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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Wendy

    Music thread...

    Global Gathering - Just looked at the website. WOW ! Prodigy and Orbital are headlining - Fantastic !! :D Seriously thinking of going to this now, it's only up the road too !! You going Dan ?
  2. At last - getting to drive a Subaru WRX and Mitsubushi Evo :clap: :clap: Wanted to drive both these for a few years now, so really looking forward to it. Will be on tarmac and gravel.. Thought it was about time I did a Rally day as not done one for 10 plus years, been doing Track Days of recent years. Booked for April 11th - Can't Wait :clap:
  3. Actually put some oil in the car, all of a quarter of a litre. :shock: :nono: Wow, have to keep an eye on her now. First drop she has used in about 4 years !! :D
  4. I'll clean your wheels at the next rolling road day or something :lol: What was the 'or something' ?? :lol: :lol: Surely at least a full body wash and polish !! :lol:
  5. Saw your car yesterday mate, looking sorry for itself on the ramp! And your old offside tie rod got my car through the MOT yesterday :D Had new front wheel bearings, ball joints, top mounts, your old tie rod (cause he sold the last 2 he had to you :nono: ) and it feels utterly sublime on the road once more :clap: Took me 5.5 hours to get to Stealth from Colchester yesterday (110 miles) due to the snow..... not even Hurricane Wilbur would stop be going to Stealth! Also heard Jon's 3.3 R32 turbo running and my god :shock: Well I am glad the tie rods helped yours through the MOT - now what is that you must owe me ?? :lol: :lol:
  6. [quote="Jim You say that John, but the Corrado has always lived up to all of my 'loading' requirements. When I took it to Germany back in 2006 for 5 days it had room for all the gear for me and Supercharged and I've frequently stuck both of my bikes in the back of the car.. you do have to drop the seats of course, but once you do it's fairly cavernous! Fold down the back seats Are you mad !!! ?? I say use a friend's car for excessive luggage. Me too though - I have managed on all car holidays, it may be a touch cramped - but manageable :lol:
  7. Not too sure at the moment, have spent £500 last week, new heater matrix, then £650 this week - steering rack, tie rods ends, wheel alignment and MOT. All after a 3.5 week holiday and its hurting. Saying that, I do still love her - just not Vince anymore !! He does assure me, that he still thinks my Corrado is one of the best and I really should not have any large problems on the horizon. Hope not, as that is really the budget for the year gone. Driving her out of the garage when I got back from my holidays - was a sheer look of happiness on my face - she is still one of the best looking cars around - as so great to drive.!! :D She is nicely tucked up in the garage right now - too much snow here, everywhere is blocked off.
  8. That is serioulsy gorgeous - want one ! :)
  9. Jim - Happy belated Birthday I would be looking forward to the Track Day too - especially in the Gallardo. I drove one of these a about 2 years ago - it was one of the best cars i have ever driven and given the mony, I would be buying one. - That good. Enjoy :)
  10. Very interesting thread, enjoyed reading through the facts and opinions especially as I originated from Rear Wheel onto Front Wheel drive. Am currently considering RWD as want the fun factor - although with BHP considerably higher than ever had before - do have reserves about the back end. !! :lol:
  11. Stefan, Sorry to hear about the damage to your car - again ! As others, hope they catch them Hopefully with your car now parked elsewhere it will be left alone.
  12. I just returned from a 3 1/2 week holiday yesterday and drove my car out of the garage this morning - started first time. As I walked back from locking the garage, I felt the love for my car and grinned. I just hope none of my neighbours observed this - or I will get ripped for weeks. I will too be buying a new car this year, but already no I will be keeping the Corrado. I would only regret selling it and frankly could not bear to see anyone else driving it - well apart from Jim and one or two others, when the time does come to move it on. That won't be for a while yet though. Very happy to have a good drive around today. Welcome back Phil - not surprised you returned :)
