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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Its poor man's biking - bikes should have engines - big ones !!!!! Now that is exciting...................Moto GP, British Superbikes - Yeah !!
  2. Its official - Porsche's really are VW's !!!!
  3. Please Stop - this is all too much - I am sat reading all this, just thinking, yeah I want one of those and those, yes I have driven that and that and its brilliant and one of those too. Its all back to holidays ? Cars ? or Cars ? Holidays ? Jim - I am well up for hiring a Super cars for weekend fun. Have often thought this is the best and cheapest of all options - non of the hassle of the ownership and probably cost wise only what you would lose in depreciation. So how about it ? Reckon best way, would be to sort out a weekend Tour ? ---------- Post added at 11:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ---------- Of course - the reason for reading the thread about knives in the first place - not being normally such a girlie item ? Off Scouting this weekend, Survival Weekend, building shelters etc etc etc. 120 Boy Scouts - Do think of me this evening assisting putting up their tents - just hope the rain has stopped by then !!!! Been on an adult course a few years back - fantastic weekend, the range of knives for the differing Survival tasks - brilliant - keep meaning to buy ine in particular.
  4. Good result and nice to hear. I really believe in what comes around goes around. I was thinking Eddie was probably already in hot water when I read the first few posts, hence he did not admit it originally.
  5. Jake, Go with the one your Gut is telling you to do, as that will be the right one. If you really can't decide, write your lists of pro's and cons for both. Remember - Life is Short, there will always be hard times, its just trying to keep them to a minimum. Your future wife will be much happier with a happy you and you will enjoy your life more too - obvioulsy. The maternity leave job, may seem risky - but is that the push you need to get you out of this rut and maybe try something completly different that you have always wanted to do ? Think that was just providing more questions to consider rather than any answers. I think you may have a case for Unfair Dismissal too - even though it has not gone quite that far yet. Hopefully someone much more HR specialised can point you in the right direction. Although a pain, yes, bad management has got to be stopped and who knoes -Compensation ? Worth at least asking the question in the right quarters. Good Luck
  6. I get the freezing too, from any of the PC's in my differing work locations and including home.
  7. Today after two weeks holiday I am the one blatting everything and loving it and my car. Generally don't get any bother, if I do its young lads driving anything at all and who i let pass. Outer lane on motorways I do find larger german car drivers(the cars not the drivers being larger !!) seem to want to intimidate you. Other than that its other Corrado folk - most of whom I know !!! http://the-corrado.net/images/smilies/dance.gif
  8. Corrado women have to come on the Stag night too !!!! :-)
  9. Yes please - I will be your first. PM Sent
  10. Me too- pulling out - weather forecast has got worse all day. It will get very muddy with just a few cars too. Obvioulsy going to have to be a tad more Ad Hoc with our meets this year. !!
  11. Guys - this really is a good event and worth visiting if you have not been before. Kev - this must be one for you to make a first visit !!!! :-)
  12. I have usually arrived at Stonor for 9.30 - 10am which has always been fine, maybe queing for 10 minutes to get in. Which means leaving mine at 8.30 -8.45. How does that suit ? Miles, Eric - I am presuming you are in on this ? !!!
  13. Fantastic Jim, Thanks. Miles - no lunch for you !!!! :-) Anyone else on car cleaning in exchange for lunch, might even manage some drinks !! - I have all the products, cloths etc. :-) What time are we aiming to get to Stonor for - anyone ?
  14. Weather is still looking good for the weekend, so looking forward to this, one of my favourite shows. Jim - you attending this ? Think you should, could have a good convoy down, then fancy cleaning my car !!!!! I will buy you lunch...............
  15. Was having my car washed by the local Albanian chaps the other day, when a guy infront of me - commented how he had owned a G60 Corrado in the early days of production. He regretted selling it, stating it was the best car he had ever owned. He seemed really p....d off with me when I said I had mine for the last 10 years. Think it was jealousy !!!! ;-)
  16. Sadly no, all the ones that looked like they may be able to afford my tastes of Porsche, were already taken !!!! I don't know why I torment myself at these days though. Porsche/Holidays. Holidays/Porsche. Corrado respray/Porsche. Corrado respray/350z/Winter runaround - too many decisions !!! I did manage to get the Convoy to liven up though !! I only travelled a further 30 minutes to join them - out of my way !!!! :-)
  17. Someone had to show them how to convoy !!!!
  18. DAvid - You might have asked if it was OK to video my Rear !!!!! ;-)
  19. I have been thinking that too, a must for the 2013 Calender. I have one or two camera shots that are very different fro those uploaded already, I really must get round to posting them up on here.
  20. Actually in view of this - how inconsiderate not to arrive with all your Corrado's for such a rare and one off chance to park up on the Banking at Brooklands !!! ;-) he he !!
  21. Wendy


    Very rare Heated Black Leather - umm !! Colour - Blue He certainly knows his Corrado's - not !!! He needs to come along to a few CCGB Shows and events to have a look at some of the others that are around, before making such a statement.
  22. Wendy


    Ahh - so sad and part of the family if you had her for 10years. I am sure you will miss her and her quirkyness that they all get. To be honest sounds like you did not do too badly out of the Insurers, of course the ideal would have been a repair, but with 25 advisors on MOT, I think you did OK. Main thing is that it was not an accident in which you or anyone else was hurt, very frustating none the less. Enjoy the Mk4 Golf until you come back into the fold - most do !!!!!
  23. Sadly Jim, we left quite a bit later, heavy traffic on the M25, then having the Chairman in the return convoy kept the others behaving themselves !!!!
  24. Only just seen this - What about me ?? !!! That's it - Vag Hag - You are so in for it. (I even got your Tickets ?? !!!!) xx
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