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corrado wannabe

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Everything posted by corrado wannabe

  1. Took me long enough, but for those that are interested, some pics.. [ATTACH=CONFIG]83052[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]83053[/ATTACH]
  2. Scooba (Scuba) metallic blue. Not sure how much I will get to see of the TT, I have ended up with a 1.7 tdi Astra SRi to hoon about the roads in! By the way, don't think I have seen any pictures of your A4 yet either! I remember asking you about the 4 series when you were about to get rid of it.
  3. Ha I know, its not true until there is picture proof! If I hadn't stuck the Corrado in the garage behind a tonne of stuff it would have been good to get a picture of them both side by side. But I will get some pics up soon. I was sitting in the new A4 in the showroom and the new door handles were something I noticed! No the TT still has the corrado style two part handles, I think, from memory. D'you know I'm doubting that now! I like what the new slim line dashboard has done in the A4, given it a much more roomy feel. I think in a couple of years we will be looking at the new A5 which is due out this year. Have you seen the TT sportback?! Its all getting a bit much!
  4. I thought seeing as my wife has now had the new car for a few weeks, I would give you all some thoughts on it. Car in question is a 2015 TT S-line Ultra 2.0Tdi and came with delivery miles on the clock. Having some time ago been fortunate enough to drive an R8 V10 Plus, and seeing some of the comments on the forum about how that was a car almost in the spirit of the Corrado, I couldn't quite see the comparison, however this TT, and in spite of it being diesel does have a remarkable similarity to the Corrado. First of all driving position. The TT still has that low to the ground feeling of the C but somehow for a larger car, manages to feel more cramped inside than the Corrado. I think this is probably something to do with the windows and roof line of the TT. Overall the TT feels slightly more raw than the Corrado which I did not expect. The ride is not as complaint as my standard Corrado is, but does have the same point and go feel to the steering. Strangely the diesel engine noise adds to the TT's raw sportiness. There is a "dynamic" button on the TT that apart form a few other things, opens up valves in the exhaust to produce a "roartier" noise. As we are still running the car in a bit I cant comment on on the limit handling, however it does feel a very planted car (non Quattro) and certainly feeds back well through the steering wheel a la the Corrado. The revelation for me though is the diesel engine, having previously owned a 170bhp A4 Tdi this newer engine seems to be on a different planet, when accelerating, it loses its "dieselness" noise and coupled with the exhaust noise does sound and pull like a fast petrol engine. Of course the added bonus is £20 pounds a year road tax and a claimed 60 miles to the gallon. (The latter I am a bit sceptical about) Inside the seats are comfortable, if not overly hugging, but well appointed with leather and alcantara. There is a huge amount of tech, as to be expected with a modern vehicle, but it actually detracts from the car for me. It is really hard to ignore the tech and just enjoy driving the car which is obviously a point the Corrado has in its favour in terms of raw driving pleasure. The dash pod is now a TV screen and has a "gran tourismo" play station feel to it due to lack of analogue needles and dials. Overall, very impressed so far with the car, and does feel a much better car than the series 1 TT we owned some years ago. Despite being a diesel, I would say it is possibly a modern Corrado we all look for. Our car is Scuba blue, which when next to the Aqua blue is not that far away colour wise. It was also interesting when ordering, that we noticed some of the Corrado colours listed as options, Mystic blue being a surprise to see. Dougie
  5. Merry Christmas to you all and a guid New Year too. A big thankyouto you all for all the help this year also, although I have taken the decision to SORN the Rado for the time being. (I will have a breakdown free Christmas now MZpog!) Santa has brought our family an early Christmas present..... A brand New Scuba Blue TT Ultra. Don't think it is going to fit down the chimney tho! All the best everyone Dougie
  6. Thanks Goldfinger, To be fair the house was bought for renovation anyway, but the room that's been affected was the room we were going to decant to while the central heating and steel beams were being installed (Wednesday!) Sods law I suppose. Yes something quite scary about being at the top of a head of a valley being battered by winds, could feel the big picture window/balcony door flexing right next to me while trying to sleep! Dougie
  7. Not flooded, Well sort of, the living room is! Should have known better than to buy a house with a flat roof/balcony! Woke up on Saturday morning to find part of the ceiling down and water pish1ng everywhere. House took a pounding with the wind over the weekend, so I think it has forced water in that wouldn't normally have gotten in. Still nothing compared to the folks on the news, must be horrific coming back to your home in that state. Dougie
