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Everything posted by Henny

  1. The threaded pipe that the oil filter screws onto has a big nut on it which holds the original cooler on... unscrew that and the cooler just slides off... The threaded pipe will also unscrew from the filter head (the bit wot attaches to the engine block! ;) ) You'll need to cut down the threaded pipe to fit the new cooler slightly though... it's dead simple and easy to do too with just a hacksaw... 8)
  2. Put the knob on as normal. Lift the base of the gator up so that it's inside out over the gear knob Cable tie the gator around the bottom of the knob Put the plastic base back in place Job done... 8)
  3. yup, fill in the new capacity and engine number and send it off... easy as... 8) (guess who's just done this recently! ;) )
  4. I finally got back to a state where I can focus on a PC screen again... :oops: Cheers guys! 'Twas a good Birthday, and yes, I did get utterly monged much to the amusement of my new Ladyfriend! :lol: :oops: :mrgreen:
  5. here's a bit of a better shot to show you how it fits to the engine... 8) The take off plate is about an inch thick, so you actually SAVE about 1/2 an inch when you remove the heat exchanger unit... 8)
  6. ah, I didn't say I didn't like their sound I just always find their controls are too fiddly and their button layouts always seem to be too LHD orientated for me... Sony's are even worse for this IMHO...
  7. actually, my TV system is a Clarion... 8) (but I do really like Alpine stuff too! ;) )
  8. I was gonna put that, but I wasn't 100% certain of that bit... 8)
  9. The fractions of a Degree are called Minutes.... 8) There are 60 Minutes in a Degree...
  10. not me coolrado, I'm not a big fan of Pioneer ICE... :|
  11. that's exactly the same way I've done mine Daz... Well better than the horrible heat exchanger thing that VW fitted as standard... :| Keeps the car's temps under much better control and eliminates one of the weak points on the VW engines (the aluminium "cooler" often breaks down dropping all the oil into the water system)
  12. yup, MKIII 2.0 16V box... 8)
  13. I did the dremmel mod, and the bent arm mod, and had Bosch spoiler blades on my car just after I first got it... the lupo wipers still showed the original wipers up for the pile of poo they were! :roll: :lol: Lupo GTI wipers all the way for me... 8)
  14. Henny


    I'll lock this up seeing as tonytiger, has answered it beautifully and there's a silly number of threads on this topic already! 8) Oh, and I run with the same as tonytiger, on my G60... 8)
  15. did my first long run since my recent re-rebuild and got a rather respectable 29.5mpg on the A50 to Nottingham from Stoke at a constant(ish) 90mph! 8)
  16. yup, having the same DRRRROOOOOONNNEEEEEEEEE noise from my G60 at the moment.... just need to get a weekend where I can strip her, get the bearings sorted and then refit and tracked up in one hit.... Getting VERY tempted to drop it at a local garage and let them do it 'cos the weather's soooooo crappy and my garage is bloody cold! ;) :lol:
  17. I'm with Gav on this with a slight bias towards it being the Dizzy that's at fault...
  18. I was just about to say the same thing fj, 8)
  19. Henny


    The fan bearings and/or brushes are on their way out... this is the first sign... sorry, Borat, start saving for a new fan motor... :|
  20. It's a Merc coupe touring racing thing with the front end squared off to make it slightly corrado-esque and the rear lights added on.... :| There's nothing of a corrado in that, it's all wrong.... Not bad looking from that angle though.... ;)
  21. 'Lo! 8) Yup, was me! :D I got hold of a VR6 box from PhatVR6 for £200 who very kindly dropped it off at Stealth for me too... Then Vince stripped it and my original G60 box (which I'd dropped off down there a couple of weeks earlier) and Frankenstein'd me a hybrid box with the Quaife in there too... I don't do gearbox work myself, 'cos they're the one bit of a car which scare me with their complexity and my lack of knowledge of them.... :oops: It'd be cheaper to go the MKIII 16V route, but how good that box will be and how well it'll take the power is still to be proven... at least with the box I now have, I know that it'll take the power I'm putting through it, it's got the LSD and has had a full check over and all new seals and bearings put in it so it should last me a while.... for over a grand, it better do anyway! ;) :lol:
  22. Henny

    samco hoses

    AFAIK, the pipe is sold in terms of which size pipe it goes over... so a 60mm samco is designed to fit onto a 60mm pipe... I reckon 63mm is probably gonna be too big and leak boost... :| The sensor (CO Pot) is VITAL to the running of a G60 and MUST be incorperated into the pipework else the ECU won't know how to adjust the fuelling for your engine properly and you run the risk of doing serious damage....
  23. Henny

    G60 induction

    vwdubs, it'd be great as long as it takes very little to power the fridge, otherwise you'd be loosing power trying to make it! :lol: That's what an intercooler or charge cooler system is for... 8)
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