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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. rixy, VR6..... from "cold" front 36psi rear 32 (half laden car) space saver wheel 60

    Bleedin Kerbs!

    these seem to be a very reasonable price http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=31140
  3. i would say most people on here own at least 1 and a half rado's , their pride and joy and enough spares to build half a car ;-)
  4. imo that would be a perfect combination, modded and standard(except i would do the h/l loom mod) ;-)
  5. congrats mate, not many around with that sort of mileage
  6. stingman123, shelf mate , the rear speakers are'nt worth replacing imo , they're just too small


    wilsons in rhuddlan are very good mate , vw specialists could be your thermostat
  8. chrishill, Aye i did think about that after chris , i should of added it depends on the weather conditions ;-) i've got a garage but its full of "stuff"
  9. b@ll@x to ya kev can't you for once do something to your car no one likes grrr fit furry dice or neons ! very nice work ;-)
  10. fla, this might help mate http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... ght=heater
  11. g60greeny, did you check this out ? http://www.hostdub.com/ToffeeRado
  12. the 911 is only part galvanised iirc , rusty porkers :-)
  13. tbh just for brake pads i would do them myself, i couldnt be bothered with the going, leaving, picking up etc for 20 mins work
  14. very nice ,welcome aboard :-)
  15. VR6..... from "cold" front 36psi rear 32 (half laden car) space saver wheel 60 these are recommended although i would go a little higher in the rear tbh
  16. from the left or right ? does it feel as though the front coil spring is turning with the strut and springing back ? is it only one clunk ? does it do it when you turn either direction ?
  17. looks superb !! def one my favs
  18. EL sheets work well iirc ,pretty sure this is what zarmann used
  19. i had my goodridge hoses fitted at the garage , £50 for the 6 hoses and £40 to fit them ! it isnt worth getting dirty and crawling around bleeding the brakes for £40 bargain !!
  20. shout out if you find any good ones ;-)
  21. nice skills but i would have been happy with nsx
  22. it would'nt bother me tbh , its 11 yrs old and a lot of people buy a VR only to find out they cant afford to keep it
  23. :-) sorted now , took another look at the relay and i spotted a dry joint
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