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Everything posted by seanl82

  1. If you remove the front end its easy as the rad will tilt forward, allowing access to the shroud bolts that screw directly into the rad. Its probably possible to remove it without though, although access to the bolts will be a bit tight. The fans are retained within the shroud so removing that should allow the lot to come out.
  2. Chris, I'd be interested in the N/S front tow eye cover if you have one?
  3. They won't have the ready mixed tins, but you can get them to mix it for you in store.
  4. The mk3 one is a direct swap into the corrado mech, so don't see why it wouldn't work the other way round mate.
  5. Ok I'll have it please. Let me know how much postage is and your details, and I'll get it across. Cheers pal!
  6. How much for the spoiler mech, including guides if you can get them out without breaking? Thanks!
  7. Oooh, even better. I have the original one thats very worn. I bought a decent used one from Cazza iirc a few months ago that's on at the moment (well back off for paint anyway), but refurb would be ideal.
  8. I think it was the tabs that put Trimsport off too iirc. I'd be interested in one without tabs though. No tabs is better than a grotty looking 'original' script.
  9. Ahh sorry I may have misunderstood too. I was thinking the clips on the slam panel the headlight screws actually screw in to. If you have a look on the link I posted above, the seller also sells the speed clips similar to those on the headlights. I'm not sure if they're the right size, but worth a look.
  10. I'm so childish, I lol'd at this! :lol: Listen, I've said my peace and if it makes you feel like you've won an arguement by having the last word that's fine by me. I'm obviously not the only person who feels such disdain for you, so I'll leave it at that.
  11. Are they the metal versions of these? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161346825504?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT These? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10x-VW-GOLF-SCIROCCO-BUMPER-MUD-FLAPS-SPEED-NUTS-WORLDWIDE-SHIPPING-/151408178568?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2340a17588
  12. Well you keep replying too, so maybe you are just as easy. I don't want to be thought of as a hot head on here. Unlike you, I care about the forum and have a genuine like for it, and the enthusiasm most on here share. I don't however care for those that seem to be increasing in numbers lately, that just join the forum to get their foot in the door to make a quick buck. I've said my peace, I'm sure as anyone reading this thread will realise I'm quite coherent and making sense. Yes I had a drink earlier, but I hadn't when I spoke to you earlier in the week, or the others I've made my feelings known to recently. I'm just at the end of my tether with people like you who care nothing about the community or what it stands for - no matter what level of "showiness" their car is currently at.
  13. Bollox. It's an open forum so like you seem to be doing, I'll do what the **** I want and don't give a **** about your opinion. I posted on the thread regarding these trims originally saying the exact same thing I just have. You posted that no-one will be taken seriously at any show if they don't have perfect trims. I disagree. If you want to spend your hard earned cash on them, then more fool you. I'll sleep better at night knowing I've not been seen off by leaches that are sucking the blood and enjoyment out of owning what most members on here care about, rather than making a profit at others expenses, and sitting atop a pedestal on an E38 club stand. Apologies in advance to Mods and others that may take offence to my language and opinion. Its not intended or directed toward the vast majority. Sean.
  14. Sorry Rob, yeah I finished my course Friday, so just admin this week and a quick post course discussion at Portsmouth Uni this afternoon. Be rude not to have a few in Gunwharf afterward!!! I'm actually at home now. I can't afford to stay out ****ing my wages up the wall with a mortgage, wife, and two kids to feed.
  15. Got mine today too. Little thinner that I expected but thanks again Em, really appreciate everything you've done! :thumbleft:
  16. DriverVR6 - Some may have, I didn't. I said I won't have my pants pulled down for what I deem as a couple of strips of plastic, and I meant it. If you cannot get this through your thick head, and want to place "juvenile" tags on people you obviously don't know, then that's your prerogative. I think its yourself that's in the "clicky" bunch, as you keep tactfully putting it, as you seem to have put an extremely high price on "scene" points for want of a better word. Yes some (me) won't pay over the odds or cannot afford to spend £250 on a pair of plastic trims. The fact is that I earn £36.5k per annum basic, so I'd say I'm relatively well paid but have more important things to spend my well earned money on. I'll reiterate just for you though, I won't pay over the odds for what I deem as scene points. As per PMs to you, I stand by what I've previously said. I appreciate this forum is open to varied opinions, but yours is not needed or wanted. The fact that you seem to put a negative spin on anything anyone has to say can only mean one thing, so again I'll reiterate my previous statement in my half drunken state. CHOPPER!!!!
  17. Mine are like this. They're not seals, just superficial trim's so won't cause leaks. I've looked for a set bit just missed out to Goldie on the only reasonably priced set I've ever seen. Despite what some seem to imply, I won't have my pants pulled down for a couple of bits of plastic. Whether they make a concourse car or not. From a half cut Sean.
  18. seanl82

    Blue Smoke

    Is the oil level above max? Could be dumping it out if so and burning off through the exhaust. Generally the blue smoke starts on cold start up and gets progressively worse if it's valve stem seals, although not always the case.
  19. :bonk: Think Goldie is selling one if it's not already gone Rog. Fingers crossed this it it for a while now!
  20. I did read the previous comments, however my last comment still stands. I am not attacking you personally, so your comments are unwarranted. I know this car though, and whilst there may be the odd slight problem, it's still one of the best out there. For those reasons, I feel aggrieved that it has been put through the mill a bit recently. As I said, it's not a personal attack, just disappointment. You are however incorrect about me being in primary school. It's was senior school as it happens. That is neither here nor there though, you have made it personal by thinking you know ME. I am not the minority, but best of luck with the sale. Obviously your lifestyle dictates that you would be too busy to attend shows anyway, so it's no great loss imo.
  21. I suppose so Jim. Apologies for venting on your thread Roger.
  22. I don't think that Rog. What I do think is that this guy is a bit of a chopper though. Seems to like to put his opinion across, but dismisses everyone elses.
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