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Everything posted by CazzaVR

  1. Your username is very apt, Mr Clark! 4 yrs? You seem to have lost track of time! :lol: Good result there- well done! How does it feel to be driving it again? Good times?! 8)
  2. CazzaVR

    16V Fuel Tank

    Gutted! Threw one away a couple of weeks ago :( I'm sure someone will have one, as these don't tend to sell very well when people break a car, and they're often left hanging around and end up in the skip!
  3. The search is your friend, matey! Been covered loads. There was a thread a while ago with the p/n for the Octavia moonroof.
  4. Ah, thought you just meant the accelerator ;)
  5. Mate, you won't fail an MOT on a rubber that wasn't even originally fitted! Think I'll be getting a full set - mine are a little worn + I don't have the accelerator cover. The bare metal looks scruffy.
  6. Looks like good stuff! Good work, yet again Drew 8)
  7. You can just delete it ;)
  8. The 2.0 16v is OK- well worth fitting a KR cam at the very least though. Worth getting a VR or G60 though if you can find a decent one- they're in a different league to the valvers.
  9. Not sure on your first question, but that part is indeed the 5th injector/cold start valve :)
  10. Buyer's Guide is in the Wiki at the bottom of the front page ;) Clicky fo tha Wiki
  11. :lol: Where are you gonna put it all?! If the front wing is late & decent, I'll have it off you (if you don't want it!).
  12. Welcome! You're in the right place. Have a good read of the Buyer's Guide in the Wiki + a good old dig using search- pretty much everything has been covered in depth during the Forum's life 8)
  13. Lush! Global Communication 8) Saw them do a really rare live set years ago- they were stunning!
  14. There were a handful of J-plate 2.0 16v & even VR6s made during the crossover period. Most seemed to have early interiors but late exteriors. Either that, or it's had a trnsplant like you say, or the seller got it wrong :lol:
  15. Wow Steve, you've been busy! It's looking superb. Love the leather & wheels. What wheels are they?
  16. As above- in good nick with no rust. Cheers!
  17. I'd get a VW stat & make sure you test it in a pan of boiling water first ;)
  18. Was a great morning- many thanks to Dazy & FTF for organising it 8) Thanks to Ed too for driving ;) One of the police guys was very complimentary about the cars and took a couple of pics 8)
  19. Take the dash out mate. It'll all go straight back in, and at least you can see what you're doing. Clocks are easy, just 6 screws IIRC. Drop the steering wheel to it's lowest point. 2 screws on the bottom corners under the little covers (if you still have them) + 2 screws in the top/under part of the surround. When the surround is out, think there are just 2 more either side.
  20. CazzaVR

    ecu differences

    What year is yours? Think the later (94-95) cars all had factory immobilisers, so you'll need the module + key as well.
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