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Everything posted by delfinis38

  1. Going to let it settle for a few days and try again. How should a vr pedal feel ? The only thing I could compare it to is my new Audi and polo. Which you only have to touch the foot brake with limited travel. The corrado pedal is lighter with more travel not as responsive but does stop. Maybe I should pump a few more litres through. Got bit involved in changing handbrake cables yest.
  2. My insurance is cheaper if I keep the car on he drive as opposed to the garage !
  3. would be interested in any comment on this... mines on a laid up policy at the moment 0 miles fire and theft from the garage, but like you would only intend to use it on the odd summer weekend / nice day next year. my insurance company initially was funny about me insuring it on a standard policy and then putting it on a SORN during the winter.
  4. cheers for the info... just finished changing the cables this morning.... 95% adjusted them okay, will leave the tunnel trim off for a few weeks to do a bit of tweeking, no doubt the new callipers / discs and pads will bed in and I will need a final adjustment. thanks for your help.
  5. you need to push the top tab down with a screwdriver and slide a small screw driver inside the underside of the handle to release the tab which is about 10mm inside the handle, once this is released it slides off with no effort. tunnel removed ready to put new cables in tomorrow. taken me half aday to fathom this out. :)
  6. Simple when you know how ! No effort required at all. Leather handle off and now sticking the loose end bit down. Hump out. And tunnel loose with access to cable ends. Cables fitting tomorrow. Does the hand brake sit natually offset to the drivers side?
  7. Hummm any tips bit more problematical than I first thought !
  8. is there some sort of tab on the underside of the handbrake hand grip at the back that needs to be released to take the hand rip off ???? okay answered my own question with the help of these pixs http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?t=80281&highlight=handbrake+handle
  9. sort of got it... cant see the nuts on mine but I can sort of see the location in this ebay advert. guess they are hidden under the trim http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VW-Corrado-VR6-Beige-Centre-Tunnel-Gear-Surround-Leather-Gearknob-/161083970202?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item25815a529a#ht_137wt_1399 what happens to the hand brake itself ie.... handle and trim assume you need to remove this first before the tunnel trim comes away.
  10. If only I had the room ........ A nugget / jasmine yellow corrado is still on my wish list. I used to get the bus to school outside a veedub dealer and I looked at a g60 nugget every day in the showroom.
  11. handbrake cables.... job for this afternoon...... however any clues how to remove the trim from round the handbrake to get at the cable ends.... Just looked quickly and see their is one screw just below the handbrake and I assume if I pull the rear ashtray out there might be one there too. and other clues don't want to waste my time and hack the interior about. TIA
  12. bleed the system twice again today. (think that's six times in total now). starting to get a decent brake pedal. shame I cant test it in anger as the car is Sorn, however I have a 50 metre private drive. will give the brakes a final bleed tomorrow. Assume I only got 3/4 litre of fluid in because their was still some of the orig fluid going down to the clutch
  13. just doing mine at present.... I'm using a G clamp. some people tie wrap them but I've never had any sucess
  14. When I was a tight student I used a angle grinder disc key.
  15. read all the how too's, need a bit more help..... have changed all pipes and hoses so initially nothing in the system. got an easy bleed that works well, put a g clamp on the brake load comp. bleed all four corners / 2 on the ABS / master cylinder and clutch slave numerous times. the system has taken about 3/4 litre of dot 4. there is no air in the system but the brake pedal still feels very spongy...... with the ignition off the pedal does what I would expect it to do but with the engine running pedal goes down quite along way and very spongy..... do I need the ignition on to bleed brakes.... I read it's the case with a US spec rado. Also I assume with the rear jacked up and a foot on the brake pedal, the rear brake wont lock fully due to brake load comp (no weight on the rear)... thanks for any help and advice..... tomorrow is another day....
  16. Owned it since it was 6 months old. bought from main VW dealer with 5K on the clock in august 1996. garaged and used as a toy ever since, hence the mileage.
  17. not looked at the pictures... but from new they were never fitted to the car... the aerial should be in a sealed plastic bag stuck to inside the box. edit... just looked at the second picture think you can see it stuck to the back of the box next to the drivers side wing mirror
  18. Just a quick up date as I've been having a play in the garage over the last month while the weather is warm... (car maintance is always put on hold during the winter, too cold for working on a cold garage floor :) ). any way have been doing an overhaul on the brakes as the cars not been moved for the last 10 years. new callipers all round discs pads abs sensor and bearings on the rear new hoses and pipes front to to rear. oil and gearbox change and plugs. Wow have I really spent £700 on parts for the brakes... I guess the 4 new calipers must be most of that.... decided to keep the rear standard and not go the Mk4 route. Home for the last 17 years ! yes sticky paper was removed from the rear pads ! brand new speedline !
  19. lovely seats, I had a set from new in my 16v in 1992.
  20. I don't know anything about fishing but is this a bargain ?? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-SHIMANO-STELLA-5000SW-SPINNING-REEL-/200953899759?pt=UK_SportsLeisure_Fishing_Reels_JN&hash=item2ec9c92aef#ht_787wt_1399
  21. I'm watching that badge too http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VW-CORRADO-REAR-BADGE-NEW-GENUINE-357-853-601-B-/200952413928?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2ec9b27ee8#ht_26wt_1399 will his fishing gear reach dizzy heights too :)
  22. blimey ! thought I saw them for sale last week on the vw heritage site for £180 ish should I buy the stock up :)
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