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Corrado Heat Shield Hood Liner (New Group Buy)

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  strimmer said:
These look good, I'll have one without emblem. I have an early 16V, will I need the G60?


Im not sure, best if you check










Many Thanks to everyone that has expressed an interest; I’ve added a list on the first page


There is enough to get this moving so I’ll be looking to place an order at the end of next week, if those that aren’t sure what type there interested in can let me know before then it would helpful and will ensure that a correct one is available for you

Edited by Southie

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New to the forum so not sure how the group buys are managed. Please put me down for a VR6 version, no logo.

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Already expressed interest earlier in the post, just wasn't sure which one at the time.


But can you put my name down for a


VR6, No Logo



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Stick me down for a G60 set please! Unsure about the emblem or not - anyone got a photo of a set fitted with the emblem?


Just for others thinking about it - ive got an early 16v and the bonnet looks to be the same as the G60. Double check first, but im taking the gamble!

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VR6 set with no logo for me, please.


Had a coolant leak a while back and a huge chunk of the factory foam disintegrated! At least I now know how to remove it..!



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One set for vr6 no logo please for me , uk delivery.

Also what is the dead line for orders? Cos I know a lot of owners from Poland who possibly would like to order some. I will pay for them and after I will sort out the money between us. And will the be able to post one batch to Poland if I will find more than 10 customers? If not i will take them with me in summer time.


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List updated,


VR6Pete, derbik, im just checking the price for 40 liners (35 VR6's and 5 G60's) and will hopefuly have placed the order within the next couple of days


So that leaves 2 VR6 liners left anyone would like to reserve them


Ill ask for payment once i know what the import duty will be and there in my hands


Thanks Steve

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It might be worth setting a final date for order on the first post, say the 30 April, gives abit more time for some more owners to express interest and hopefully get some more discount. just a thaught



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