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Everything posted by Swompy

  1. Should be a good day today although a little cold as I have no heating. O well will man up and enjoy the ride (if you can keep up ;) )
  2. So come on then what have you got lined up?
  3. I must admit I do have a secret affection for the white Corrado :D
  4. Just ordered the parts to replace the foliage seal as mine is leaking and the fan doesnt work. So going to have a good old week of getting dirty on the old girl as Im not working :D The parts came to around £9 so even cheaper than the Wiki page says so there is no excuse not to do it now http://wiki.the-corrado.net/changing_heater_scuttle_foliage_cover_seal.html
  5. Not heard of that one around here before. Mine was parked up at the Sainsburys in Glos Quays all day today
  6. Swompy

    3.68 final drive

    Sounds good to me something to make the car even more of a banshee
  7. I've just noticed that the first meeting point is a renowned dogging site :fondle:
  8. Haha Im sure I might be able to sweet talk him into it but need the dimensions first ;) ---------- Post added at 09:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ---------- You bring a jack on sunday and I will bring a tape measure :camp:
  9. A friend of mine is going to make me up a de-cat pipe as he works for a fabrication company What I need is the dimensions of the cat so he can make the pipe for me. As I have no means to raise the car due to my jack being broken I cant get underneath the car to measure it up so was wondering if any knows or could measure one up for me. what I need is the length, bore diameter (2.5 inches if I remember correctly) and the rough thickness of the pipe? Thank you muchly
  10. My fan doesnt work so no heating for me, plus I just sold a fan on ebay, sods law :( On my many list of jobs to do for next weekend
  11. I have a drivers door and passengers wing if you want. The door is bare with nothing in it tho, both parts are in Dark burgundy peal in colour and pretty rust free
  12. My pics and two videos from Sunday And sleeping beauty :afro: Sorry for the sounds isnt great [video=youtube_share;rQyqU2id4KM] [video=youtube_share;v52JEd356uc]
  13. Sorry to hear mate but needs must and at least it will go to keeping other cars on the road. Plus DBP is the only way forward :D
  14. I think me and you would of been fighting over the bits if it wasnt :D I will defo take the rear number plate light holder and screws. Mine went walk abouts on a pootle so dont have one
  15. Just count yourself luck Toad didnt find you!
  16. I've got a few pics and videos to upload Got a great one of you sleeping beauty :camp:
  17. Well done Jim for organising today and to Wendy for tending the BBQ Was good to catch up with a few people and meet a few new ones today as well, but I do think we all need name badges of thee things :afro: Will make sure my car goes on next time to see what she is putting out :D Jim I didnt have any money on me to chuck in the food pot so pm you paypal and I will chuck some across
  18. Just been to watch The rum diary. I think I need to watch it a few more times before I make a final decisions how I feel about it. Some of you may remember that I'm a big Hunter.S.Thompson fan and have read the book several times so may have gone into the cinema a bit critical but I tried not to be. But over all on the first watch its pretty good but has been made so the average Joe can enjoy it. The film isn't as grimy or as raw as the book and I feel a few of the key details aren't portrayed enough. It feels as if the film has had a lot cut out of it to make it an easy watch but it still a 2 hour film. I think if they added an extra 30mins with a few more details in it would be even better. But I need to read the book again and then watch the film for me to get the best out of it. To confuse things Im going to give it two ratings one as if I was an average Joe and never heard of HST and another as a big fan of the book and HST. 1. As a straight up film 8/10 2. As a Hunter.S.Thompson fan and having read the book 5/10
  19. Sorry to hear your selling but I suppose needs must :( If you do break give me a shout as I may be interested in some body parts *vultures start to circle*
  20. Looks and sounds amazing mate :D
  21. I will be popping along now as my days off have been change. Wont be going on the rollers tho
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