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Everything posted by chrishill

  1. yeah mine too, plus they didnt put the roof-rack on that I specifically asked for, bloody dealers!
  2. ^ what he said suspension drops a little as it settles in anyway.
  3. a mini football painted back with a pair of cheapo petro station sunglasses on would probably do the trick ;) they are cool though.
  4. fair do's mate! i guess its testiment to the fact its a daily drive and gets 'used' as well it should.
  5. here I like the last one the best "sweety, its really hard for me to enjoy the sound of the engine with all your yackin" :twisted: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
  6. not picking fault mate, just a genuine question that popped into my head when i saw the PVW feature... whats with the missing plastic cover on the inside of the rear hatch?
  7. quite obviously fake, the bmw was indicating ;)
  8. ah ha! http://www.moparts.org/moparts/picture/yards/index.html change 'index.html' to 'index2.html' and so on for more pages :)
  9. http://netintime.tripod.com/old-cars/oldcars.html was one i found, but i cant find the best one which that image came from! there were loads of really cool images on there... i knew i should've bookmarked it! >:|
  10. I found a ton on google images a few weeks back when I was looking for desktop images, dont have the link anymore though :( heres the only one i saved... off to google for the others for you since they were great, just not deaktop-sized.
  11. ideally yes, but generally they invoke masses of bodyroll and all maner of scary understeer :?
  12. because every other countrys road (with the possible excaption of austrailia) have funny things called 'bends' which muscle cars dont seem to be designed to cope with! ;) saying that, the 69 camero i posted is so low it HAS to handle well
  13. nah, i'll have a chip foose/unique performance '69' please...
  14. s3's, but get the inset bit at the end of each spoke polished up.
  15. thats unreal! i hope he got a nice fat payout. that said, i can see a sweet project coming from this... weld the doors back on with the window frames chopped off and seal the gaps, somehow strengthen the chassis and buy yourself some goggles ;)
  16. very very nice mate, those stoppers look MAHOOOOSIVE!
  17. there was one on ebay.co.uk last week (unless it'd just brought up dutch results too!) that had a plastic cover on it too, and IIRC was going for something around £65. I linked to it in the ebay section but its been longer than 7 days ago so the threads been killed!
  18. aw, you had to spoil the fun, i was going to round up a bus load of local wasters for target practice!
  19. 5min interviews with the owners of the cars with the highest figures of the day for each engine type (so highest g60, highest VR, highest 1.8 valver and so on) with a set list of questions along the lines of 'show us your favorite and least favorite parts of your car' 'show us something unique' 'plans for the future' and 'one peice of sage advice for corrado owners' not a great list of questions, just of the top of my head.
  20. put your own plate on and sell the g60 one on, you'll still have a private plate which means something to you and i'm sure theres plenty of buyers for the g60 cc registration.
  21. eek! dont follow the link in that last video clip NWS is an understatement!
  22. that cant be real! surely they'd fall over as soon as their feet hit the ground??
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