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Everything posted by V-Dubstar

  1. Well, I proper failed at getting any pix of the new rims up - apologies! I didn't really drive the car much with them on, was having nasty rubbing issues at the back (at least I assume it was rubbing, there's now cracked paint on the N/S/R arch :( ), juddering at high speeds, and juddering when braking at high speeds with em on :( I EVENTUALLY decided to have a look at what was going on, the spigot rings that came with the rims didn't fit nice over the spacer locating ring, they were too tight but didn't realise this when I put them on as I just put the rings into the rims, and bolted the wheels to the car with the spacer on the hub!! :lol: So I bought some new ones, and they fit fine and spin freely around the hub ring. Anyways for some reason I assumed it was just the spacer that the spigot rings were fouling on, so only swapped the front 2 spigot rings around - d'oh!! The juddering continued to annoy me til I was back at my mum's one day a couple of weeks ago where I keep the Speedlines, and decided to swap the rears for the Speedlines. Couldn't get the Speedline on, why? I looked at the hub and the spigot ring was wedged right on, with a good 1-2mm gap between it and the hub! :shock: So I got the rear speedies on, took it for a spin and suprise suprise the high speed juddering had gone away! :D Braking juddering was still there so to rule out the wheels causing it (the front's were spaced out remember) I put the speedies back on the front too, went for a spin, brake juddering still there! Got some new discs in the post from GSF as the others had only been around 1k and assumed they've warped, but I think they're ok as I've used them a bit since and it seems to be getting better? (car hasn't been used much since they've been on mind :confused4: ) I also managed to pull a muscle in my neck/right shoulder area when lifting the wheels up and down my mum's many steps upto the road and into the back garden etc, which didn't come on for a day or 2, but when it did I gotta admit that's the most pain I've ever experienced in my life, not being able to turn my head or lie on my side to sleep or anything! :( Because of this, I didn't put the rims back on with the new found knowledge of my problems. TBH, due to there being no juddering when driving fast, I don't really care Im quite glad to have the trouble-free speedies back on :lol: BUT, they will come back on for the dry season next year. (well done if u've read this far, LOL) Anyways, got back from ed38 today and Kempy took a quick vid of me going past on the way home :D [youtube:23t8bncr]UsWwkqdDMxY[/youtube:23t8bncr]
  2. V-Dubstar

    my wheels

    Cool man 8) Look forward to seeing the tints and dark rims on a black rado! That'll look well mean :D Meant to ask how long u've had this one?
  3. V-Dubstar

    my wheels

    Your VR looks well tidy, mate! Looks like you're not skipping around anywhere either, got some really nice and fresh looking parts on there mind! :D Those 288's look nice and cosy in the Speedline ey mate? Lol I reckon there's less than a 4mm gap between mine! Nice work dude! :thumbleft:
  4. What do u mean? U can quite clearly, easily, see the white lines in the road when they're within 2metres of the car! :lol: Lol, dunno why I noticed this but at 51s in, there's a tree which looks like a sock puppet, and at 54s in, a tree that looks like a pig! :lol: Well, to me it does anyways - maybe it's time for bed after an exhausting wknd... :?
  5. Yeh I hear ya, Im not talking a massive stretch but seeing if anyone uses 195's or even 185's on theirs?
  6. V-Dubstar

    Metal pedal ??

