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Green Storm Turbo - Sold :(

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Nothing quite like a set of big brakes! :thumbleft:


I recommend the Pagid RS15's if you can get them for that caliper.


Thanks for the recommendation, I'll see if I can get hold of some although it seems that Tarox do their own pads. Will look into it...


There huge , mine arent quite that but i laugh more slamming on and stopping quick more than i do accelerating lol


Eye balls will be hanhing out wen uou step on those


Good thing I don't wear contact lenses! Buy my supercharger and you can laugh at accelerating :norty: Will compliment the Schrick!

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Can't beat a bit of TAR OXO cube action! Agree with the Mic one, Pagid RS15s are mental.



"What's the matter Dillon? They got you pushing too many pencils?" :D

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Can't beat a bit of TAR OXO cube action! Agree with the Mic one, Pagid RS15s are mental.



"What's the matter Dillon? They got you pushing too many pencils?" :D


It's always a good time for a Predator quote :)

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Yeah I saw the Avatar and knew the scene immediately :D One of my fave movies of all time.


"So you're telling me Hopper was killed by a f'cking Lizard?" :)

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"So you cooked up a story and dropped the six of us in the meat grinder.."


One of my favourite movies of all time as well - a classic no doubt about it. Will stop cluttering up your thread now n3p ;)

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"So you cooked up a story and dropped the six of us in the meat grinder.."


One of my favourite movies of all time as well - a classic no doubt about it. Will stop cluttering up your thread now n3p ;)


Haha, Arnie quotes are never considered clutter! If you check out Arnie's Youtube channel, he has a few videos of him saying some of his most famous quotes (like in the link I sent earlier). Always good for a laugh!


Predator is also a favourite, and I am looking forward to seeing Escape Plan!


"You're ghostin' us, motherf***er. I don't care who you are back in the world, you give away our position one more time, I'll bleed ya, real quiet. Leave ya here. Got that?"

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I think my favourite Arnie quote has to be:

Gun shop owner: "Hey, you can't do that!!!!" , Arnie: "WRUUUNG!"





Closely followed by "Are Yoouuu S-air-rah Cun-nn-orr?"

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Very small update (I promise a bigger one soon!). Earlier in the thread you may have seen that I had my front seats connolised to make it look prettier. Well, as expected it didn't last (as some of you may have seen at some shows), and I didn't really want to shell out to get the standard seats re-trimmed.


With some luck (and a friendly Polish chap) I was able to get my hands on these bad boys:




Corrado Recaros, heated/electric. As you can see, they need a fair bit of love but luckily I have already found a place local(ish) to me who will re-do the bolsters/supports/etc and re-trim the seats for a very good price so they will look like new (I was amazed that they had the Corrado Recaro template on their books!)


Only thing stopping me now is that I need my car back to pay them a visit to get a perfect colour match (don't want to risk doing that with old beige). Anyone local with cream leather want to lend us a hand? :norty:


It's now the 8th week that the car has been at Stealth, where Vince has unfortunately been very busy so I'm guessing he hasn't had much of a chance to look at the car. I spoke to him briefly yesterday where he told me that my chain guides were worn (which I sort of expected) but I'm guessing I've got a while to go before I get the car back :( Still, Xmas and New Year should help take my mind off it.


A couple more bits and pieces are in the pipeline, so watch this space!

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Very nice! Look forward to the updates, You could ask Vince to send you a headrest cover from your old seats for matching? They come off quite easily

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Very nice! Look forward to the updates, You could ask Vince to send you a headrest cover from your old seats for matching? They come off quite easily



That's exactly what I'm doing in January, sending my headrest cover off for colour match to re-do my beige leather as I've had the bolsters repaired, and it's obviously not quite a colour match. Furniture clinic have had good reviews, and that's who I'm planning on using.

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The interior on this car is superb as it is but throw some Recaros into the equation and its next level time…

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Thanks guys. I didn't think of getting the headrest cover - good idea! I'll speak to Vince and ask him to send it over. The trimmers aren't free until the New Year though so I have a bit of time on my side.


Sean - Do you mean the leather paint from Furniture Clinic? I've used them before, they have Corrado beige listed already and it's a pretty good colour match. Depends on how much of a perfectionist you are though :)


My existing front seats will be for sale soon, no idea what I'd get for them but if anyone reading this is interested then let me know so you can secure them early!

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Nothing nicer than freshly covered Recaros!


You will find yourself choosing jeans with no metal tags!


Good find buddy

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Decided to go double DIN. There doesn't seem to be much info around about how to fit but will give it a go and document. Decided to go for this, apologies for the crap pic:




Pioneer AVIC F950DAB


Built in sat nav, DVD, DAB, as well as lots of other stuff I probably will rarely use. I originally wanted to get a VW MFD but fancied something more modern in the end. I think it will look alright once in. I have a spare dash centre console to hack up, but need the car back to see what the depth is like.


Btw my corrado has been at stealth for 3 months now :( all this waiting is making me buy stuff I can't fit!

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Just a teaser... Don't rememeber it sitting so high on the front, but these things can be sorted ;)



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Looks like the Stealth boys have been busy :) Was only there a month or so ago and the engine was nowhere near being put back together! :)

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I like that, will be interesting to see how it looks once fitted and in use :)


Sorry, didn't see this reply before. Thanks, haven't got round to hacking up the spare dash cage thing yet as I need my car back to measure the heater controls. Will update once it's in - worried slightly about the heater control cables but hopefully there's enough play to move them down slightly...


That sound's like a right wee beastie Nick hat's off mate can't wait to see it completed


Thanks James, It's a shame I won't be seeing you again for a while until your car is done but it gives me more time to get everything else sorted out :norty:


Looks like the Stealth boys have been busy :) Was only there a month or so ago and the engine was nowhere near being put back together! :)


It's been a long time coming! I'll post a full update with all details when I get it back, but you were there when I dropped it off so you'll have an idea of how agonising the wait has been! I think I must have read your review on the Stealth thread & Sprinter about a million times :lol:




Had to be done! :D

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