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Everything posted by delfinis38

  1. Sorry can't hear you... capitals = SHOUTING.
  2. Agree it's dishonest he obviously dosent have a concince.
  3. Is this sprayed silver of is it brushed chrome like the later badges.
  4. My thoughts too on the scam...
  5. Yup something wrong it's the same car... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/152204735823?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT 10k short. Bought by the dealer you suggested.
  6. And I thought the update was refund from Germany :)
  7. Best start ripping the Sunday papers up and using some glue....
  8. If these are for lefty cars why are they being sold to the uk when we drive on the other side of the road. Refund ???
  9. Yup SALE30 should get some discount of 30 percent
  10. Hard to find so yes... Unless you can find one on eBay.
  11. It would be the ideal overall package.
  12. Tidy... Glad you got rid of the yellow spot lights.
  13. I thought the new ones came with doublesided tape and end caps fitted.
  14. I'm guessing the rear clip part needs taking off and the extrusions needs a few mm taken off, it should then sit flush.
  15. From memory mine were snug fit at the front and very slack at the rear. I had one of the origional extrusions before the end clips were produced so I had to cut the ends and use the origional VW end clips. They took a lot of modification to sit right.
  16. Her you go Jim... Spotted it the other day... http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C792839
  17. I thought about saying a few words inline with above, but decided to leave it as it would destroy an advert.. But as 11 people have now.... I'm going to say sorry to see the corrado go and best of luck with the new motor.... Any clues or just keeping the ST.
  18. A re chrome service on exchange of an old badge would work out cheaper.
  19. Er no... Have a search here but I think the golf mk3 badge is the same apart from it slopes at a different angle to the rear valance... These are still available.
  20. good idea.... I have a stash of about 6 brand new ones... they sell for about £30 each these days..... ive tried the chrome spray in the past and that's rubbish someone on here had good results recently with chrome wrap.
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