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Henny? RW1? What is this?? ..

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just did a search for the part number (357 919 074) and still didn't find anything! what the heck is it?!!

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I thought the older style G60s/Valvers etc used that port for VAG-COM?


I am sure I read on here years ago about the port being on/near the dials on the older style interiors?

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I'm fairly certain my valver had a diagnostic port under the gearstick suround though, and I dont recall seeing a VAG-COM connector in that shape? it almost looks like a old school audio plug thingy!

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a DIN plug, yus it does (the germans still use them coincidentaly on electronics stuff today, although they are pretty much the only ones that do)

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strange thing is (dont know if same on all) but on my 92 g60 the connectors under the gaitor just run behind the dash into nothing,not connected anywhere...


i had to make my own fault code reader in the past taking a feed directly from the ecu.


my clocks dont have the weird thing by the way... :)



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I thought it was just a little cover over the speaker for the oil warning noise etc?


Actually, is there an oil warning noise?


yup there is a noise, and its really not very nice! i reckon your closest so far!

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I thought that vag com didn't work on G60's..... And it is on both vr6 and g60, but not the late model clusters... I wonder if anything else had that, I'm going to check my girlfriends golf today for it to.

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Ah - yeah - the speaker for the instrument cluster buzzer - i'd go with that being the correct answer!


PiercedWinky - I believe you can get ABS info through VAGCOM on the G60 (provided your G60 has it of course)... and not a lot else! :)

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I didn't find that piece on the Golf cluster. Guess it is corrado only.


And you can also get a very basic diagnostic from the ecu of other things too. It is almost like VW started writing code for the vag com into the ecu but stopped in the middle of it.

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according to a mate of mine it was intended for reading information from the clocks via a computer, i have taken the clocks apart a few times and there is not a buzzer inside the actual cluster, the contacts behind the blanking plug just go to the chip on the back of the clocks.

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If you plug the Flux Capacitor in here and travel at 120mph you will be able to go back to 1972.


You should all know that!

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i thought it was 88 in valvers and 120 in g60's? down to the droning of the charger vibrating the time space continum??!

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Well I have taken a spare set of clocks apart and consulted the blue books of much info with no joy.


The connection is not listed in the wiring diagrams that I can see and I am confident I know where the oil buzzer is on the PCB.


I am going to put some dosh on it being a factory test connection or for an obscure accessory like cruise control.


Anyway piccies:

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I found one of those under my seat once, but never knew what it was either. Certainly no slot for it on my clocks.


My guess is is it isn't oil buzzer related as it seems silly to put the buzzer there and then cover it with a rubber bung!


Are they electrical contacts? Might it be something to do with calibrating the MFA for KMH or MPH for different markets etc? They could quickly bung a tool in the clocks before the cars leave the factory and then stick the cover back in? Just a theory :-)


I suspect the later cars had the relevant clocks installed to begin with....dunno


I think the only way to find out is to take the clocks apart and try and figure it out that way :-)

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Are they electrical contacts? Might it be something to do with calibrating the MFA for KMH or MPH for different markets etc? They could quickly bung a tool in the clocks before the cars leave the factory and then stick the cover back in? Just a theory :-)


I suspect the later cars had the relevant clocks installed to begin with....dunno


I think the only way to find out is to take the clocks apart and try and figure it out that way :-)


Its not for MPH to kph etc as the MFAs are lhd or rhd specific, they are electrical contacts and do run to the main processor on the MFA looking at the tracks but I still have no idea what they are for.

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