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Everything posted by Wesleyvr6

  1. Iv'e got a pair of these Audioscape pods and often thought about seeing if i can reproduce them, (i work in the woodworking trade) so wouldn't be too hard i reckon. I may re visit this idea!!
  2. What kind of money do you want for them and do they have tires?
  3. Looking for a set of alloys for my vr6, 16” minimum. What’s anyone got?
  4. Wesleyvr6

    VR6 cams

    I’ll take them, how much do you want for them?
  5. Wesleyvr6

    VR6 cams

    Thanks pal, I’d be interested in a set.
  6. Wesleyvr6

    VR6 cams

    Who is SP buddy?
  7. Wesleyvr6

    VR6 cams

    I’d be interested in a set of 263’s or 268’s if I ever get round to fitting my schrick.
  8. Hi Mark, is it the same as this one? https://www.vwheritage.com/535837911a-door-aperture-seal-left-or-right-vw-spare
  9. Hi Mark, did see yours but a bit more than i wanted to pay, would be happy with a good second hand one. I did see them on vw heritage for £88 new. But thanks anyway. Are you open to offers?
  10. Anybody got a decent drivers side door seal with no rips for sale?
  11. Wesleyvr6

    VR6 Coilpack

    Got mine from these, been on a year and still perfect.
  12. I'm sure i've got a mint one, Can't remember if its a obd1 or 2 though. Can check at some point this week. Was professionally polished when i bought it so looks good.
  13. Excuse my ignorance but what the heck are knee bars?
  14. What are those big plastic dash pieces underneath the steering column and passenger side at 5:10??
  15. What was for sale, the images don't show up on mine.
  16. strange you say this as i replaced mine for a genuine pipe and still get the gurgling! Any ideas?
  17. Wesleyvr6


    Nothing showing buddy!
  18. Wesleyvr6

    JOM coilovers

    I bought a set of JOM brand new, they was only on the car for about 700 miles and the helper spring snapped on one of them. Bought a new set of Konis from a chap on here and not had a single problem> The JOM's were a terrible ride in my opinion too.
  19. No need to pay amazon. Watch it for free on putlocker.
  20. OK I've been tinkering with the car for a couple of hours now and left the trims on in the sun, this seems to of softened them up and they now stay put without rattling about. So hopefully this was just because they've been in the packaging tube for a while in my cold garage, I didn't realise the originals were taped in so will get some thin clear double sided tape to help them out. Hopefully they will be fine from now on.
  21. I reckon driving on the motorway these would easily blow out. Strange as one side is tighter than the other. The originals were far far tighter than these and were actually quite awkward to remove with them being so tight.
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