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Everything posted by delfinis38

  1. Correct... 3 straps 5 bolts 1 bracket Just done mine, well wire brushed then sprayed with black hammerite.
  2. Double spot today within 5 mins. Bigbury on sea. South Devon. Blue corrado on the back of a truck had damaged bumper. Red vr in the main car park opposite the island.... Was it you ?
  3. That's Chris old car he now has a green storm.
  4. delfinis38

    Roof trim

    Chap in Germany producing them 150 for set with end caps... He sent some sample over for me... I've not purchased waiting for Karmnnski to see what his are like... Didn't think the quality of the German chap was that good.... I have his email address but away at the moment so can't give you it at moment. Load of us waiting for a solution to this.
  5. Well on the plus side it's 1 of 112 left not 1 of 250 made with all the storm adverts seem to say these days.
  6. Rears won't give you any better braking, they will just stop the hand brake seizing on.
  7. £20 delivered ? is the wheel straight ? Pm your payment details.
  8. Rob used to manufacture them, but he's long gone. The fog indicator protectors are aftermarket fit.
  9. They don't clip to the fog or indicator, they are just stuck on with Velcro. You can get small round double sided discs of Velcro in white. So easy to take off and clean.
  10. let us know which one it is please. don't want picture 2 with damaged outer rim
  11. Cheers, interested just need to sort a delivery address out this end... Not about for a few weeks.
  12. I did mine with white spirit in a garden sprayer, soak for about 10 mins then old barclaycard or MyWaitrose card to scrap.
  13. Wendy. If you bought a full annual ticket last time it should be free to get in. For anyone else interested... http://www.blenheimpalace.com/attractions-and-events/events/2015/summer/blenheim-palace-festival-of-transport.html Lovely setting for a show.. Fingers crossed for no rain. Super car show the following week/end. http://www.blenheimpalace.com/attractions-and-events/events/2015/autumn/salon-privé-supercar-show/
  14. interesting.... only a few miles from me, never knew anything about it... ive decided to have a nose at the classic car show at Blenheim, it suggests also VeeDub on the Monday. enjoy the german vs jap show.
  15. first thing I thought but I think you can see a faint outline of a black seal in the second picture on drivers side.... nice, I like a nice candy white.
  16. Nice cat... Corrado looks nice too.
  17. Jim I think vwspares still list them under brakes.
  18. Try and get postage cheaper Maybe Hermes. With parcels to go.
  19. How much for postage may be interested as spare are they straight ?
  20. delfinis38

    Sunroof seal

    What's the best way to clean my sunroof seal. It's gone white... Too much polish... Shall I scrub with brush without removing seal and risk scratching paint or is it easy to remove.
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