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Everything posted by krnau

  1. hey m8 could you post a pic of the car sitting in the groove you machined? I might buy some konis (175€ for both, new) but I am not sure about machining another groove...
  2. hi. I have stolen a pic from vwvortex: and I think I don't have what is labeled as "Cylindrical spacer", or, at least, it is not visible from outside. does anyone know where I can find some pics of corrado rear suspension assembly/disassembly? thanks :)
  3. at what price are you going to sell them to me? :lol: :lol: I will go to a garage on monday to ask for how much would it cost to do rear arches; if it costs too much, I will drop some koins in 8) thakns for the pics :)
  4. do you have any pics of the engine swap?
  5. I would take to a garage to get CO & timing set correctly. it won't cost you much I think
  6. I think that timing should have been one of the first things to check :) it might be a leaky air pipe too
  7. that's what I was going to say, but I kept myself in silence just in case :lol: I think this wire is disconnected in my car because I don't have the sender (but the after run on fan, works correctly :shrug: )
  8. if you can post a pic of where it comes from, I will try and go to my car later on and tell you where it is plugged in :)
  9. and the thingy in the first pic looks to me more like some broken sender or something, because it has a connector on one side..
  10. one metal pipe goes to the cold start injector both of the other two, go to the warm up regulator the white-blue wire in the 2nd pic might not be used. I think it is for oil press gauge which you might not have.
  11. thanks for the pic. I will try and measure this distance this afternoon in my shocks. I would also like to compare it to an oem suspension as well, because if my shocks are too "short" I will get them back to the shop.... :)
  12. IIRC it is not a light, but a slimple blind cap. I have seen some people in this forum selling caps like this (I think)...
  13. Hi. Could anyone, please, do the following measurement, and post it up here? I am experiencing problems with rear suspension height and would like to know it about oem suspension . thanks :) it is, the distance between lower nut and lower spring plate :) edit:only for the rear suspension :) thank you very much!!!!!!! fsd.JPG[/attachment:34lyor8d]
  14. and about koni's, I have found these for corrado rears: 80-2587Sport: top groove is 20mm higher does it mean that "normal position" would be lower groove? 8041-1108Sport: 5 grooves, top/bottom groove each on 7mm distance I read somehwere that middle groove is normal position. Does it mean that if I put it on top groove I will only lift 2 x 7mm = 1.4cm?? so, which one is better, 80-2587 or 8041-1108 if I want to lift it as much as possible?
  15. and what if I put a spacer between 12 and 7?? I tried to remove rear suspension from the car, and I couldn't manage to take.. ehm.. number 2 (the shock, with everything but upper rubber bearing & nuts) out of the car. I removed top & bottom nuts and I lifted the car (both sides), removed both wheels, and I could compress the spring but not enough to let the shock come out of the top "hole". What's the procedure then? any guides in here? thanks :)
  16. :lol: :lol: :lol: the day before I collected mine, I had to drink something like 2 pints of beer just to get asleep! but during night.. I had to wake up so many times to go to p*ss that I would say I didn't sleep at all :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. yes I think that putting another plate on the one I already have would be visible in vehicle inspection... and maybe a 2cm spacer too, you are true in that. I think that fitting some 1cm spacers won't do the job, because I would need to lift it about 2 or 3 cm *now it is about 6 or 9 cm lowered* :nuts: :nuts: so maybe I will not do anything with spacers as this won't be enough because only by a 1cm-lift, rear wheels will keep rubbing :? btw I have just lifted the rear about 1cm more playing with nº 12 in the picture :clap: but it won't be enough... I think.... ..... it is ........ .....arches time ............ :( ..... .or may be I should say... :norty: :norty: :norty: :norty: :norty: :norty: :norty: :norty:
  18. I am going to investigate, right now, and try to guess if spacers under springs will be seen without jacking the car. what do you think? I think that if they keep hidden, it would be a good (and cheap) way to go... maybe 2cm will do the job. I think I will make a pair of 2cm, another of 1cm and another one of 3. should they be screwed into lower suspension plate? or spring's + car weight's down pressure will keep them inmobilised?
  19. I've thought about some kind of spacer, but I'd fail mot if they see it :(
  20. these springs are "legal" in spain. if I put another make of springs, I need to pay an automotive engineer = 350€ :(
  21. you won't sleep again! It will keep breaking down every night :lol:
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