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Everything posted by Dutch24V

  1. ahh, ok. Are you going for the block then? I can't make my mind up :? Dutch
  2. Hmmm, OK stan, thanks. Is the price set in stone at 700 quid do you know, or is he up for a bit of haggling. 20 sheckles... :wink: Can you PM me his details then? A20LEE, I'm not 100% on this btw so I can forward his details onto you if it deosn't go ahead? Stan, what engine are you getting btw - the one from Phat? Dutch
  3. No, not yet, but I have all 3 temp. senders and a new aux. water pump to fit over the weekend, and as the aux. pump get's it's power from the same fuse for the ignition off over-run circuit I'm hoping it will fix the problem at hand. I'm also thinking it may well be the fan controller too though, so will see. Do you still have your old fan controller btw? Dutch
  4. DelMonty, did you ever fix this issue btw? Dutch
  5. Yeah I'd say that's a bloody good price if unused ! ...if you don't take it, can you point me in his direction please :) Dutch
  6. So you need to source a crank then or you're going to recon. your old one and swap into the new block? Could be a costly option otherwise, but then again you could go 3.2 :D Dutch
  7. ...and is that a bare block, or with crank etc. too?
  8. ...but as to how much they're really worth in the real world, no idea :? Depends how much you're prepared to pay I guess. I'd pay a grand I suppose, maybe 1500? Dutch
  9. From VW? - at least 2500-3000 quid I reckon :shocked!: Dutch
  10. That's the one, not sure who it is now though - some younger guy is all I know. I did have a quick search but can't find the article again saying who the new one is. From touring cars I think...
  11. It was a british ex F1 guy called Perry somebody, can't remeber his surname. It's now soembody else but not sure who... Dutch
  12. Yeah I don't think you'll have a problem shifting it :) tbh I think I'm just going to rebuild the VR. I already have a new head etc. for a straight swap, so only the chains to worry about really as I'm pretty sure my block is OK (touching a large piece of wood, oo-err...) Still, if another low mileage 24v turns up at the same price I may well change my mind again :? Dutch
  13. LOL :) I'm sure you'll be OK mate - and you have a wealth of experience in this forum to help you out. tbh I wasn't aware of the mentioned *little* issues that have to be sorted either and it has kind of put me of a little bit (I AM a mechnical wuss :) ) How much do you reckon you'll be selling your stealth-rebuilt VR for when it comes to it? :wink: Dutch
  14. Sell me the engine then as I have access to a VW garage at the weekends and a VW mechanic mate who's already done a 20vt conversion to his C :wink: Dutch
  15. Yes, it's the part by the airbox that's held on by the 3 13mm bolts. Did you release the tension in it by inserting an m8 bolt into the hole you can see facing up towards the fuel rail before you removed. Not neccesary I guess but it will be to get it back on. You need to screw the bolt in a fair way too. It sounds like the bearing in yours has gone. I'd stick a new one on if I were you, you can replace the bearing on it's own, but it's fiddly and you won't benefit from a new, tighter spring either. I'd stick a new belt on too while you at it. Dutch
  16. ...to me the M Coupe is the next natural progression from C VR ownership. OK, it's BM, but what a brute! I'd only get one if/when I can afford both though as I don't ever want to sell the C, so could be a while still :(
  17. lol, a schiwhateveritscalled? I see where you're coming from, but I don't think they got 321 bhp as standard did they?? Dutch
  18. If I really stretched the budget AND sold the C:
  19. VW gave me 4 fuel clips when I bought the pipes !!!
  20. I don't like it's sneaky habbit of teasing you over the speed limit on the motorway :evil: The fact you have to drop the rear axle to change the exhuast :scratch:
  21. Just spotted this thread. I had this recently on my VR. It started with a strong fuel smell when just started, which gradually got worse until one morning I noticed a puddle of petrol under the car as she sat on the drive warming up. I had checked the 2 fuel pipes that connected to the fuel rail when I first noticed the smell and they loooked in very good nick externally so left them. I traced the leak to where the chassis pipes meet the engine bay pipes (down by the lambda wiring) so ordered 2 new engine bay pipes. When I took the old ones of they were totally f^&ked on the inside at both ends, with 7-8 large internal 1mm deep by 6 mm long cracks, that stopped just shy of the surface :shock: So, VR owners also beware and check them out a.s.a.p., and remove them to check the insides as the surface can look fine! Dutch
  22. I could have swore when I replaced my MAF, the bosch dealers ordered the 461 and bosch sent the 462A as it's now supperceeded the 461? I will try and dig out the receipt to confirm this... Dutch
  23. It takes about 10 minutes to replace the aux. belt tensioner, and that's for an incompetent mechanic like myself :wink: The cost of the tensioner itself was about 80 euro's if I remember correctly. It killed my crickets 8) Dutch
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