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FORZA 3: Week night Marathon (FIRST POST UPDATED)

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yer yer it went really well i manage to bring my corrado home dead last :( but came 4th in the datson race :D :lol:

it was good fun looking forward to next week and some serious practice :D

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Gutted I missed it. Managed to get a really good setup for this track as well. The Datsun racing is ace ain't it?! Although it's a nightmare trying to control using a wheel & pedals, end up all over the place.

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You missed a good race last night. It was like who can make it to the end without interuption, someone parked it to answer the door and someone was even cooking a pie :lol: Had a great race with Kris swapping positions till near the end of an hour long race.

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You missed a good race last night. It was like who can make it to the end without interuption, someone parked it to answer the door and someone was even cooking a pie :lol: Had a great race with Kris swapping positions till near the end of an hour long race.


was pretty cool... then i got distracted by a parked car while chasing you and went into the back of alex....!


you car was cornering so much better than mine... then i had you on the straight... it was the same lap after lap! :lol:


a great race!

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It was like who can make it to the end without interuption, someone parked it to answer the door and someone was even cooking a pie :lol:.

oh my god that is funny. :salute:

imagine if that happened in a real race...."i'm coming into the pits, my pie must be ready by now!"

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Out of interest, what times are people getting on the Le Mans circuit?


im getting 2mins 21 to 2 mins 23 dont know if thats any good

hows about you ?

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tomorrows race should be interesting! :D


no it wont... cus you'll spend most of the time in the pit after im done with you! :p[/quote:26hz6oe9]


Thats if you can keep up :shades:

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tomorrows race should be interesting! :D


no it wont... cus you'll spend most of the time in the pit after im done with you! :p[/quote:22jyp4sm]


Thats if you can keep up :shades:[/quote:22jyp4sm]


i need only the first corner :lol:

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Alright lads, sorry I missed the race last week but been away in France for a week snowboarding. Should be good for the race tomorrow night but must get some practice in as no xbox for the last 8 days......almost forgotten how it all works! :lol:

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Right chaps,


because of prior arrangements i'll be unable to race this evening. I was contemplating changing the time to 9pm but even then i'm not sure and anyway, thats not fair on you lot. Especially with all the confusion over getting to the start line on time!!!


so anywho... sorry in advance and ill catch you all later on next week! happy racing! :thumb right:

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ah dude... that sucks...... i'll host the race then... 8 O'clock everyone!


you may need to rethink the number of laps mate... still not sure they will be enough to force a pit stop if that's what your wanting, however 30 laps will take one hour so id think twice before adding more.


I'll leave it in your capable hands :salute:


Edit: Don't forget to write down the times and positions btw!

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