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Everything posted by loepan

  1. forgot i seen a vr6 think its green down my way coombe martin? anyone here??
  2. ill be number 6 if this is still going 1. Rog. 2. Seanl82. 3. Wesleyvr6 4. unclean 5. gay boy 6. Loepan
  3. No think it would have been Jamie
  4. Red corrado in Farnborough ......who could that be....did it have a rainbow air freshner? :-)
  5. Seen two yes two yesterday in sunny devon! A red one didnt catch the model would guess a vr on the a39 from Bideford to barnie and a white think it was a valver at the esso station in braunton.....come to think of it a few days before I chatted to a bloke at saunton who had a g60 full reiger kit! Maybe not as rare down here as I thought
  6. man....quite a lot of people on here now getting their arses in gear, i need to do mine and these are a great inspiration, well done keep up the good work
  7. no worries chaps glad you like it, his email is [email protected] and his name is nico you choose what you want, including stitching colour, i had beige to match my trim they have a eBay shop but haven't got the vr6 wheel advertised, if you contact him direct from that eBay and say that craig had one recently done they will get back to you, english is not their first language but communication was easy.... the price was €120 +€70 deposit and it cost me €17 euros postage and around £20 to post my old one you give them the cost of the re-trim plus the €70 deposit via bank transfer, then when they send you out the re-trimmed wheel you take yours off and send them yours, when they receive yours you get your deposit back also via bank transfer took just under three weeks to for the whole transaction with a b/h included, probably around a week and a bit for my wheel to arrive once payment had been confirmed.....anyone need more info pm me hope thats helpful
  8. forgot to add my little bits i missed out on the group buy of steering wheels but someone on here (sorry i forget who) mentioned a german chap cars dream.com on eBay who did refurbs i purchased one off him, with deposit gave him all my details and specs, he sent me this lovely wheel and i sent him my old one back then received the deposit, not a bad price either....if anyone wants anymore info pm me [/url and one fitted...........
  9. what auto finesse wax is it clumps bit of a wax whore myself, just can't seem to find one i like for the corrado (black) currently on p222 its good but not quite cricket, was thinking of petes 53 next, I've yet to resort to the good old poor boys. probably because i don't want to confirm the fact it will be better than all the expensive wax's i have brought!
  10. lovely clumpy :luvlove::luvlove::clap:
  11. so i must post a few pics on this thread as my corrado made it all the way to worthersee and back and only had a minor wiper incident! bravo the corrado....anyway heres some pics, i have loads,if you want to look join the fb page or pm me to add cheers some other corrado's [/url[/url[/url[/url loads more too many to bore you all with, was more a praise thread to my trusty vr6, thanks for getting me there and back x
  12. top work fellow, eagerly awaiting updates
  13. I'm with rac, just added one off Europe cover no problem.....suppose you have already tried them?
  14. cheers mike, emailed the chap and he still does them, sent them money so hopefully hear from them soon
  15. good luck with the search hope you find a good one, 19 is young for insurance on any car you'll probably get stung,can't believe some of the hoops young drivers have to jump through these days to get decent insurance, but hey we don't know ya and you maybe minted....welcome to the forum
  16. i'll get on it hairy arse......will be polish and detail before trip so ill throw some pics up then ;-)
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