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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Hahaha ya nob :lol: Stonejag - naïve? Sounds very well thought out to me. My cars getting an oil change before I go and that's it! If it makes it it makes it, if not meh... As for planning the actual trip, we've booked our hotel and that's pretty much it. The ferry or trains gonna be booked just before we go when we're certain which cars will be ready and we'll find somewhere to stay on the way down on the night. Oh and no one who's going speaks a word of German. It's gonna be a nightmare but hopefully a fun one :lol: You and your German language skills are more than welcome to convoy down with us if you want :)
  2. Hahahaha I've watched that video about a million times and it's the main thing that pushed me from talking about going to actually getting my arse in gear and finally sorting it out. Really, really well put together mate - it's quality :) How do you go about joining ADAC Stu? The AA want £170 to upgrade my cover for a week! Baron - I'm already waaaaayyy too old but if I don't do it now I never will...
  3. Seriously? Where's that from? I thought they were nla
  4. Wrong type mate - I need a late "hump in the middle" type bonnet :(
  5. Bargain Alert!!! Bearing in mind the Schrick manifolds are changing hands for around a grand this is a right deal...
  6. Yep working fine for me too. On a side note, that tapatalk advert that pops up everytime I log on (even if you click the don't show this message again box) is well annoying. Tapatalk is absolute arse!
  7. Cheers for the offer Jason but if I have to pay to get one painted mate I may as well get mine repaired. It was just on the off chance I could find one and bolt it straight on. Appreciate the offer though cheers
  8. Haven't been yet mate - going next year the week before the show 17th- 25th May.
  9. Well played sir :D Sod it - I'm sending it anyway. You never know your luck...
  10. Yep totally agree mate :) PM sent
  11. Nice one cheers Stu. I am normally a donator and hadn't noticed it had run out so cheers for that - will do it now :)
  12. I'm going next year for the first time. I've been wanting to go for years but never got round to it. Can't wait :)
  13. Wish I'd whacked some dressing on my tyres when I took me pics last week now :(
  14. Really nice looking car mate and looks like a top job you've done on those rear lights. Wanna sell your bonnet? :lol:
  15. Kev - me, you and MicVR need to get together. Get the revolution started! :lol:
  16. Nail on head Mr Bacon. A couple of percent here, a few quid there we'll never notice. I don't know where this will all end - the cost of every single thing in your life is going one way - UP! Except of course your wages. Surely there's going to be a point where it all goes bang? Still as long as the media is full of stories about how everyone who's unemployed is a dole scrounger living the life of Riley at everyone else's expense, most people in this country will be kept angry enough at each other to not see who's really screwing them over. On a side note, when I was a kid I said to my mate I was nipping down the post office to tax my car and he goes "Don't get it taxed there - she's got crap handwriting" :lol:
  17. Cheers for the comments chaps :) Engine bay looks clean in the pic but believe me it's in dire need of a spruce up. The whole thing needs a good clean including the tyres but it was just that I saw a bit of blue sky so quickly nipped out to grab some pics. Might have to take the manifold off - it encourages an irresponsible driving style :lol: Can't wait to get it properly set up in the spring. Nothing too major planned for the winter - saving for Worthersee. Mainly going to get the boot build finished and do a few little bits and pieces that need attention.
  18. I know the engine bay needs a clean but never realised how wonky the front bumper is. Something else to sort over the winter :)
  19. That looks really, really nice. Got any screaming deals on bonnets at the moment Andrew?
  20. I saw this on E38 and I must admit that Ben Chods reply did make me smile. Even more so when it was so obviously a wind up and he hooked so many of them :lol:
  21. Mine came to a bit of a standstill unfortunately. It's all in and wired but the finishing has taken a bit of a different direction and got put on the back burner. It's back on the agenda now so should hopefully be finished soon. Its going to look the bollocks an all :lol:
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