  13. No, but I do find as it has got older odd things will catch me out. Water hoses in particular.
  14. I don't need to be bored at work to hear every single good sounding car coming down the road, my ears are just tuned that way - drives my collegues nuts. Then if driving and spot something good on the road, know I instantly smile and stare like a child. Friends think there is no helping me ............. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. "Usual" GP Rates eh Wendy? : Well one does have standards :) - actually can't think why on earth I would have suggested that to Mark !!!!! :lol: :lol: Infact, It would all end up getting very silly, i would end up going to the GP, (as it would hardly be twisting my arm), then i would be Racing Taxi/Chauffeur !! and finally I guess Party provider - no very silly idea ! :nono: More serioulsy I could make a killing with the charge I could make on that !!!! :lol: :lol: :grin:
  16. Mark - Is it the Grand Prix you will be going to ? If so, I don't know what Dude VR6 thinks about not booking camping, but certainly hotel, B & B stuff, i would really reccomend booking. I am 4 miles north of Banbury and its gets busy round here Grand Prix time. If you do get unstuck though, I will always let you pitch a tent in my garden - at a cost !!! :lol: :lol:
  17. Bet he's fit, the guy who cleans that ! :lol:
  18. Very funny, did you try this in the Female mode - the controls are all wrong - very amusing :lol:
  19. Mark hi, I am sure you can camp at Silverstone itself. I certainly have before in a motorhome though. Have you looked on the Silverstone website? If no joy, I will try and find out locally for you Wendy
  20. And me, especially mums in 4x4's late for school run on country lanes..I just almost stop dead now and let them drive around me, rather than being bullied into the verges because I have a little car. The fact is no matter who you are and what you drive you do have to be careful. I was taught by my driving instructor to drive defensively, I'd rather yield and let someone out or let someone pass me than hold them up and have them sitting behind me getting angry or with them end up doing something rash or inappropriate that I might get caught up in. Driving has gotten worse in the 10 years I have had my licence, maybe because more people have newer cars that do everything for them and are too assisted and too cosseting and thus people don't have to drive them as much? I also noticed a huge difference in road manners when I moved from Glasgow to Surrey, I go through a jumction every morning that I have to wait on someone letting me out into the traffic, I can sit there for 5 min before I get to move, unless I p!ss someone off by bullying my way out which I'd rather not do... Agree completly, you have to drive not just yourself but for everyone else. Other Rules I use -If I hestitate, I never go back on myself, I rarely get mad in the car, I do not understand the amount of anger there is especially when driving, if i am late, I am late - I will arrive at some time ! (better than not and dead). I too think women in particular have the worst driving skills (says me!), many of them are just not in control of their vehicles. I did however spot a bloke putting on his tie in a vehicle in front of me - honestly. Then today, I could not believe how the car infront of me, travelling at approx 50mph, was swerving from the midlle of the carriageway, to the kerb then out to the centre white line. i found it quite off putting it was so bad. Baack to wanting Driving Test retakes every 10 years - sure it would not be popular, but i do think it necessary. The car culture and manners change from Banbury going South, much more aggressive style of driving, all sitting on each others bumpers etc.
  21. Ok - smart Arse !! :lol: Dipped beam and fogs then !!!!!!!!!!!!! And, now i have Xenons - and they are fantastic and so have turned off the fogs !!! Very Happy !
  22. Vince has just fitted Xenon lights to mine - working on both main and full beam. These were bought on Ebay for approx £90, plus £10 delivery They are fantastic, I can see !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Looking at them - they are obiously some kind of Uprated loom too with fuses but much beafier than those previously fiited which kept burning out fuses and obvioulsy therefore potentially dangerous. I have now finally turned off my fog lamps !!!!!!!!
  23. Actaully my driving at Cadwell last Saturday was not far off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: My Instructor said so - so there ........... :lol: :lol:
  24. Guys - it could just have easily been a bloke who did it ? !!!! If you don't mind :roll: If that happened to my car - there would be little, if any consoling me. Whether I like a particular car or not - that would be really awful. Someone owns it. If it is revenge, how shallow and weak is that - appalling !!!
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