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Everything posted by W3RKD

  1. W3RKD

    too smooth?

    if were all like the same cars the world would be a boring place ehh.. :lol: :lol:
  2. W3RKD

    too smooth?

    nah mate there the porka ones !!! liking that car though apart from the bumpers/skirts ... rest of it is wicked
  3. my contact number is 07786235233..
  4. oh no im sorry to hear that.. give me a call i might be able to help you out ...
  5. a smaller pulley can be fitted to a eaton unit..
  6. If I can help it, I'd like to keep the car standard looking from the outside... I still haven't found an ABS front bumper and am really not keen on buying a fibreglass one due to where I drive and how people park at work! :roll: :? Cheers anyway! of course no problems it just means you can use one of our std fitment "in front of rad" ones :lol:
  7. henny may i suggest you purchase a drain and a feed pipe as i would expect your feed (if origanil) to be showing signs of wear too.. these are also made tothe exact same quailty with the added bonus of having a swivel end fitting so no more twisted / strained oil feed pipe... :lol:
  8. this will not be a problem ... we will need some futher details from you as i think i remember you saying somthing about running a rs front bumper ? if so we can talior the cooler to take proper advantage of the new space you now have up front .. :lol:
  9. hello, im just waiting for my lift to wales now.... yes as steve says the kit will be complete with everything needed to fit to your needs... even down to the last pipe clamp... as far as giving figures over std .. these will to be releesed when we have the kit ready for retail...
  10. W3RKD

    Forge Intercooler

    Would be very interested in a full kit. Any dates set for the finished article? Do you have a ball park figure/estimate in mind what the cost is likely to be for one of these bad boys? i will keep you posted on progress...
  11. W3RKD

    Forge Intercooler

    i have around 20 here but .... no for sale just yet still testing...
  12. W3RKD

    Forge Intercooler

    using one of these...
  13. W3RKD

    Forge Intercooler

    we are working on a complete kit at the monent with all pipework /cooler and everything you will need to use a pacet fan on ours too which frees up some space in the allready cramped engine-bay. the pics of prototypes have allready been posted on here if you do a serch you should find a few...
  14. to check if the co pot is working take it out of the top intercooler pipe and on the bench prise the blue bung out and put a multi meter across the two outer pins, this should give a reading of around 500-600 ohms any thing much more than this ie.. 1250etc and i would say the pot is dead... try adjusting it (the screw un the bung you have removed) this should change the reading on the multi meter if it dosent also it is dead..(by the way the meter needs to be set @ 2k ohms) hope this helps..
  15. W3RKD

    Forge Intercooler

    sprinters inter coolers are a biatch to fit "trust me" they are 900mm long and there has to be a comprise on the body work somewhere.. like the pic above where the guys gonna have to run the battery in the boot or somwhere...
  16. yo alex by the looks of those pics you like your lukazade then ? :lol: :lol:
  17. looks like jeroen runs them too ... humm im thinking stroeve maybe ? thanks gav ill look into that .
  18. hello guys im trying to find some onfo on these mirrors they are from one of the cult society cars if anyone has any details on them could they PLEASE give me a shout on the below address... thanks guys !
  19. W3RKD

    Headlight Mod

    i got a loom of gav for the caddy ... 100% good cheers mate.... contact him as he is now the loom-daddie.. :lol:
  20. looking good mate i have been following you project on ya website with much intrest..
  21. i think you will find thats a momo 280mm wheel
  22. are... nice car me and leew were looking at your steering wheel if you were wondering who those too dodgy guys were staring in ya corrado
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