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Everything posted by Crasher

  1. Crasher

    Quick question

    Have you got the other parts of the Golf IC such as outlet casting, elbow hose etc?
  2. 1) No. 2) Bentley is fine.
  3. The Golf 3 is a different part number to a Corrado. The only Golf to use a Corrado subframe is a Golf 2 G60.
  4. Check the fluid level and the condition of the poly V belt.
  5. For one or both? Including tracking and camber? With new hubs or your old ones?
  6. Try the Bentley manual for the Corrado and for ABS basics, Heisler's vehicle technology.
  7. Why do this if you don't have a problem? The standard thermostat opens at 80°c (which is low compared to other VAG cars) and the Neuspeed one opens at 71.11°c.
  8. Using VAG-COM you can drive the injectors which drives the fuel pump relay. Some simple tests. Remove the fuel pump relay (12 with 167 on top) and use a multimeter to check for a permanent live power at socket 6 on the relay plate vacant fuel pump position, and then check for permanent earth continuity at socket 2. Next, check for continuity between socket 4 and position 1 at the fuel tank plug on the red/yellow wire. Now check for continuity from socket 3 to the ECU plug socket 6. Of course, you should also check the 20A fuse at position 18 to make sure it isn't blown. If this all checks out, refit the relay but leave the ECU plug off. Turn the ignition on and connect and an earth wire to pin 6 on the ECU harness plug and the fuel pump should fire up.
  9. Probably no signal from the ECU to the fuel pump relay. Have you left the diagnostic socket available? Have you used the G60 or VR6 fuel pump? Not that it affects it running; I’m just interested to know.
  10. Crasher

    heater matrix

    Two hours, what drugs you taking?
  11. Crasher

    heater matrix

    If you replace the matrix on a Corrado, please use the genuine VW Golf 3 matrix 1H2 819 031 B as if it fails in warranty, VW will change it free of charge, including doing the work, even if someone else fitted it. I have found that the Valeo aftermarket and non brand GSF units usually fail very quickly, especially on a VR6. You don't need the bypass valves with this matrix.
  12. I have tried them and they look good.
  13. I would use the shortened units. They can make the springs awkward to compress and then release though.
  14. The hub (if it is warped slightly) won’t show up as a driving problem until the distortion is transferred into the disc which can take a while. Were the hubs replaced with the wheel bearings? When we have a car with warped discs, we always check the hub before fitting the new discs.
  15. A VW specialist should be able to repair that for you.
  16. Can you identify the wire at the fan plug which is getting power when the fan comes in, red/white or red/black?
  17. What does this plug connect to? I think you will find the VW single wire repair 000 979 021 will replace the corroded wire but these cost £2.14 each and you have to order 5. A photo of the corroded part would help.
  18. Surgically clean or not, they are probably distorted and yes, you need a dial gauge.
  19. Have the hubs checked for run out whilst the discs are off.
  20. Soak all the power steering pump bolts with releasing agent for a few days before you touch it.
  21. Crasher


    The one job that separates a good transplant from another-wiring. He should have connected the pump to the original fan run on relay or wired in the original V6 4M run on unit which is very much like a VR6 C unit. Any decent mechanic can do a transplant, how many can (or are given the budget to) wire one up correctly. The main reason for this is that a custom built loom can cost as much as the initial transplant and most people don’t worry about it until the wiring fails. How many transplants look like the wiring harness has been thrown at the engine and connected up where it landed?
  22. Crasher


    Was your car a VR6 originaly?
  23. Crasher


    Supersprint. The Magnex is OK (I helped them design it years ago) but I would still have the Supersprint any day.
  24. Would those be original or tangy cheese flavour?
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