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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. Likewise, all i asked was what kind of car, i didnt want to put words in their mouth by saying is it a Storm.. I also had a letter of confirmation sent out from VW Hq...
  2. Mystic paint code is LC5L...
  3. If its blue it should be Mystic Blue.. Ring VW and give them the reg number and ask them to tell you what car it is..
  4. Interesting stuff Yan, im wanting to do something like that to mine.. While certain bits are off then its a bloody good idea..
  5. My hunt for a run about began yesterday.. Budget - max £800 Vehicle - Mk2 as late as possible in half decent nick...
  6. I was under the impression that it was the later spec Golf VRs that had 288s on and that ones up to about 96 had 280s.. I could be wrong...
  7. Ive lived in Durham all my life but have worked down in portsmouth for the last few years...
  8. Goldie

    Which way round?

    Number 1, reason, so the air is forced along the channel in the disc thus cooling it down, or that is the idea....
  9. That is very nicely said and is very true, TBH i have seen one since ive been up North (2.5 weeks).. I can understand that but ive not had a one so first plan is buy a half decent MK2 for about a grand and have it as a runner.... Lupos are cool as, theres a guy round the corner has a silver GTI and i admire it every time i go past more than a brand new R32 a few doors down.. That was me, theres so much more id like to do now really but im in to silly money territory for some of the things id like.. If i got another then that would be three. Everytime i go to Pulmans in Durham the ald behind the desk talks about your old Rado, i think you left quite an impression...
  10. Thats exactly the sort of thing ive been looking at along with a good MK2, i appreciate that the Mk1 is cheap but itll need money that the Corrado would free up.. Rob, i know you share the MK1 passion and really this isnt a cry for a modern machine, i had a Leon before i bought my first Corrado and while i would have another its my idea of what id buy later, maybe as a compriomise between a car with some character and a family car (Leon owners please dont take that the wrong way, i think the Leon is the grwon up Corrado is what im trying to say).. Id like to do the ground up MK1 like yourself but need that intial expenditure to get the ball rolling, ok you can get a base model for a few hundred quid but a couple of grand needs to be spendt to get things going and that would be far from finished.. I guess in a way i need to ask myself if the Mk1 will be the car ive sepnt years doing in the future or whether it would be the Corrado.. I cant believe you dont like Mk2s Rob, Edition 1s are lovely!!! Martin, a trial seperation sounds like a plan, another problem i have is that the Corrado is my only motor so ive began to take it for granted, i need a runner really to fully appreciate the car i guess. Your old VR was a stunner, id love to have seen it, the one you have now though is a cracker.. Im going to have a good think about this over the next month or so, ill have a good look around E38 and ask myself what is the best plan. In the mean time i think ill pull together some money for a runner (maybe a Mark 2 :) to get it out my system) and see if i can track Mike down for a good look around his Edition1....
  11. Thats a very good point Jim and you are correct, i know im a lot newer to the fold than yourself but i do enjoy being part of this community and have met a lot of really nice people as a result of the car, i certainly wouldnt want to give that up..
  12. I know Fay, i wish i could afford to project either a Mk2 or 1 at the same time as the Rado....
  13. Old mustangs are cool, you have my blessing... :)
  14. The shell up rebuild is what i really fancy doing, nice and slowly, no rush but i just feel i need to release some of the 'equity' (if you can call it that) to get the ball rolling. Maybe i need to have a blast in a Golf G60 and go from there with what the instincts are telling me.. Dan, you are the richest postman i know!!! :D Im afraid i dont have that luxury of keeping and ytrying at the same time...
  15. Quality, you should keep that paperwork as a momento..
  16. That is a vaild point, i know i wouldnt be happy with a car that was ok, id want a cracker.... These things are a disease!!! With any other car id think ok, its time to move on but with a Corrado some serious thinking has to be done..
  17. May sound like a silly question but do you have to wrap them? They look a lot pretter wwithout the wrapping...
  18. Firstly this isnt a feeler for a value of the car or an advert for any parts so please dont ask or lock it mods... So ive been rumbled by Dukest.. :) Ok, os ive said the imortal words that im keeping the car forever and now im having serious thoughts of selling up. Im wondering how may others out there have had these thoughts, what it was that made you think about moving on and for those who sold uop how long is it before you wanted another?? For me im being enticed into the Golf world, im a huge fan ok Mk1s and Mk2 G60s and reckon that with the proceeds from my car (sold standard and all bits old afterwards) i could probably afford to get one of each... So what do you reckon, am i being silly?? Opinions on selling and the car choices welcome...
  19. Im imaging they will be no good due to the spring and dampening rating as a Rado Vr is a lot heavier than a Mk2....
  20. His MK1 was lovely, im getting more and more tempted to get one and start a major project, it would have to be at the sacrifice of the Rado though..
  21. Have a look in the boot and there should be a stick with a paint code on it, type it in to google or put it on here and youll know the colour. The one on the tope looks like blackberry to me but i think yours is too early for that, it may be a bordeaux colour...
  22. Sounds like a motor problem to me...
  23. Was this his car? Nice one, ill be ordering a batch of new stuff shortly and will be needing some of this...
  24. I think youre doing a decent joband its better to learn on a 'hundred pounder' than on the Rado.. Megs APC really is brilliant, unbelievably versatile stuff, i cant believe i did my carpet with it very successfully and then its great for weheel arch cleaning and engine bay bits aswell, a must in the 'detailers' tool kit... Is the masking tape you use a special one and if so where you getting it from??
  25. Goldie

    elecric shock

    It is true, as already said that the voltage is high at this stage of the ignition system.. Volts hurt but its the amps that kill ...
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