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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Wendy


    Come on Kip - you have logged on as Jude and done this - so everyone thinks Jude is loosing it - We Know !!!! ;-)
  2. Well in which case I will come round, mine is not standard and can be considered burbly below 3000 revs and loud above. It nicely bounces off walls etc. He would never complain about yours again. !! ;-) I live in a rather quiet village and no one here complains - and - before anyone else says it - yes, they are too scared too !!!! ;-)
  3. Although not easy - I would politely ask his children directly not to ride their bikes accross your lawn and flower beds. I would again ask nicely and politely if he would not park accross your drive without asking. I did this 4 times to my neighbours some years ago and on the 4th time adviced them I had been very nice, polite, but could not guarantee I would be if I had to ask again. Bizzarely they never parked there again, although I had already decided if I had to I would deliberatly go for for 2 - 3 minutes every thime they blocked me in if necessary. AS already suggested report it to the authorities if necessary. Have you considered he may be reacting to the noise of your car waking his children. Why not try to have a conversation to resolve the issues or at least minimise them ? If he is the sort to instantly shout, be very calm and try to reassure him you are trying to resolve this. Of course I am not suggesting you change your exhaust but have others said you car is partically loud. Good Luck and yes, if it all fails, I agree a 9pm meet at yours !!!
  4. Its not right - but as noted earlier you are unlikely to get anywhere with this. So try to stay calm about it and sort it out when you can yourself. And - lets hope - this statement is true - 'what comes around goes around' - I think it does
  5. Yeah and..................... !!! Didn't you know its the trendy thing to let folk down at the last moment right now !!!!!
  6. I watched it to and just after the crash and was really agreeing with the driving comment -floppyman, however at about 6 minutes his driving calmed down considerably, he relaxed into driving rather than driving too hard and forceably, resulting in over steering the car many times with the bad lines etc. Didn't observe the gear changing aspect though, too busy noticing initially how many times the apex of the corner was missed with the late and too harsh breaking causing him to run wide. So it was a shame that just two minutes later he was butted from the rear unsettling the car and him. Really liked the camera position on the car, gave a good feel of the action. Knew I shouldn't have watched this, want to get back on Track now !!! Was at Shennington Airfield earlier today where they have some impressive Karting which stirred me up too. Any of you got a spare 25k and would like to sponser me racing ??
  7. I like them and also would stay with 16's
  8. I agree totally. I also had bad experiences with the Bicester based AMD nas they moved onto newer cars - about 7 -8 years ago.
  9. Wendy


    No its not - Croft is better !!!! Also watch BTCC and sometimes get to watch it for real.
  10. Listen Kip, paying more for my car insurance is a damm sight cheaper than having a partner in my experience !!!! So there !!!! Besides, like I would let a partner anywhere near my car !!! Or Car Events, Or, Or, Or..................
  11. Get the Polish lads to wash it at the local Hand Wash. They usually do a pretty good job, I asked them for straight line washing, drying etc. I love it, car being washed, young fit rather cute men drawling all over my car !!! I have them so trained, they even ask to have the spoiler raised
  12. People who touch the glass, making it mucky and smeary. Folk who find a spot of dust and think it funny to write in it - those ones nearly loose their lives, they cetainly never do it again ! People who open their car doors onto other car doors, I walk so much further due to this, as I always park as far from from the entrance to somewhere as is possible. Chris - that too - spotty chavs sat on my bumper, I so want to jump on the brakes, but of course the love of my car ensure I don't.
  13. If not taken, I could be interested.
  14. I am down to 1/4 tank, so hoping there will be fuel left in Banbury when I get back from London later today. One is obvioulsy going to have to stay off the heavy foot until this is resolved. I did know this was the type of salary, my brother took all the qualifications to drive these and other chemical laden HGV's years ago, but decided the risks were too high. So, I think we should consider this Danger Money, Not that I know all the risks but can't imagine it is good. How many HGV drivers do you know that follow HEalth and Safety Rules rigouroulsy.
  15. Rummour on FB, Jim is selling his as he has restored his love for the Corrado !!!! ;-)
  16. I heard somewhere, April 3rd but have also heard Easter Weekend. I don't think anyone is sure or anything has been confirmed though.
  17. Well of course the only reason I have a Corrado - is because its one of a few car that I can actually reach the top to clean !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miss you too - NOT !!!!!!!!!!! xx
  18. Dammed rude I think - not as if there is a decent excuse to not being in a Corrado. Remember anything other than a Corrado has to park away from us not to ruin the photo line up, especially 928's !!!! ;-)
  19. I am always doing that - not locating my car - in the car park due to being hidden by big ugly new things. !!! And - so Jim - the love is back on then ?? (Noting your statement above !) ;-)
  20. Guys, I am being asked when obtaining quotes, if my wheels are Diamond Cut. I don't think so, but thought you lot would know. They are ordinary Speedlines. Cheers
  21. Thanks for the info. Would you be suggesting that Pristine Wheels may be more leaning towards the Concours standard of car, whereas BJV are offering a good service without going to quite concours level and then reflected in cheaper prices ?
  22. Has anyone used Pristine Wheels for a refurb? They have several locations - originating in Woburn (nr Milton Keynes). The tyre fitters I visited today highly receommended them. I don't know prices at this stage.
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