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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. agreed. Cheaper, look a bit nicer and i think the silicone wrapping helps them last longer than a plain rubber hose
  2. just tried to do it online and did everything except the paypal bit, for some reason paypal doesn't load for me, has happened alot recentely, the link just times out and gives up :(
  3. VR6 Rad is £180+ something from VW i bought one not long ago you can also get the gruvenparts rad neck which is very good quality, the rad does come with a new plastic one tho
  4. i keep meaning to renew my membership i just haven't remembered, might do it today, do i need to be able to print the form off?
  5. welcome mate get some pics on it in here, do you see many corrados over there?
  6. i think green stuff are ok now, i've read lots about them and from what i gather some older batches had the fiction materail peel away from the backing plate
  7. i remember someone saying its more of a bright shiny chrome than a brushed alloy effect what colour is your corrado? i ended up just painting mine in black and quite pleased with it
  8. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=51749&hilit=blue+clips that thread has the info i used
  9. -paper filters, filter best -foam and cotton allow more air through, but not as good at filtering
  10. am sure you can still get the grommets as i bought a few last time i went and i think lots of VWs have the same thing
  11. i still get it off with fishing line, i think i just "sawed" up to the lugs then carefully pulled it a bit.
  12. in my mind i'm already really disappointed with the new scirocco, buts that the way cars are these days, not many cars now remind me of a corrado. Maybe a mustang or something has the aggresive looks, but i still miss square cars
  13. someone i know who drove it said it was just like driving a golf but with hard suspension
  14. i use fishing line and just slide that under the badges and kind saw along the back of the badge with it
  15. Jim Bowen

    3 month detail!

    Wow. That's a whole different league of sad. I suspect the blue one got rained on or something devastating like that, so he simply had to sell it. Pmsl @ Dom :lol:
  16. very nice indeed, looks spot on, they hardly need any modifying imo who resprayed it? and was it expensive?
  17. i think its the same with any old car with high miles, you spend money replacing the little things that seem to cause "annoying" problems, i've had no major issues in 2yrs of driving mine, i've been using my VR to do about 300-350 miles a week, every week. all the things that have gone wrong are things that get old, rubber pipes, worn bits in suspension, plastic engine parts cracking etc But the way i see it is that most people are willing to part with £9kish for a second hand ford focus or something similar as a daily drive and generally have trouble free motoring, but their cars are common, boring and dull, plus they already spent 3 or 4 times as much buying it. i like replacing things, at least you know whats new on your car. Parts are expensive and some hard to get hold of, but that makes you feel special :lol:
  18. here's the reciept, the 4th and 5th items down
  19. i bought some not long ago from VW and think i paid £75 each side and they come with the bushes all fitted, i think they call them track arms or something like that iirc
  20. i've seen pics of a black one that i really like, i think when they get rid of the two tone it looks better
  21. after i spoke to you i rang direct line and decided to change over to your quote, i phoned back but you were busy so i spoke to Tim i think it was. Thanks alot for your help :)
  22. can you fit the steelies and hubs from an audi A8 to a VR? have seen this done on a polo and its look quite good
  23. went with HIC in the end, saved £140, got no issues that i had before with direct line, re: alarm, also getting an agreed valuation for £15 i think it was and i have declared mods, which i hadn't done with direct line.
  24. that looks super apart from the slam panel bit 8)
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