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Everything posted by delfinis38

  1. Wayne dunno what car you have but originally they either came with SNR bearings which are available from eurocar parts or SKF. I bought SKF vkba 529 which are rear for a late vr. And vkba 1491 for front. Think I bought from ebay. Your paying twice the price for the original bearing their for coming in a vw box. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-Skf-Wheel-Bearing-Kit-for-VW-VKBA529-/400755732741?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item5d4ee73105 Note the OEM REF NUMBER FOR THE SKF IS THE SAME AS IN ORIG BEARING IN THE PICTURE ABOVE.191-598-625 This bearing is listed for a lot of corrado models. Mine originally came with SKF.
  2. Something similar happened to me yest... I hit a highlighted word CORRADO and it took me to ebay for corrado rad hoses...
  3. £184 :) this stuff will be about £60 delivered I guess.
  4. good man.... look forward to seeing the foam on the bonnet.... how much did you pay delivered to the UK ? I spoke to the chap this afternoon via email and he quoted 80 euros delivered for a VR set. will hang fire at the moment and see if you think its good enough to go ahead / group buy.
  5. Have a dig round here this car has been sold a few time on this forum over the last few years.... I dunno anything about it.
  6. For the spec your after you need to travel... Their not like a Ford Focus that you can buy in your local town. Think of the awesome drive home... But take a few spanners with you... For some strange reason all the nice cars are up north.
  7. Mmmmm headlight washers..... Looks a bit odd with an early corrado interior. But nice spec....
  8. I'd be up for a group buy....
  9. Good man , watching this space.
  10. Mmmmm washer jets.... Is that an early interior in a late car ? I had those seats and door cards in my 16v 1.8 on a j plate. 1992
  11. Noted that when the group buy was on but it needs to be close to original OEM stuff for me.... mine's okay at the moment but it's starting to fall apart when you touch it. it's an age think.
  12. newtons do them too... however not the waffle foam and a comment on here earlier suggest the heritage stuff is rubbish and is not even cut to the right shape.
  13. I was outbid at £100, thought I was mad at that price... My mate who works at at foam company says the foams worth peanuts... Jamie keep us posted on the German ebay stuff... I'm interested at the right price. But don't speek the lingo.
  14. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VW-Corrado-Bonnet-Foam-Insulation-Rare-/251841661403?ssPageName=ADME:B:WNA:GB:3160&autorefresh=true Was it you jamie :)
  15. Cheers shows early and late sets.
  16. Do you have a link Jamie I looked and could not find it.... I'm interested if correct.... I guess the set on uk ebay at moment will go for silly money.
  17. from memory they are different....
  18. google translate got me the same answer.... you found anything special Jamie.... is it original foam. Link ???
  19. No good for you Sean, these are from a left hand drive car :)
  20. Me thinks so too.... More than I'm gonna bid.
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