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Could be time for a change....

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Firstly this isnt a feeler for a value of the car or an advert for any parts so please dont ask or lock it mods...


So ive been rumbled by Dukest.. :)


Ok, os ive said the imortal words that im keeping the car forever and now im having serious thoughts of selling up. Im wondering how may others out there have had these thoughts, what it was that made you think about moving on and for those who sold uop how long is it before you wanted another??


For me im being enticed into the Golf world, im a huge fan ok Mk1s and Mk2 G60s and reckon that with the proceeds from my car (sold standard and all bits old afterwards) i could probably afford to get one of each...


So what do you reckon, am i being silly?? Opinions on selling and the car choices welcome...

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Don't make me come over there and slap you!


You know that most who sell end up buying again... Look at Andy (IOW) he sold up his G60, bought a VR Goof, and is back in a G60 again!



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I faced the same dilemma a few months ago. Was also hankering after a Golf G60 and put mine up for sale. Drove a couple of Golf G60s and they just didn't feel as good to drive. After also taking into consideration how much it would cost me to bring a new purchase up to the same standard as my Corrado I realised that it didn't make sense from either a £ or driving enjoyment point of view.

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Don't selll her!Well, not until I've got the cash for your shrick and cams ;) Lol...


It's a stunning car mate, and you've put a lot of work in, I suppose part of the problem is that you haven't got a huge ammount more to do at the moment, apart from the charger, so maybe you're looking for something to do for a while. I couldn't sell my cars to be honest. Despite the offer of going to New Zealand if I did. Try living without her for a while, see how you feel...


Mind you mk1's are awesome little cars.

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After also taking into consideration how much it would cost me to bring a new purchase up to the same standard as my Corrado


That is a vaild point, i know i wouldnt be happy with a car that was ok, id want a cracker....


You know that most who sell end up buying again


These things are a disease!!! With any other car id think ok, its time to move on but with a Corrado some serious thinking has to be done..

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There were 100,000 Corrados made, ever. There were 500 Storms made, ever. It's easy to go days or weeks without seeing another Corrado on the roads.

There are what, 10 million Golfs out there? Need more be said?

Ok, I'd admit that the Golf 5 is quite different from the Golf 4, which is quite different from the Golf 3 etc etc.. they're the same car in name only, but hey. Hand-made limited production run coupes they are NOT.

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So ive been rumbled by Dukest.. :)

lol, maybe i've been spending too much time on here! :lol:


I would find it very hard to sell your car if I owned it and had got it to the standard it is over the last year. I know some have done it for the reasons your thinking (mikeg60) and so ultimately it is your call but with the prices of 80s/90s VWness what they are these days, I would suggest doing another project slowly on the side.


For example, a straight VR at the moment is struggling to shift for £2k (although its amazing, you might not get as much as you hope for yours as standard). A VR engine with recon head is about to be sold for £300. I think this is because LOTS of older VWs are being sold cheap/written off at the moment as its just not worth people reparing them - this means LOTS of cheap cars/spare parts.


I would say push yourself with a shell up rebuild of a half-decent, small engined Mk1/Mk2 that you pick up as a repairable write-off. In 12-18mths, for comparatively small outlay, end up with 2 cars you love including your C.


Just my 2p, if I was working at the moment my mums garage would be bursting with "one day" bits I'd picked up cheap for something like this! :D

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i've only had mine a year and sometimes think of selling it


mainly because its going to take alot of money to get the true corrado experience, i.e: steering is shite, suspension is shite, engine a bit noisy, brakes noisy, bodywork a little stonechipped


somedays i think i'd rather a newer car without annoying problems that i don't know much about.


it when park it somewhere and come back to it i fall in love again, it looks so fab compared to most other cars and i get a lot of good comments about it


not sure what i'd get instead tho :(

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Personally, I'd keep the Storm. No matter what. 'C' Storms are rare as fook compared to golfs.

If you really want a golf the save up for one over a period of time but please dont get rid of the Storm. Could you live with your self if some prick bought it and treated it like a £500 runabout, scrapes on every pannel?


I'd be raging with myself, thats for sure....

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Kepp it for sure mate, ive thought about selling mine on multiple occasions, luckily ive had enough money to keep it while buying and trying other cars. And i found out that nothing ive had yet compares. and that was with a budget of £30k. looked at Jags, porsches, TVRs, all sorts. yes the corrado is old and yes it doesnt perform as well as the other cars, but it does have the X Factor! :lol: you'll regret it i promise you.

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i've only had mine a year and sometimes think of selling it


mainly because its going to take alot of money to get the true corrado experience, i.e: steering is ****, suspension is ****, engine a bit noisy, brakes noisy, bodywork a little stonechipped


somedays i think i'd rather a newer car without annoying problems that i don't know much about.


it when park it somewhere and come back to it i fall in love again, it looks so fab compared to most other cars and i get a lot of good comments about it


not sure what i'd get instead tho :(


Think I'm pretty much in same boat as you. I do entertain the idea of selling the G60 sometimes but they don't last long. It is going to take a lot of time and effort, but mostly money, to get my corrado into decent shape but it'll so be worth it. And a white corrado sat in a car park full of black and blue boring cars just stands out and looks so awesome. :D

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I would say push yourself with a shell up rebuild of a half-decent, small engined Mk1/Mk2 that you pick up as a repairable write-off. In 12-18mths, for comparatively small outlay, end up with 2 cars you love including your C.


The shell up rebuild is what i really fancy doing, nice and slowly, no rush but i just feel i need to release some of the 'equity' (if you can call it that) to get the ball rolling. Maybe i need to have a blast in a Golf G60 and go from there with what the instincts are telling me..


