Manufacturers don't employ people who actually understand much about the job they are doing - I'm currently working with a regional aftersales person who has admitted that they don't understand at least half of the information that dealers send to her - if that kind of practice exists and is allowed to exist further up the tracks (which I'm in no doubt about) then is it any wonder that we get very middle of the road, safely styled, inoffensive vehicles.
  14. Jim - getting my deposit back, just doesn't do it for me. It is a nice looking car and I would have one in prefernce to a 3 door hatch but I put a deposit down on a coupe not a 3 door hatch
  15. Is that the same AutoExpress who call the Volvo C30 a coupe - if the Scirocco is a coupe then so is a 3 door Fiesta
  16. Like my challenge last year "Things to do on a roundabout at Le Mans in the rain in the dark" - that particular challenge started and finished with fitting a ribbed supercharger belt that was 9" too long to a toothed drive set-up
  17. Tidying up the engine bay of a G60 is a near impossibility :lol: , looked long and hard at mine and realised it will always look untidy, spruced it up with a few shiny items and re-wrapped wirting etc but it will always look messy
  18. I like the style of the rear seats but they have saddled it with the dashboard from the EOS, I think the pricing in relation to the equivalent Golf will be critical to the success of it - at £500 - £1000 more it will be ok but any more than that and it will be dead in the water
  19. I had a polished rocker cover but just swapped it over for one sprayed black - looks much better
  20. Thanks for the comments from everyone. Decided to respond with the truth as I understand it. Whilst my dad was in Clatterbridge receiving his radiotherapy treatment he confessed to me that he was frightened of his partner and that he wanted to come and live his final few weeks with myself and Sarah so that he could be at ease and actually enjoy being himself, unfortunately he did not live long enough tfor us to be able to turn it into a reality. I have never told his partner about this as I did not see the point in upsetting her, I've now had a change of heart and decided to share this little piece of information with her. I certainly won't feel any pleasure from the upset that this may cause but I will feel a sense of satisfaction in making her feel some of the pain that I have felt since he passed away. I finished my letter to her with these words: "My one abiding regret is that my dad felt he could not tell me until very near the end how frightened and intimidated he was by you. I'm pleased that I have been able to tell you what he was too frightened too. At least now he can rest in peace and be free from fear of mental cruelty and intimidation. I will always be safe in the knowledge that I loved my dad unconditionally and always strived to make him feel happy and content - I sincerely hope that in the due course of time you can reconcile yourself with the fact that you could only ever aspire to treat him in the same manner".
  21. As per title I don't suppose anyone knows this off the top of their head - looking to order 15mm hubcentric spacers and been advised to check the spigot length
  22. Car magazine website will be the first magazine to release official pictures on Monday evening. That Auto Bild image confirms my worst fear that the front end has been massively watered down - a real shame
  23. Sorry to resurrect a long dead post but I'd appreciate some honest opinions about recent developments. After much deliberation I recently wrote to my dads partner requesting (very politely) a copy of my dads will, three days later I received said copy of will with nothing attached to it in terms of a note from her. I don't understand the will but will seek advice from a solicitor about it. This morning I received a letter from her that was little more than a very bitter character assination of myself, ranting on about how I didn't really care about him and the close bond that I had with my dad was a figment of my imagination etc etc. I'm naturally a very placid, laid back person who will do nything to avoid conflict but this has both upset me and angered me like nothing before, I can now do one of two things: 1. Ignore it as the rantings of a very bitter, twisted person and just take the moral high ground 2. Respond with some very hurtful (but absolutely true) statements that will potentially really upset her The "normal" me is telling me to do nothing but there is a part of me that wants her to feel some of the pain that she inflicted on my dad in his last couple of years and has tried to inflict on me with her attitude and behaviour towards me since his death. Part of me wants me to tell her things that my dad told me he wanted to say to her but was too frightened to because of how she would react. I have no doubt in my mind that she subjected him to a degree of mental cruelty during the last few years of his life that led to him suffering a nervous breakdown whilst she was on holiday in Thailand with her daughter and son-in-law. She told him she was going on holiday the night before she went. Any thoughts gratefully received
  24. For me, Volkswagen have to get four things nailed with the Scirocco: 1. The styling - if it retains the IROC's looks then it will be ok, I have my suspicions that the front end will be too VW "family look" 2. The driving experience - should not be an issue if the Mk V Golf is anything to go by 3. The pricing - just hope Volkswagen don't get greedy 4. The quality - my biggest concern, the amount of warranty work in dealers workshops is steadily increasing
  25. Thats why I'm hoping to get a job with Volkswagen Financial Services, the grade I would go in at means I could have any VW Group car up to 35k that are changed every 3 months plus two additional very heavily subsidised ones for family members as well, a Scirocco would be a definite for me
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