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Everything posted by Wesleyvr6

  1. This is what you want buddy. Just fitted one to mine. Works fine. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221235223569?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  2. Id say thermostat too, take it out and test in a pan of hot water.
  3. Thread revival! did you ever find the cause of this OrangeCorradoVr6?
  4. Thanks for the pictures Tom, I wanted one that hadnt been repaired so will leave it thanks.
  5. is the plastic splash guard that sits under the car in front of the passenger wheel available? I think it screws to the front bumper too.
  6. Thanks twinny, please can you pm me some contact details and I will collect. Cheers
  7. How much for the 2 x a pillar trims? I presume they have no alarm sensor holes in them?
  8. Not fancy a very quick rare Suzuka grey S3 Jon?
  9. Where are you based? I have a full sunroof mech. The screws your after are still available from the dealers.
  10. Any further updates on these?
  11. If you need any bits give me a shout I have loads of bits. Mainly for a Vr but loads of other bits.
  12. i also have an eye brow spoiler in classic green.
  13. How many posts per page do you have set in your settings Goldie?
  14. Goldie am i being stupid? The header says new parts on page 16, this thread only has 5 pages when i view it??
  15. Sorry if I'm being thick, are the cams new or just some of the other bits?
  16. i cant see the info your talking about?? Where are we looking?
  17. I Will get some pics sorted for you, obviously carradoman has first refusal though.Thanks
  18. I have a black swg one £60 plus postage if that's any good to you?
  19. Yes mine is all complete, can't decide what to do with it!...
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