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Everything posted by daves16v

  1. Kev has asked me to supply them, hopefully you should see them next week. Dave
  2. Nice choice, got em on my Passat.
  3. Jim, I've had 35mpg on the same journey :D but I was being careful. It's no worse than my valver. Spec is standard apart from the alloys but I'm sure things will change in time. Must admit I nearly did buy a VR but this came up and I was on the look out for a family motor in Black be it a 1.8T VW or Audi. VW won on looks and extra space.
  4. I'm very impressed with my recent Passat purchase. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=31029 Very smooth, quiet and comfortable with lots of space and a huge boot. It's a 1.8T but in saying that, I'm getting over 30 mpg doing 13 miles across Nottingham City every morning. Ok, you have to be careful with the right foot but I find you don't need to floor it to get a move on. So far I've never looked back and you can be sure your're getting a quality car in a VW.
  5. Does lift slightly but could still do with a drop on level ground.
  6. Yeah they're RS6. I'm very tempted to lower it but I think I'll get used to the soft ride first then I'll have an excuse.
  7. I thought I would post up pics of my Corrado replacement. It's a 1.8T on a 2000x plate. It has more miles (97k) than I'd like but it's Black, has FSH and is in excellent condition which is exactly what I was looking for. It runs very well and is very smooth and quiet. Ok I know it could do with lowering but I'm not sure I want to risk ruining the ride like I did with my Rado. Koni/H&R's would probably be ok though. Other plans are K&N filter and then maybe a chip but I'm in no rush. Pic taken just after a full clean and polish. Cheers Dave
  8. Agree it needs to be grounded but I love the rims.
  9. daves16v

    Wet Carpet

    Was a leaking fan duct gasket on mine too. Replaced it for about £3 from Stealers. Just a word of warning - the water drips onto the big connector on the ABS controller and eventually finds it's way inside the controller.
  10. 'Does what it says on the tin' I just can't trust the dealers
  11. Geo, Thanks mate, I've gone and bought the Quantum this afternoon. The guys at GSF thought it was strange that VW recommended Castrol. You're right it's 10w/40.
  12. Been on the phone to GSF, they looked it up in their 'Oil' book and said Quantum Silver is the one to use? Anyone care to express an opinion.
  13. I know it's not a Corrado but value peeps opinions on what Oil I should be putting in my 2000x 1.8T Passat? I've always used Quantum Silver in my Rado but thought I'd ring the Dealer only to be told to use Castrol GTX. I know alot of people don't rate Castrol. I also read somewhere VAG don't use Quantum anymore? Is Quantum for older engines or will I be ok to use it? Is the Silver 10/40 or 15/40? Appreciate your help. Cheers Dave
  14. Mod the parts that should have been done at the factory - Corrado suspension, decent alloys etc then subtle mods only.
  15. My bro worked at a Ford dealer in the paint shop, he mixed some up for me no problem. He just needed the paint code as has been mentioned above.
  16. IndianredG60, Henny is correct and your mechanic should be able to do it. PM me when you're ready. Dave
  17. Yeah, it's always put me off doing my own work on the Rado not knowing if I'll have transport to get to work.
  18. Got to agree with you Kev.
  19. Ok if it were a Pizza but Spag Bol would be a nightmare :lol:
  20. veeDuB_Rado, That's gotta be worth more than an unknown equivalent model, might not be much but back it up with evidence and you've got yourself one special Corrado. If I had it I don't think I would ever part with it.
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