  8. Nice, the paintwork looks very tidy. I do like a red Corrado, and for 700 quid you cant complain! This is a great forum with lots of advice. Personally I would try and keep it as original as possible, but with easily reversible mods. Good luck with it, and nice to see another valver on the forum. Dougie
  9. Ok so a quick update, I got a chance to test the battery with a multi meter, was showing 11.7 volts at 2000rpm with lights and blower etc on. Googled Bosch regulator on Fleebay and got a million results, so made a cup of tea and started looking through the list. After humming and hawing, decided to go out and get the part number of the one on the car, googled that and got a brand new Bosch regulator from Amazon for 21 quid. Hopefully that will sort the problem when I get it changed over on Tuesday. Many thanks for all the help so far, Dougie
  10. I have a multimeter so I will do that at the weekend. I checked the belt, and although not as tight as I would like it, has about a three quarter turn when twisting. As most have experienced, the belt is at the very end of the tensioner with no more adjustment, which I always find strange. Part number on the alternator is: 027 903 015 (I managed to describe to the wife what an alternator is and she took a photo and sent it to me!) Thanks for all the great help so far folks Dougie
  11. Mike, The 1:1 scale is stunning. That is a fantastic looking car you have there.
  12. Oooffftt, I'm getting more confused (very easy!) So it looks like 65amp is a fitment on the 9A engine. I assumed it was 90amp and 120 amp for VR's on late cars. So my next question for those that changed the regulator on ebay, is it a generic regulator, as the ones I have seen do specify particular bosch models? I assume that the regulator needs to be matched to the particular ampage of the alternator? I promise I am not being lazy here guys, just that I am at work and the car is at home, so I cant look at the regulator and take part numbers etc. If no one has the info its cool I will just need to wait until the weekend to get a look at the old girl. Dougie
  13. Well, Just to update, As the car is at home I got my old man to get the serial numbers off it, turns out previous owner has fitted a 65amp instead of a 90amp. So my thoughts of just getting a regulator may have flown out the window. Will update if I have any more info later today.
  14. Anyone any thoughts? Has anyone replaced just the voltage regulator? If so where did you source it from? Many thanks
  15. Hmmmm, Cant see the rust around the filler neck or the sunroof in tilt mode only! That is fantastic, I wish they would do one in Aqua blue and I would have one.
  16. Folks, Had an electrical moment on the way home the other night, battery light came on and stayed on, now all sorts of strange issues going on. I think it is pointing at being the alternator as it is only a 6 month old bosch silver battery. Anyone know of a good source for an alternator (new)? ECP are selling Lucas replacements, but I thought the original fitment was Bosch? Any experience of the Lucas ones? looking to get something ordered ASAP so all advice would be grateful. Car is a 1994 9A valver, so is it the 90 amp alternator that should be fitted? Thanks Dougie
  17. These 911's seem awfully common, You don't see as many people on the 911 forum saying they have a Corrado, much rarer vehicle. LOL
  18. You're a brave man saving this, but eventually you will get to the tipping point where it is all downhill from now on and it will be great when it is finished. Whats the deal with the seats having the tilt handle on the same side? Are they two drivers/passengers seats, or is that the way they are? Dougie
  19. Waaay off topic but.... Fitcy, I once owned a triumph spitfire that had a plate on the dashboard from the supplying dealer in Enniskillen, but cant for the life of me remember the name of the garage, any ideas? BIL6866 where are you now? Anyways, back on topic. Anyone is entitled to ask what price they want for something they own, and similarly people will pay whatever something is worth to them. Yes this is the internet and we are all entitled to view our opinion, but the first two facts will always remain.
  20. Well done Karmannski, All the work you have done on this is appreciated. You have pitched these at a very reasonable price and hopefully you will get a good uptake on them. Dougie
  21. Sorry to hear of your issues Endeegee, I have to say in my case, I was not experiencing light headedness or blurred vision, it was a clear movement in my vision that was so severe it was essentially causing motion sickness. I have not had any recurrence of this since the Epley was carried out, so in my case it was definitely a success. Keep pushing for a resolution, in my experience, unfortunately, it appears that those that make the biggest waves and fuss, do seem to have more attention given to them by the NHS system. Dougie
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