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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. ill have mine by end of the week i hope :D i don't actually use the radio so not worried about reception, but don't want people saying i'm missing the aerial.
  2. you can do 1000rpm in 5th in a vr? a bit kangarooey at times tho :lol:
  3. just been out in car, 1995 VR6, totally standard 153,000miles 1000rpm = 26mph 1500rpm = 37mph 2000rpm = 49mph 2500rpm = 60mph bang-on! 3000rpm = 72mph thats all i could remember as i didn't have a pen :lol:
  4. brill, thanks for that, i think i will buy that now and get rid of the dodgem look :lol:
  5. i often think this aswell, if i sell car (crossing my mind due to funny steering) what would i do. i think whatever i do i've still lost money, worth hanging onto car till prices go up, IF they go up. offer them for sale, see what people would part-x for the seats, but then the car isn't as "special" without them
  6. think a standard VR does it in just over 15secs i think about the 220bhp mark is ideal in a FWD rado, its all i think i will aim for, with similar torque
  7. after my un-nerving drive home i'm really keen to get rid of this gremlin, am half tempted to just take car somewhere now and get new column and rack fitted, and everything else checked out. started to not care about the costs, its cost about £1400 so far trying to remedy this :( its crappy to drive imo, not what i was hoping for in my mind i don't see how the rack wears?? i have funny steering, i really don't know how to say what i'm on about, my last car was like it aswell (almost the same mileage on them, so could be same thing), am sure it can't be my driving, my old man ignores me now as i'm ALWAYS moaning about funny steering (this car and last one). it when you on a road with cambers that you notice it, or going round a bend and downhill at same time, steering just goes light, hit a little bump and the wheels seem to swerve what is it that wears in the rack, i'm deffo thinking its to do with PAS
  8. Many thanks to bigpantsbaby. after he responded to my wanted thread i now have the 288mm calipers i was after. Well packed and very quick turnaround, i can start them this weekend now instead of next as i was planning. thanks & recommended by me :D
  9. did you get that from the honda dealers?
  10. but how does it measure how much fuel you use? i trust the distance
  11. i did ask Rob (hesitates) about this the other day, and after reading this i'm more confused what costs more, the mk3 golf discs from VW or black diamond discs?
  12. right, should i go to VW and get discs from them, or gsf, and get black diamond, i'm really not sure what to do. am getting a bit sick of giving VW loads of money then finding out i didn't need to :(
  13. seems like so many out there now, can anyone recommend one? have seen small ones with a rubber coating, it has to be black. even pics of yours would help so if you have a short, stubby black one, i wanna see it :!
  14. i don't believe my computer on car :lol:
  15. i've been keeping an eye on this recentely, due to fuel costs going up etc i only seem to be getting between 320-360miles from a full tank, although i don't go into the red, but still that not many miles between filling up. thats a VR btw
  16. i got a new mech off ebay for £10 and it was perfect, only problem i have now is that the window mech i replaced has highlighted how slow the other one is :lol:
  17. infact has anyone got much info i can read about the PAS system?
  18. is changing the fluid a hard job, am sure a garage recommended it get done, this was before i changed everything else :lol: also when i start the car it makes a weird mechanical squeeze, everyone who hears it says it sounds like the starter motor overrunning? but i don't believe them, would that be something to do with PAS?
  19. Right chaps, i've now changed everything mentioned before and had tracking and camber done, i even threw away perfectly good tyres and got new ones in case it was that, but my car still doesn't seem right to me i find that when parked and have engine running, if you turn steering wheel until you start feeling resistance of wheels, then kinda wobble back and forth very gentle, the steering wheel feels very very odd???? as if it fighting back then going spongy?? there is also a very slight whining noise (PAS) i think this is the feeling that leds to a strange sensation in some corners and driving over roads with funny cambers/ruts etc all thats left to do is rack and column which are kinda a last resort. Could this feeling be anything to do with the PAS system, could the pump wear and cause it?
  20. Jim Bowen

    Audi Coupe

    i was going to get one of these before the corrado they do quite a few different versions, 2.3, 2.6, 2.8, some are also quattro thats about all i know :lol:
  21. great pics, they look really top dollar. am going to check site for prices :!
  22. it really stumped me and a pal, had no adverse effects since, not sure if it came off the car or feel off a tool? just strange it was like all the others and i collected them all up to clean each one :lol:
  23. if theres a list going i will go on it, but i don't wanna feel like we swamping andy with orders must get a bit hetic :lol:
  24. yeah i don't really want bigger rims as i like the comfy rides and bouncy tyres too much :lol: and the speedlines look good on corrados 8)
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