Kepp it for sure mate, ive thought about selling mine on multiple occasions, luckily ive had enough money to keep it while buying and trying other cars. And i found out that nothing ive had yet compares. and that was with a budget of £30k. looked at Jags, porsches, TVRs, all sorts. yes the corrado is old and yes it doesnt perform as well as the other cars, but it does have the X Factor! you'll regret it i promise you.


Dan, you are the richest postman i know!!! :D Im afraid i dont have that luxury of keeping and ytrying at the same time...

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Kepp it for sure mate, ive thought about selling mine on multiple occasions, luckily ive had enough money to keep it while buying and trying other cars. And i found out that nothing ive had yet compares. and that was with a budget of £30k. looked at Jags, porsches, TVRs, all sorts. yes the corrado is old and yes it doesnt perform as well as the other cars, but it does have the X Factor! :lol: you'll regret it i promise you.



I dunno I have hardly driven my Storm since getting my 993.............still can't see me selling it tho

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When I bought my G60 in 2003 I vowed never to sell it because I totally loved it. Now, 4 and a half years on, she's gone and to be honest I really don't miss it at all. No more "if I pull the door handle will it break this time" and such worries and far better fuel consumption and comfort not to mention space.


Ok, the Passat won't exactly set the world on fire in terms of performance, styling and handling but 170 ish bhp and a load of torque make is nice and lazy to drive. I can sit up straight in it and fit people in the back and also for the first time, I can fit my bass guitar in the boot out of sight. I'm already visiting the petrol station half as much as I used to so I'm happy.


Maybe one day the novelty will wear off as it's still a relatively new car to me, maybe one day I'll want a Corrado again. If I do, I'll need to have deep pockets to keep the bugger in tip top condition.


Sorry, rant over.


At the end of the day you have a Storm, not an older G60, but remember the storm is only a storm because of the badges (effectively, don't want to start a flame war) and you could get better specced non storm VR's at the time.


It comes down to personal circumstance and for me, selling the rado was the right thing to at the time.


Good luck in making a decision as it's not easy.

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I'd got to a point with mine where I just didn't enjoy driving it, but I was really only going up and down the A10 to work and back between Cambridge and Ely. That meant 40-50mph and start, stop, start, stop all the time. When you have an exhuast that was catching like bugger, noisy engine (also buggered) and triple well hard suspension, it was just winding me up like fook. I was at the point of selling/breaking, it was soo iritating, but decided that I was at the point where I either sell it and buy a sensible car or take it off the road and fix all the issues, fit the turbo etc etc. I couldn't bring myself to sell, so started my project.


All this, and mines not a VR or a Storm. I'd keep it if I were you. If your feeling a little lost as it's to a point where you like it then, go all out and fit a mahoosive turbo/supercharger! That's give you something to do :wink:

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As I currently own both a MK II and some Corrados then the difference between the two cars both in driving style and even road/wind noise is massive.


Yes the G60 goof comes with a cable change box that will go a long way to removing my iritation with the rod change box but the car is still a hell of a lot noisier at speed. As for the MK I, finding a good solid shell is getting hard and as such the prices are going up. Problem with that is that the car would then really need to be an occasional use one.


As the Doc already mentioned you have one of very small number of even more exclusive Corrados, yes it may just be a trim specification but lets face it so are most cars produced both then and now. Maybe you just need to be thinking about a project of some desciption as already suggested instead of considering getting shot of your very mint C.

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the way around this would be to buy an ol' banger (like my Mk3 Gti for example) as a daily driver, and put the Corrado back in the garage and bring it out at weekends. that way you can see how good the corrado really is. The most commonly used phase whenever im driving around in the golf now is: 'wish i had the corrado right about now.' :lol: hence the reason my girlfriend wants the corrado back on the road before i do (must be bugging her a bit!)

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Sorry to go completely off topic but just noticed your sig G60SC_Stoney. You might be getting a 60s 'stang? Good lad! :D Me and the girlfriend have been looking at getting one of those for ages.

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Interesting read for me as I have never got old golfs out of my system and have ended up owning both. Out of all the quick dubs Ive owned (including a couple of S3's) I would say my favourite day to day car is the rado v6 as its so well balanced, sounds great and quite rare. I have a mk1 20vt as well but there is no way I would like to run this as an everyday car even though its more fun (in a rough and ready, tin can kinda way) and much faster. I'd keep the rado and put a project car in the garage if you can as its the best of both worlds. 8)

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yeah 60's mustang Fastback or coupe, havent decided yet, just got to live with the stigma of having a tiny ding-dong if i drive it around. the Truth hurts!

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yeah 60's mustang Fastback or coupe, havent decided yet, just got to live with the stigma of having a tiny ding-dong if i drive it around. the Truth hurts!


Old mustangs are cool, you have my blessing... :)

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I know Fay, i wish i could afford to project either a Mk2 or 1 at the same time as the Rado....

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I think, for me, the problem hasn't always been the car as such but staying part of this community.


If i'd never found the forum or even become part of it, I doubt i'd still have a Corrado today for the obvious reasons.. frequent repairs, expensive insurance, poor fuel economy, etc etc. But i've made so many friends here, that every time I ever got rid of a Corrado I missed being part of the group and having the car which made you part of that group.


I knew the MK4 TDI had to go when I was convoying to a show early last year (or late 2005) - I was in front with 2 or 3 Corrado's behind me. A chap in a Ralleye wafted past giving the thumbs up to the Corrado's and then stopped giving the thumbs up when he got to my car cause basically it looked like any other Golf on the road and I could have just been anyone. Yes, I suppose if it was modded (or if I had a nice rare MK2 G60 or something) then it would be different.


Every time I sell one I come crawling back. Its a disease I wish I could cure though. I'd love to just be done with it and buy something sensible and reliable.. but I just miss them (and the friends i've made through the club / forum) too much.

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