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Everything posted by dukest

  1. not that i was aware of, it was him that told me cult society when he got them.
  2. had exactly the same scenario with mine 2 years ago but had other things to get sorted on the car so it got the paint done with them - none of the handle needed fixing or replacing though. the guy did say he might have been able to bend the metal back down and touch it up without too much issue though so hopefully your hole isn't too big to do that.. 30062008673.jpg[/attachment:2p9kjp6a]
  3. not sure about the fuel lines but i've not heard that you cant. wouldnt be expensive in the same league as the brake lines are to get some made up though.
  4. only ever seen 2 sets and one got sold not so long ago by stormchargedvr6. i'm not aware that he got his from anywhere other than cultsociety themselves though
  5. well, nothing like getting your first big bill out of the way early on! :) it is a lot, and more than you'd have paid if you'd had time to plan it (new vs 2nd hand bits etc), but thats the way it goes sometimes and they're all good jobs to have got done. free mods from now on will still keep you occupied :)
  6. perhaps from cult society?! :D http://www.cult-society.net/online-stor ... ory_id=247
  7. its looking amazing, we all have mishaps and its not a major one in the context of everything you've done. press on :)
  8. can be a couple of weeks for things to come through but i'm sure someone will see this and nudge it along for you if its stuck.
  9. ahem, there's quite a few people on [strike:ew4760h3]here[/strike:ew4760h3] various internet forums that dont manage to write very differently ;)
  10. Koni coilovers are damping adjustable but it doesnt sound like they're doing much at all. As Karl said they're pretty firm so even at fully soft setting they should still hold the car - something sounds pretty wrong.
  11. the 12v is more "toppy" than the 24v in the same way that the 16v was over the 8v Mk2s so may give you the opposite sensation than what you're after. that said they are still more powerful overall and the much greater power low down is definitely noticeable compared to the 12v and more used everyday. and yes, the exhaust is just a downpipe issue.
  12. dukest

    new corrado

    Welcome aboard, hope you manage to get it running right in the end. I've moved this to the Engine Bay forum as thats the area you're looking to get sorted. Maybe mention the problem in the title though and you'll get a bit more attention - you can edit your first post.
  13. Hey buddy, sounds ace! Seriously consider C5 OEM's wheels, they're sooo nice!! Rob, those are the same as Chris Langdon's. Be easy to pop over to have a look at them. Mega money now though mate :gag: Chris has BBS RS's doesnt he? C5 OEM is selling some RXIIs.
  14. good shout, i bought mine with 17" RX11s on, pretty timeless :)
  15. lol, didnt even think about peoples negative reactions towards this. if it was a good shell it wouldnt have been cut up. it looked tip top when it was together but it was hiding 2 accidents front and rear. after the car was stripped totally, took about an hour. ah ok thats not so bad, somehow the video and the captions made it look like you'd been at it all day and like it would have been cheaper and less hassle to get it picked up!
  16. you have to wonder if they meant Rob Smedley to be quite as blatant about it and whether he got a ticking off for being so..
  17. not sure how this thread is going to go tbh ;) how long did that actually take?
  18. yep, my bad, realised the 5mm is there in the standard set up diagram too :) was just comparing yours to that standard AP diagram though and trying to work out why the disc and wheel centre lines match there but are offset in your diagram. but anyway, not exactly relevant here as you say so wont clog things up any more :)
  19. looks good Kev. question about your set up though: I thought you'd said that the standard AP bell was 15mm and that you'd had custom 7mm ones made up, therefore keeping the same offset as standard discs? the diagram seems to show the bell at 13mm? it seems like there'd still be enough clearance (just) with a 7mm bell but was just curious!
  20. I'll lock it as you asked it to be, but also dont be put off by the odd slightly dismissive comments here and there - like you say, you've been around for a couple of years already and its just new stuff you're asking about. I think you already have anyway, but you'll always get good tips on changes you'd like to make by identifying people who clearly have the same thoughts on styling etc as you - questions in their members galleries are often as good as threads you put up yourself.
  21. yes, thats exactly why you need to do it..
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