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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. Correct Dan, you look like a complete Charlie when its flapping around in the wind.. Its not designed for that though, its for masking during polishing, blackening trim etc...
  2. They look the part Andy, love th dark against the yellow which fits nicely with the rear lights, carbon soiler etc.. When are you getting the ones youve just taken off painted black then?? :) Is that the sealent you recommended to me? I still need to make that purchase..
  3. The blue tape is masking tape specificaly for use on cars, its made by 3m and is available from suppliers of detailing kit. The only thing that is 'special' about is that it isnt as sticky thus not leaving any adhesive behind when its removed...
  4. Looks very nice, i do like to cupholder fit and saw the same job on Andy665s motor.. Leather looks in great condition...
  5. Well happy with that link Jay, thankyou kindly..
  6. I really would be looking for solid 3 door TBH, they look so much better.. That on in the link is lovely Bill, slightly over budget, its double the budget.. :)
  7. Bill those 3 look really nice particularly the last one, appreciate the link to the one on ScottishVag.. Im quite excited actually at the idea of getting a Golf tbh, a huy i used to work with had a mint Oak Green big bumper one and he took me out for a run in it and was brilliant, not slow by any means and the typical VW big car feel, nice and solid, nimble but planted at high speed, i appreciate ill not be ending up with anything as good as that or as Bill 3 beauty but itll do me nicely...
  8. Nice one guys, appreciated.. Keep it coming in.. Im gonna try and get as late a one as possible TBH with the money available, am scouring Ebay,E38 etc for the right car, hoping to start having a look at some examples next week when i get back down south..
  9. Good idea.. What brakes does the 1800 have, is it th 256mm thats fitted to the Rado 16v with Drums at the rear?
  10. Your father has good taste Noah, enjoy the ride.... :)
  11. What was going on there, looks like you were taking part in a snakes wedding...
  12. Goldie

    Which wheels?

    As you get bigger wheels it will affect the ride quality, 17s look the right size to be but 16s do work also and are a comprimise between bigger wheels and comfort.. Lowering it will defintley affect the ride quality, i depends how much youd like to spend and the level of the drop. I lowered my car not so long ago and yeas it is firmer but its not cracshy and it feels great so i think the pros outweight the conns to be honest.. Sebrings are a looking abit old these days, a nice modern touch would set the car off a treat, enjoy your new motor...
  13. In my VR i have a space saver but ones did have full sized spare which needs a raised boot carpet to accomodate it.. Mines an unused original Continetal 125/70/15..
  14. The mk2 does have a great reputation and i think they look great hence the reason for the choice, with current prices and availability i think id be silly not to.. Anyone got any technical experiences or answers to some of the questions above, i know there are plenty of folk on here who are experienced with these cars..
  15. If a lot happens to it then im being a silly boy, suppose its never stopped me before.. :)
  16. Intrigued by this new interior, i saw that youd sold your exiting stuff on a little while back. Im sure whatever it is youve done is gonna be the business...
  17. Cheers Darren, im looking forward to seeing how your TT has changed which no doubt it will have in some way...
  18. Okidoki, im on the look out for a half decent Mk2 Golf to use a runner so im after any info from guys who have, have had them.. What are the differences with the later ones? Trim differences between Driver and GTI? Belt changes at what mileages? Areas that should be looked at when buying? Anything that costs a bomb to replace? 8v or 16v? Known rust areas? PAS and electrics on what model? You get the idea guys, anything that will give me a better idea when buying, im only looking at spending 700-800 quid but there seems to be loads about that look ok and will do the job nicely.. Thanks in advance..
  19. Thankyou very much Dan, i have a feeling that i know whos car will be a strong contendor for that title though, 16v G60, TVR interior and quite frankly the best wheels ever, i think you know whos car im talking about.. The Dodo juice seems really good, in comparison to the stuff i was using before it is a lot drier, like a proper wax if you know what i mean. Its nice and clean to use and has brought a good shine up, TBH the pics dont really tell the full story but i think that is down to the camera, for example have a look at the pic below that JBOB took at Harewood it looks great but in reality the car had been washed and quik detailed and looks ten times better now.. Your welcome to have a go of the Purple Haze at E38 Rob to see what you reckon, ill put another coat on tomorrow and let you know how its coming along..
  20. Id imagine its bored out to a larger size and smoothed out.. the one i have is like that but it came from Double6s on here who got it from somewhere else..
  21. Been a while since ive updated this thread so i thought id show what ive been up to with the old girl.. Regretably ive spent my mods budget for the moment and with E38 coming up there has been a rediclous amount of cleaning going on. Have learnt a whole load of useful stuff and bits to use over on Detailing World so here are a couple of the results. There really is some good stuff available out there that isnt available in the shops and i reckon its well worth it.. Im hoping to Sorn the car around November time and keep her tucked up over the winter, im on the look out for a Mk2 to use a a runner and have a little tinker with so once it arrives ill stick some pictures up.. Anyway one of the things id meant to do for ages is shampoo the carpet and mats and im glad i have now because it has been restored to its former glory, Megs all Purpose Cleaner is what i used, i also use it for wheel cleaning, wheel arches and some engine bay work. The mat in the picture looked like it was past its best as the VR6 logo was black but TBH they are as good as new... Today ive spent ages polishing her up with a combination of Super Resin Polish, Extra Gloss Protection sealent and some Purple Haze Dodo juice and she has come up a treat, im trying to build up a nice shine for next weekend, im gonna do some work on the black trim and a few other bits and bobs tomorrow. The close up reflection is just for you Rob cause i know you like that sort of thing.. :)
  22. I did wonder when youd be along Andy as you know more than most about whats been going through my mind. For alot of guys on here whove had the Golfs in the past they have said dont do it but ive never had a Golf and TBH all the ones ive driven ive enjoyed. Im not about to anything silly though. A Mk2 is being sourced as we speek and there are plenty to choose from so in a way its best of both worlds time,i keep the Corrado which im not going to lie here i love to bits and i get a half decent Mk2 to play around with, not be too worried about and use when its raining... :) I intend to put the Corrado off the road over the winter which im pleased ill be able to as i hate subjecting to the salt etc that the season brings.. Im not going to get a MK1 though as id be kidding myself, id be wanting to throw everything at that and that would lead to the Rado going, i guess that a all in good time thing.. What everyone has said is correct though, when you use the car less you appreciate more and that is the plan....
  23. That is gorgeous, absolutely love the rims...
  24. i think my answer would be if the price is right and you have something else in mind then maybe you should let her go.. Its a tough one though mate and im not a fan of selling cars to freinds for the reason that Jim has said...
  25. Is it advertised on Section 5 Steve?? I may have to have a peep at that...
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