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bigpants baby

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Everything posted by bigpants baby

  1. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... highlight=
  2. I bought mine on tinternet with lifetime guarantee,think it was £150
  3. I have a few,only over the way from you,you can take your pick
  4. I have a few,one from a 1996 passat with 48k miles on the engine etc=offers
  5. Hi tony,pm you about water pipe
  6. Can you not just file off the ridge on the pump?
  7. £53.75 from vw,good thing this etka 7,even gives you the upto date prices on things.
  8. Useful decoder for those curious as to what all those 3-digit codes mean on that sticker on the inside cover of the service history/ in the boot. http://igorweb.org/equidec/
  9. R32 engine,loom,ecu,clocks have been installed. I having trouble with just fuel gauge registering empty or full,engine running fine
  10. Does anyone know for a set of mk4 golf clocks in a corrado? Im pulling my hair out trying to set up my r32 clocks,well the fuel gauge. I realise the early corrado sender is totally different,making things a tad worse is the r32/4 motion has 2 senders. I want to use the std r32 clocks & not have a seperate fuel gauge. Anyone have any ideas???
  11. I have a spare coil pack that has come from a car thats had a knock,one of the brass connecting prongs has sheared off,apart from that its ok. Pm me if any use to you?
  12. what could i do? universal sender or something?
  13. Hope some one can help? Anyone have the wiring dia for 1990 1.8 16v fuel tank sender? My prob being using the r32 golf clocks the fuel gauge is running backwards! (when tank is full im getting the cluster warning lamp showing empty) I've tried it all ways around,how it was set up was blue/brown was connected to earth,the purple & black wire was left untouched. On the r32 or other 4wd golfs etc there are 2 tank senders.
  14. got vag com with can bus thingy,what have i got to do?
  15. yes I have a maf plug with wires,pm me
  16. synta silver without a doubt.
  17. I should have what you need,could do with a bit more detail
  18. Should be able to get it all cos using std r32 engine,gearbox & clocks?
  19. ere no,was 1.8 16v,then 2.8 vr6,then 2.8 vr6 super charged,now r32,next r32 super dooper charged
  20. bigpants baby


    Finally got my car back with my r32 engine set up in the car running,kin wires everywhere! One thing I have noticed the sparky has wired the aux water pump to run with the ign on,not much good if engine baking hot & ign off. The aux waterpump/fan controller not on the car,let alone wired up! Anyone have any ideas about how I could rig up the fan & aux water pump to come on for a few minutes after Ive locked the car ?
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