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Everything posted by DEL VR6

  1. Look at Jesse :cry: Edit: NSFW! - dinkus Tits or no tits, I don't think i would take my car to let them wash it. Used to take mine to the Albanians nearby, but now there are all new faces there, and they dont wash the sponge out, so they end up rubbing the same shite all over the car, and scratch the paintwork. The best job is always when you take the time to do it yourself.
  2. Lol! "The Cov Lads" i thought that too. guess u beat me to it!
  3. DEL VR6

    16 vs 17

    i have only ever had 15's or 16's. i went for the 16's on the strength of advice of people who's opinions on here i value and respect. I totally love the feel and ride they give. Have to say sometimes 17's look pretty awesome, but at the same time, 16's just look right.
  4. looks well good. my rear wiper is crap. reckon this has got to be the next mod.
  5. from the side view, the rear end looks alot like the 350z.
  6. DEL VR6


    nice. looking forward to seeing that splitty.
  7. Until very recently, i thought it was a VR6 with a Magnex system,and a K&N induction kit. (Cos thats what mine has and it sounds amazing) That was until i heard Kev Haywires car at Stealth. That simply blew my mind, and that makes Kev's the best sounding Corrado.
  8. It might sound ridiculous, but a great tip is to actually tighten it first. Only a tiny bit, about an eighth or quarter of a turn if that. That should break whatever is causing the threads to lock. Once you have felt it move dont tighten it any more. They should then undo quite easily. Speaking of eighths & quarters... am going to Amsterdam in 10 days! Yipeee!
  9. 16's and if you can a set, Borbet C's look pretty good, although a little old fashioned compared to alot of other wheels. Im still well happy with mine.
  10. Sorry its off topic, what colour is your car mate? Is it a Dark car, J Reg? If so, that was me you saw the other night in the VW Beetle lookin at your car. (On Welford Rd)
  11. bristolbaron, hope you get the Porsche job! Will be coming to see you for a test drive in a Carrera GT! (Not!!) Seriously tho, good luck with it mate.
  12. Dont know what to add at this stage really Baz, just wish you luck with it, and hope you get the job. (2 seconds later, brain kicks in - this isnt specific to Merc, its more of what i ask anyone that we interview for a job at our place) They are gonna want to know what you can bring to the company - not just knowledge but your experience, your goals and how you can fit in to the company. How you can make them make lots of money. i.e. they are paying you to make more money from them. Run out of things to say at this point! hope it helps dude.
  13. lookin forward to seeing you car mate. sounds good. Did you find it in Leicester?
  14. Have just read all the 3 pages of this thread. From our experience, you really need to convince the independent assessor when he/she comes round. Be nice to them, and dont let them think you are being soppy / sentimental. You need to convince them that the car is genuinely worth the amount you are saying it is worth, not just worth that to you, but worth that overall. Dont go OTT pointing out little things like rust repairs etc. Point out the overall fantastic condition, the good service history and things like the mileage etc. A car like this cant be valued like a normal 4 or 5 year mondeo or vauxhall vectra. Hopefully the assessor will see things your way - and the correct way, and tell the insurers to change the offer accordingly. Fingers crossed for you mate.
  15. shit Furk'z. that really was one ugly f*cker before you did the mods to it. Looks the dogs danglers now, really does. Hope to see it in the flesh at one of the shows this year. It looks wild in the pictures.
  16. Before: Was standard (4x4) ride height and had 15" speedlines when i bought it. In my opinion, it looks much better now.
  17. my current corrado (VR6)was bought back in August 2003, so coming up to 3 years this year. Before that had a 16v, which i had just over a year, so been a Corrado driver for about 4 years altogether. Rossco, agree with everything you have said in your post mate. Anyway... here it is...
  18. DEL VR6

    Corrado Gallery

    Aye, i thought you might be missing your car so thought it would be a good idea to remind you :shock:. I remember seeing that car on the day and thinking how smart it was. 8) Nice plate too!
  19. that looks painful. at least you are ok mate. it could have happened at high speed and been alot worse. good luck getting it fixed mate.
  20. DEL VR6

    New Wheels

    fookin horrible.
  21. DEL VR6

    Corrado Gallery

    From Edition 38 last year...
  22. LEICESTER (no its not a map)
  23. i was bought a Karcher pressure washer last year, in october. since then its been freezing or raining, so sadly, i cant comment yet cos its not been out of the box yet!. They are one the best makes tho, so reckon you cant go too far wrong!
  24. DEL VR6

    rear lights

    nice bit of corrado ass.......
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