    What about Ripspeed? :shrug: :lol:
  7. Was wondering what size tyre people put on their Speedlines - does everyone go for a 205, or does anyone go for a little stretch? Would love to see pix of people's Speedies with a bit of stretch, if so! :D
  8. Lol, nice chuftie, but a guy basically didn't know what car it was, and questioned what make the car was, yet he knows it's fast? :shrug: :lol:
  9. 2nd that! Helped me out a bit coz they only ask for the previous 3yrs of accidents, and I had a couple with my mk3 previous :lol: If u wanna pay monthly though, they'll sting ya!!
  10. Was using mine as a daily for previous job, up until Feb. Now I have a van, so he doesn't get out as often, but if it's dry and I need to go to the shops or whatever, I'll take him out and obviously for a bit of a spin too :D Other than that, I always go for a drive on the wknd. Gotta say I love it so much not driving it as much as before - I feel like a kid when I know Im gonna be going out in it! :lol:
  11. Haha, glad to be of service dude! :salute: :D
  12. Check this out, ridiculous!! :lol: :roll: http://uk.autoblog.com/2010/08/31/video-too-much-space-to-park/
  13. The seal should just slide up the piston until he sits in the piston groove, I was worried as well but trust, it's such a better option than how I did my other 3 :lol: This is how I mean by having the seal 'hanging' over the piston before putting him in: DSCF7054.jpg[/attachment:38xrhh6c] :thumbleft:
  14. 1) I go raving, quite a lot. Probably a lot more than anyone that wants to keep a healthy mind should 2) Love getting tatt's and piercings 3) Once was at a rave, then a mates house party with Matthew Pritchard, from Dirty Sanchez!
  15. I did 3 of mine (was doing the rears, too) all the same method by using a flat bladed screwdriver VERY carefully to push the seal into the lip all around, then turned the piston round so I had a bit more room to do the next bit. Very time consuming and awkward, especially as being ULTRA careful with the screwdriver :? Then on the 4th and final one, I tried something else, and it was dead simple and literally took me no time at all compared. Can't remember EXACTLY how to do it off the top of my head, but goes something like this: if u unfold the seal (like unwrap it so it's really long), and put it on the piston, push it down (or up depending on which way u've done it) so a fair amount is hanging off the piston (solid end thats going into the caliper) u should easily be able to push most of the seal lip into the groove, twist it round till its all in, then when u start pressing the piston back into the caliper, the seal will 'follow' up the piston until it sits in the piston groove... Hope u understand this mate, honestly it was a doddle and I was so annoyed that I wanted to take the other ones apart again and do it this way! :lol:
  16. Lookin' good man, RS5's? What size?
  17. Yeh well they've been on a good 3months or so with very little use, so maybe this is what has happened? Is there a way of rectifying this issue? I had no problems whatsoever regarding juddering beforehand...
  18. :lol: What're the odds... I can see where they're coming from, but as u say, Brembo do have a good reputation...I get to keep the old Brembo's so might take 'em down the workshop and get em skimmed anyways. Did they have the Brembo's in stock then, if u really didn't wanna take the Zimmermans?
  19. Ok, I got some standard vented Brembo 288mm discs from GSF a few months back for my rado, they've covered probably less than 1k, but they started vibrating when braking so I assumed they're warped, emailed GSF and no problems getting some new ones sent out to me, FOC. Now, I received them today, same part no. as the ones I had ordered a few months back, only they're Zimmerman discs and not Brembo's. What's the crack between these discs? Are the Brembo's better than Zimmerman's? Anyone with personal experience? The Zimmerman's look like they've been coated or painted, they have a very grey colour to them, not so sure whether this is anti-corrosion prevention or something?
  20. My Heko ones fit like a dream :D And yes they fit up in the window channel, but the end towards the rear of the window needs to be stuck in, u'll see what I mean
  21. I got mine from an ebay shop, some bloke selling Heko ones from his UK based store - good quality I loves em. Only thing is the little bit of tape they're supplied with wears off after a while and they gradually start sliding down, I re-applied with some pressure tape and had no problems!! The fit of the deflector is very snug and well manufactured IMO! :D PS. Sorry I don't have a link lol, they were about £35 delivered IIRC
  22. They are very nice seats man, Id keep em!! Id even be tempted to swap for my black leather Recaros...
  23. V-Dubstar


    Andy, any links or pix to possible before and after results? I assume the principle would be the same on long scratches?
  24. Yeh mate, was really worried about this... After the last bit in my little story, I've had no more problems thus far mate. As u say RW1, I think it must've been a bit of dodgy fuel. I can't remember where I would've filled it up last, it was either the same garage as I did in the story (ESSO), or Morrisons... I normally fill up at a branded garage but on the odd occasion when they're full I'll pop to Morrisons (they're both a respectable 113.9p atm) I only had around 30-40miles left in the tank at the time so maybe it was the dreggs of some mingin' fuel...been for a fair few blasts since then and all good :D
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